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Find ONE word to complete the following sentences

Exercise 1.
A few decades ago, entry to university meant studying a strictly academic subject -a science, or perhaps
literature, a foreign language or the classics. These days, (1) ________ education establishments offer
every conceivable subject from Chinese medicine to crime scene science. In Britain, this trend coincided
with a dramatic increase in the (2) ________ of universities and more relaxed entry requirements, (3)
________ more students to experience tertiary education. Many feared these measures would result in a (4)
________ down of degree-level courses and the press seized every opportunity to ridicule such courses. The
creation in 1999 of a bachelor’s degree in surfing studies was taken as the ultimate proof that universities
were prepared to give (5)_______ in anything in an attempt to attract young people, thereby
(6)_______Britain’s academic reputation. In reality, the course, run by Plymouth University in South-West
England, is highly scientific, and the curriculum is (7)_______ including oceanography, meteorology,
materials technology and business management. Students on this course and other seemingly more practical
courses have (8) ________ performed better in tests than those doing straight science degrees. Far from
having an adverse effect on higher education, these new disciplines (9)_______ students and aid learning by
offering the opportunity to (10)_______theoretical knowledge directly. Many of today’s graduates have a
broad base of knowledge and are well placed to enter the job market.
1. higher
Note: ( câu này Hằng điền tertiary nhưng ko có đáp án mở nên cô ko cho điểm nhé)
2. number
3. allowing
4. dumbing
Note: dumbing down (n- disapproving): the act of making st less educational or making it easier for sb to understand
5. degrees
6. ruining
7. demanding (yêu cầu, đòi hỏi cao)
8. actually
9. motivate
10. apply
Exercise 2:
June 8th is World Oceans Day – an idea instituted by the United Nations to celebrate and protect our natural
heritage. Just as our own central nervous 1)______ controls every part of our body, so the oceans control
every part of our planet. They regulate climate, weather and ecosystems.
Unfortunately, human activities have led to pollution and the destruction of marine habitats. Another result
of human 2)______ in the natural environment is climate change with its accompanying extreme weather
3)______. A rise in greenhouse gas emissions has led to an increase in global temperatures and as a
consequence sea levels have risen. Plastic pollution is also a big issue.
In 2016, as 4)______ of World Oceans Day, thousands of people took part in ‘the better bag challenge’ and
promised to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 80 per cent of plastic rubbish 5)______ on land ends
up in the sea, usually washed there via 6)______ – where rivers empty into the sea. You may have seen such
debris washed up onto your local beach at low 7)______. Most plastic bags are made of polyethene – a
8)______ compound which is not biodegradable. Plastic bags break down into tiny visible 9)______, which
are ingested by fish and marine mammals. ‘The better bag challenge’ aims to halt this devastating process
and give new 10)______ to our oceans.
1. system
2. intervention
3. conditions
4. part
5. produced
6. estuaries
Note: Estuary | ˈestʃʊəri | (n): a wide part of a river where it flows into the sea  cửa sông
7. tide
8. chemical
9. particles
Note: particle (n): very small piece of st
10. life
II. Give the correct form of words
Exercise 1
A bizarre tradition

In Spain an (1. Reverentirreverent)_______ and light- hearted ceremony called EI Entierro de la

Sardina - literally, the (2. Buryburial) _______of the sardine - takes place every year. A large number of
people, including men dressed up as weeping widows with the typical black Spanish lace veil covering their
heads, gather for the (3. Observe observance)_________of this centuries-old tradition in which a dead
sardine, or the (4. Like likeness) of one, is cremated.

This (5. Satiresatirical) ceremony takes the form of a funeral procession in which the sardine is paraded
around the city streets in a coffin before it is (6. Ceremony ceremonially) _______ burnt. The coffin is
adorned with palm fronds, flowers and other (7. Offer offerings). The death of the sardine represents the
end of the (8. Festival festive)_______ carnival season and the beginning of the Easter fast

- (ir)reverent | ˈrevərənt | (a): showing great/no respect and admiration

 reverence for sb/st
- Observance (n): the act performed as part of a religious or traditional ceremony  sự làm lễ
Eg: religious observance
- (non)observance of st : the practice of (not) obeying a law
- Likeness (n): resemblance
- Satire (n) : the act of using humor to criticize someone’s faults or weakness  sự châm biếm
 satirical (a)
- Ceremonial Vs ceremonious
+ Ceremonial (a): relating to a ceremony  mang tính nghi lễ
+ ceremonious (a- formal): behaving or performed in an extremely formal way  kiểu cách, khách sáo
- Offering(n): something that is given to a God
Exercise 2
1. She underwent a heart ________ in a last-ditch attempt to save her. (PLANT) transplant
 to transplant st (from sb) (into sb): to take an organ from one person to put it into another  cấy ghép
2. The cold has made already ________ living conditions even worse. (STANDARD) substandard
Substandard (a): not as good as nommal
Eg: substandard goods : hàng ko đạt chuẩn
3. Hospitals are on _____ ready to deal with casualties being flown in from the crash site. (STAND) standby
 on standby (phr): ready to do st immediately if needed (trong tình trạng sẵn sàng để sử dụng bất cứ lúc nào)
4. The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to ________ the witness to address facts brought out in
redirect examination. (EXAMINE) cross-examine
 To cross- examine: to question sb about answers they have given in court  đối chất tại phiên tòa
5. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather than
________ murder. (MEDITATE) premeditated
 to meditate st (formal): to contemplate st: to consider st
 (Un)premeditated (a) | ˌpriːˈmedɪteɪt |: (of a crime or bad action) (not) planned in advance
6. An entire society was _______ and destroyed, vanishing into the high mountains never to return. (ROOT)
 to uproot st: to remove st
7. Women are caught in a double bind, ________ in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under
excessive pressure to be perfect if they are. (MARGIN) marginalized
 Marginalized (a): (of a person) be treated as not important  bi ruồng bỏ
8. Coffee houses flourished as meeting points for endless discussions of the latest news, indulging in
raucous ________ (AGREE) and for the ________ (LUCRE) business of buying and selling insurance
ships, stocks and commodities. disagreements / lucrative
lucre | ˈluːkə | (n- disapproving): money obtained in a dishonest way  lợi lộc
 lucrative (a) | ˈluːkrətɪv |: making a large profit  lợi nhuận
9. In 1988 there were several well-publicised cases of young people committing suicide apparently because
of ________ love (QUIT)unrequited love
 Unrequited (a- formal): (of love) not returned by the person that you love
10. Racial hatred has been a powerful ________ in the country's history. (CURRENT) undercurrent
 undercurrent of st (n): undertone of st: a feeling, especially a negative one, that is hidden but whose
effects are felt.
11. The earliest written records were simply ________ representations of natural objects, such as birds and
animals. (PICTURE) pictorial
 Pictorial (a): using or containing pictures
12. The ________ on the stone tablet has been rubbed away by the hands of countless tourists over the
centuries. (SCRIPT) Inscription
Inscription (n): words written in stone or metal

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