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YOUTH CLIMATE CONCLAVE 2020 -Blogging Contest


Sustainability is that the development should take place without damaging the
environment and development in the present should not compromise with the needs of the
future generations. Suppose for the present that a particular country is quite developed. We
would certainly like this level of development to go up further or at least be maintained for
future generations. This is obviously desirable. However, since the second half of the
twentieth century, a number of scientists have been warning that the present type, and
levels, of development are not sustainable.
We need to realise that not only have we received our earth from our forefathers but also
borrowed it from our future generations, hence it is our responsibility to conserve it.
Sustainable lifestyle is a topic which needs very much emphasis since the issue of
sustainability is no longer country or region specific, the future of humans is interlinked
with each other. Groundwater is a renewable resource but we are overusing it than what it
is being replenished. Recent evidence suggests that in India the groundwater is under
serious threat of overuse in many parts of the country. About 300 districts have reported a
water level decline of over 4 metres during the past 20 years. Nearly one-third of the
country is overusing their groundwater reserves. In another 25 years, 60 per cent of the
country would be doing the same if the present way of using this resource continues. Taking
another example, crude oil that we extract from the earth is a non- renewable resource. If
people continue to extract it at the present rate, The reserves would last only 53 years more.
Resources are vital for human survival as well as for maintaining the quality of life. It was
believed that resources are free gifts of nature. As a result, human beings used them
indiscriminately and this has led to the major problems like -1.Depletion of resources for
satisfying the greed of few individuals. 2. Accumulation of resources in few hands, which,
in turn, divided the society into two segments i.e. haves and have nots or rich and poor.
3.Indiscriminate exploitation of resources has led to global ecological crises such as, global
warming, ozone layer depletion, environmental pollution and land degradation.
The Sustainable Development Goals stress upon end of poverty and hunger, improved
nutrition, promotion of sustainable agriculture, healthy lives, quality education, gender
equality, women empowerment, lifelong opportunities for all and access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern energy and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all.
An equitable distribution of resources has become essential for a sustained quality of life
and global peace. If the present trend of resource depletion by a few individuals and
countries continues, the future of our planet is in danger. Therefore, resource planning is
essential for sustainable existence of all forms of life. Sustainable existence is a component
of sustainable development. Thus, we conclude that sustainable existence and lifestyle is the
need of the hour.


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