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TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 1

publication date May 23, 2022


Tran Thi My Chi

content editing support


Articles that use works of art by

Tran Thi My Chi


Theresa xanh

Contact Details


Editor’s Note

Tran Thi My Chi

The magazine you are reading is the only personal journal: Tran Thi My Chi
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 2

The suicides among students are now at an alarming rate. One of the big reasons is that they
are under too much pressure about study, life pressure, ... leading to stress, Psychological
trauma, depression

Tomorrow morning's magazine is my own story. A victim of depression and overcame it.
Through this magazine I want to share my experiences. Aim to direct the reader to a better
The magazine consists of 4major parts
Focus: includes 2 articles connecting. The first one is "I am a victim of depression". Includes the
causes, my experience in depression and how I overcame it. The second lesson is “the mistake of youth.”
about things I have committed in the past. And the things I missed.

status: articles about today's youth: for example, love, study, work...

Review: includes 4 different categories

Music philosophy
Literary Section
Movie category
Category chat together.

positive look:3new beautiful things.

a new better day

Hope this magazine will bring you satisfaction.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 3

Tableof contents

1. I was a victim of depression

2.the mistake of youth

1.opportunity is always with me.

2. It's never too late to study.

3.Current status of youth .

1 music philosophy.

2. literary.

3new beautiful things

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 4


I was a victim of depressio

No green tree is naturally green, it has to go through a process of changing weather. And not
having to study abroad is happy. Not every study abroad will make natural ability will be good
without any effort. You will have to deal with cultural differences, shock and struggle to adapt to
it. You will have to work harder with what you think or you will fall down the cliff.
Perhaps there are many people who think studying abroad is happy. overseas Vietnamese- the
name sounds very luxurious. I used to think like that and then fell into depression for a while.
At an inexperienced age of life skills, he had to live in a foreign country. I have to take care of
everything on my own, from cooking, washing clothes to taking care of myself when I'm sick...
Moreover, many courses with difficult materials make it difficult for me to keep up, so I am often
stressed and inhibited. poor foreign language ability, cultural differences, so they can't adapt to
the new environment, studying is too heavy, economic pressure and especially the expectations
of themselves and their families with the "brand" of tourism. students. all of that drives me
crazy. I don't know what to do or where to start. Everything is so overwhelming I have times
when I feel like I'm suffocating. And that cycle of fear has turned me from a sensitive, sociable
girl to becoming a victim of depression without knowing when it started.

Language barriers and cultural differences.

The lectures in the lecture hall with many excellent students and lecturers saying "quickly like
the wind" became an obsession for me. I did not understand what the teacher said, nor could I
express what I thought to others. I was afraid to study, truanted, Always felt like I was inferior
and did not dare to communicate with others and live a closed life.
Gradually I became used to truancy and being alone. Make friends with plants and animals
instead of people. I feel that me and it have a similarity to become friends. We are all unable to
explain what we want to others to hear and understand.

Pressure from family and burden from the name "overseas student"

I once confided in my parents that I could not fit in because of the language. But you know what
the answer I got? "It's been so long and you still can't speak English? 6 months before my
sister, she was fluent in English." That's what my mother told me. Although she did not mean
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 5

ill, she comforted and encouraged me a lot. But with the mentality of someone who is unstable,
I always think about this sentence. And it once again forced me to close myself. I no longer
share with my family. Quietly let the day pass.
When interacting with relatives and friends in Vietnam. carrying the prejudice of society is the
label "overseas student". Everyone thinks that international students are very talented. So I
was very scared and did not dare to contact them.

Heavy curriculum

My poor level of English prevented me from keeping up with my friends. There were periods of
staying awake for nearly a month because of fear of not being able to do the homework in time.
At the end of the exam, I was born with a weight loss of 3kg, a dull person, no feeling when
eating and scared every time I see the lecture hall.

Why are you thinking to that extent? Try to think. If you read an exercise and you don't
understand what the topic is saying, how can you do it? You think I can use google translate to
understand it right? But actually google translate it can't translate everything correctly. And you
try to imagine. In the classroom, everyone discussed happily, while I did not understand what
they were saying and sometimes the exercises the instructor did in class I did not understand at
all. Instead of reading and understanding a topic of friends, it only takes 5 minutes. It took me
over 30 minutes to understand it and there were even times where it took me a whole day to
understand it. When doing homework instead of thinking and typing. Again, it took me a while
to read the documents. It's not just a matter of reading time. I also had to translate it to read
and understand. And then I wrote an article in Vietnamese and translated it again to submit it.
Bla bla…
When I was still confused because I did not understand what the teacher was saying, the boy
raised his hand to answer.
I'm embarrass.
When the whole group burst into laughter because of a Japanese friend's statement, only I
showed the face "Wow, what are you guys laughing at?".
Did you feel the part right? But that's just one of the pressures. A lot more.
Last semester, I did not pass 2 subjects because I did not have enough marks as required. I
was scared and embarrassed with my friends when I was formerly the "idol" of many students in
the same high school, a quick-talker was now stuck in 2 subjects in a row. And I was afraid that I
didn't know myself. When will the program be completed?
Expression of depression
I seem to give up everything. Winter vacation lasted 3 weeks, I bought a lot of food to reserve.
Only when I was hungry did I come out. The rest of the time, I lock myself in my room, lie in bed
and read love novels. I used to hate Chinese language, but somehow, at that moment, it
became a shelter for me to hide from reality. I wandered in the fantasy world, from noon to
night, from night to morning, slept for about 4 hours until almost noon, and then continued to
wander until near morning. The cycle repeats every day. No contact with anyone. Don't talk to
anyone. Only memorable romances, brilliant people, a happy final life that soothed my heart,
took my hand away from the real world.
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 6

Every time I was forced to leave the house to find a source of life support, I felt bored. Every
time I go to the supermarket, I see the train station. Unconsciously, seeing the railway track, the
sound of the train rumbling, I suddenly had a desire to jump off. And I wonder if it will hurt, I
don't know if I can die right away, I don't know where I will be reincarnated. By suicide, do I
have the right to be reincarnated as a human? I was thinking like that, but I didn't dare to dance.
I want to die but I don't have the guts to jump. It was a failure.

Journey through depression

I stayed in that depression until one day. In one go with a friend. I suddenly met a scene where
a mother and a baby were living in a squalid hut. Roughly built with plastic sheets on the side of
the road. I suddenly realized that I was luckier than many people. I thought again at the
purpose I came here for? Remember the first day you left and think about the future.
I tried my best to study abroad in the Philippines. However, when I got it, I forgot, I was easily
knocked down by the outside world, and then I was not strong enough to get up. If I continue
like this, until I return home in the form of a loser, how will my mother be disappointed, how will
those who despise me gloat. Come to think of it, I know I have to change. . And the first thing
to change is the right side to thicken. In class, I began to actively participate in speaking. I can't
hear it, I can say it wrong, but it's important that I say it. Talk until people understand what I
mean. At home, I turned on the TV, watched game shows, turned on the Japanese sub for the
deaf, trying to listen and understand the content at the same time. I actively make friends with a
Japanese doctor, and every weekend, I meet with him to practice communication and cultural
exchange. I plan to travel. If I can't invite anyone, I'll go alone.
I set up a fanpage called "rice bowl of compassion" and go to charity with my ability. Help those
less fortunate than yourself. Day by day, my fanpage attracts a large number of Vietnamese
people. And now the fanpage has attracted 1456 followers. I feel I have more meaning in life. I
feel my life is beautiful if I know how to use it.

Heading Level 3

Maecenas ullamcorper bibendum consequat. Pellentesque ultrices, eros eu tincidunt

pretium, magna leo volutpat libero, non bibendum diam nunc eget urna. Vivamus eu tortor et dui

aliquam vestibulum at vel augue. Vivamus elit dui, porttitor eget egestas at, rhoncus in justo.

Curabitur tristique, elit ac venenatis volutpat, eros mauris iaculis diam, vitae rhoncus erat metus

vitae eros.

Heading level 4 is inline with the following paragraph, separated by a period. Nulla

congue egestas ante, id ultricies orci dignissim commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu pharetra
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 7

pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat

scelerisque, tortor nulla interdum mauris, ac porttitor odio dolor eget eros.

Second level 4 heading. Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget

risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros

et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero

ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis.

Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien.

Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.

Heading level 5 is also inline. Nulla congue egestas ante, id ultricies orci dignissim

commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu pharetra pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci

vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat scelerisque, tortor nulla interdum mauris, ac

porttitor odio dolor eget eros.

Second level 5 heading. Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget

risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros

et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero

ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis.

Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien.

Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.


Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse

placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras

pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 8

Outcome 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Outcome 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor

in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis

at vero eros et accumsan.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 9


Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after

colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.

Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI (digital object identifier). Main Online Journal

Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159-192.

Lastname, W. (2009). Title of webpage. Site Name. Retrieved July 3, 2019, from

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