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4.3.6 Common Method Bias Test

A common method bias refers to a bias in a set of data that results from other factors apart from

the measurement instrument. That is to say, how respondents respond to the question is attributed

by something other than a construct itself (Podsakoff et al., 2003). To determine if there was a

Common Method Bias; Harman single factor test was conducted on SPSS. Harman single factor

test is among the broadly used methods for assessing the common method bias.

Harman single factor test checks whether the majority of the variance is explained by a single

factor (Podsakoff et al., 2003; Guest et al., 2016; Palos-Sanchez & Saura, 2018). The result from

the test showed a cumulative variance of 42% which is less than 50% an indication that the

majority of the variance is not explained by a single factor.

Table 4. 1: Common Method Bias-Harman Single Factor Test Results


Source: researcher (2019)

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