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The nature of PEST regions

In the early 1980s, we were trying to
PESTsequences and regulation answer a question formulated so el-
egantly by Schimke8. Namely, what prop-
erties of intracellular proteins deter-
by proteolysis mine their more than 1000-fold range in
metabolic stability? Our approach was
to measure the half-lives of proteins of
known X-ray structure after their micro-
injection into HeLa cells. This attempt
Martin Rechsteiner and Scott W. Rogers to correlate protein structure and meta-
bolic stability was producing complicated
In 1986, we proposed that polypeptide sequences enriched in proline (P), answers, so we turned to the inferred
glutamic acid (E), serine (S) and threonine (T) target proteins for rapid sequences of a small number of rapidly
destruction. For much of the past decade there were only sporadic experi- degraded proteins. It became apparent
mental tests of the hypothesis. This situation changed markedly during that sequences from each of these pro-
the past two years with a number of papers providing strong evidence teins (e.g. Myc, Fos, Jun, p53, etc.) con-
that PEST regions do, in fact, serve as proteolytic signals. Here, we briefly tained regions enriched in proline (P),
review the properties of PEST regions and some interesting examples of glutamate (E), serine (S) and threonine
the conditional nature of such signals. Most of the article, however, (T), and that these regions were unin-
focuses on recent experimental support for the hypothesis and on mecha- terrupted by positively charged residues.
nisms responsible for the rapid degradation of proteins that contain PEST To objectively determine whether a
regions. protein contains a PEST region, we
developed a computer program called
PEST-FIND. The algorithm, which is avail-
TIIE CONTINUAL CYCLE of synthesis restricted to a few metabolic enzymes. able in PC/GENE or from the Biomedical
and degradation of proteins within or- Rather, it is a property of many pro- Informatics Unit at http://www.biu.icnet.
ganisms has been known for more than teins, including a host of transcription uk/projects/pest/, defines PEST se-
half a centuryL More than 30 years ago, factors and important cell-cycle regu- quences as hydrophilic stretches of
Schimke2 demonstrated that intracellular lators, such as cyclins3. Numerous stud- amino acids greater than or equal to 12
proteolysis can rapidly extinguish the ies on the ubiquitin-mediated proteo- residues in length. Such regions contain
activity of certain enzymes. However, it lytic pathway have provided insight at least one P, one E or D and one S or T.
has only recently been appreciated that into the biochemical mechanisms re- They are flanked by lysine (K), arginine
proteolysis is a widespread regulatory sponsible for rapid degradation4. In (R) or histidine (H) residues, but posi-
mechanism. Several factors have con- addition, peptide motifs that target pro- tively charged residues are disallowed
tributed to this increased recognition. It teins for destruction have been identi- within the PEST sequence. PEST-FIND
is now clear that rapid turnover is not fied; these include PEST regions 5, produces a score ranging from about
KFERQ motifs~ and the cyclin destruc- -50 to +50. For example, the sequence
tion box 7. These findings have led to KLLPLLELLLSKgenerates a PEST score
M, Rechsteiner is at the Department of increased awareness that proteolysis of -33, and the sequence KEEEESPEEEEK
Biochemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT 84132, USA;and S. W. Rogers is at plays an important role in biochemical scores +33. By definition, a score above
the SLC-VA-GRECCand Department of regulation. Here, we will review evi- zero denotes a possible PEST region,
Neurobiology and Anatomy, Universityof Utah, dence that PEST regions serve as sig- but a value greater than +5 sparks real
Salt Lake City, UT 84132, USA. nals for proteolytic degradation. interest.
9 1996,ElsevierScienceLtd PII: S0968-0004(96) 10031-1 267

Table I, PEST sequences known to function as proteolytic signals enrichment at this position is both in-
teresting and statistically significant. A
Protein Sequence PES~FINDscore few proteins, such as protein phos-
phatase inhibitor I and the yeast tran-
KEWTSLFDNDIPVTTDDVSLADK 1.7 scriptional regulator GCN4, contain ex-
PYDDCVFGGQR PEST sequences are often conditional
Fos KVEQLSPEEEEK 10.1 proteolytic signals
LPLLNDPEPK constitutive proteolytic signals, for ex-
ample, the carboxyl terminus of mouse
are conditional signals, and there are
Cactus KEFAVPNETSDSGFISGPQSSQIFSEEIVPDSEEQDK 7,7 a number of ways to activate them
(see Table II). As discussed in a previ-
ous review 9, one of the most striking
examples is provided by the photo-
CLN3 KDSISPPFAFTPTSSSSSPSPFNSPYK 8.2 period protein, phytochrome. In its dark
form, Pfr67o, the protein has a half-life of
NIMA HSSQMSSSNSEDSDFPSSTDISQLSLESPTNK 12.6 about 100 hours; upon light absorption
the photoconverted Pfr730 is degraded
with a tl/2 of one hour. Light causes
cis-trans isomerization in a linear tetra-
The sequences of several PEST re- The distribution of PEST sequences pyrrole moiety anchored at Cys321. The
gions lmown to be proteolytic signals It can be claimed, only half jokingly, only PEST region in the 1000-residue
are presented in Table I. Clearly, they that PEST sequences are found in all phytochrome is located between amino
can v a ~ considerably in sequence and interesting cellular proteins. They are acids 323 and 361. Based on this re-
in length. Secondary structure algo- present in key metabolic enzymes, tran- markable proximity, we have proposed
rithms do not produce a consistent pat- scription factors, protein kinases, pro- that light absorption exposes the adja-
tern for PEST regions. For example, the tein phosphatases and cyclins. They cent PEST region, thereby initiating
sequences from GCN4, ornithine decar- are also abundant among proteins that degradation 9. Cyclic-AMP-dependent ki-
boxylase (ODC) and IKBe~ shown in give rise to immunogenic peptides pre- nase provides another possible exam-
Table I are predicted to be e~-helical; by sented on MHC I molecules ~ealini, C. ple of conditional PEST regions. Both
contrast, PEST sequences from CLN2, et al., unpublished). Schimke has regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) sub-
CLN3 and NIMA score largely as [3-turns. shown that proteins exhibiting rapid units of cAMP kinase contain PEST se-
The X-ray structures of several PEST- changes in concentration must be quences. The half-life of the R2C2
positive proteins are available. short-lived 8. The presence of a PEST re- tetramer is about ten hours, whereas
Unfortunately, the PEST regions are not gion surely meets this biological re- the dissociated R and C subunits are
resolved, presumably because of their quirement for rapid degradation. Some degraded with a half-life of about one
conformational flexibility even in the proteins contain multiple PEST regions, hour% It seems reasonable to assume
crystal state. It seems quite likely the which can be distributed anywhere that PEST regions are masked in the as-
PEST sequences are solvent-exposed along the polypeptide chain (see Fig. 1). sembled holoenzyme and exposed upon
loops or extensions, based on their They are, however, often present as cAMP-mediated dissociation. Similar con-
hydrophilic nature. carboxy-terminal extensions, and their formational unmasking of a PEST motif
might explain the rapid downregulation
of protein kinase C upon phorbol ester
GCN4 I 1 9 1 I binding 9. There are several examples
IEB(~ in which phosphorylation controls the
metabolic stability of a protein, and it
Fos I seems likely that phosphate addition to
ODC II II serines and threonines will prove to be
Cactus I I I I a widespread mechanism for activating
CLN2 1 t a latent PEST signal. This is discussed
further under pathways responsible for
CLN3 9 9 I degrading PEST proteins.
I I ] I I I I
1O0 200 300 400 500 600 700
Support for the PEST hypothesis
Three kinds of evidence can be pre-
sented in favor of the PEST hypothesis:
Rgure 1
Distribution of sequences enriched for proline, glutamate, serine and threonine in rapidly statistical, mutational and experimental
degraded proteins. The sequences of eight proteins discussed in the text are presented as transfer of PEST sequences. PEST-FIND
long open bars. The location and length of PEST sequences are indicated by red boxes has proved remarkably successful at
within each open bar. The numbers at the bottom denote amino acid residues. identifying rapidly degraded proteins.
T I B S 2 1 - JULY 1996 REVIEWS
By 1991, the sequences of 47 short-lived Table II. PEST sequences as conditional signals
proteins were known to us and 43 of
these contained PEST regions. Less Protein Inducing agent Proteolytic pathway
than 10% of the mammalian proteins in
Phytochrome Light Ubiquitin-26S protease
SWISS-PROTwere PEST-positive. Hence,
the significant enrichment of PEST Fructose-l,6-bisphosphatase Phosphorylation Ubiquitin-26S protease
sequences among rapidly degraded Ornithine decarboxylase Spermidine induces antizyme which 26S protease
proteins provides excellent statistical binds ODC
support for the hypothesis. cAMP dependent protein cAMP results in dissociation ?
Phil Coffino and his colleagues 1~ pro- kinase
vided initial experimental support for nProtein kinase Ce Thyrotropin releasing hormone Calpain
the PEST hypothesis by truncating IKBc~ Many Ubiquitin-26S protease
mouse ODC (mODC) at residue 424; just G1 cyclins Phosphorylation Ubiquitin-26S protease
before the carboxy-terminal PEST re-
gion (see Fig. 1). They found that the
shortened protein was at least tenfold resulting fusion proteins were degraded tested. It has been shown that a-casein
more stable than the native enzyme. as much as 40-fold faster than the and mODC are impervious to prolyl
Naturally or experimentally produced parental DHFR enzyme or DHFR mol- oligopeptidase, indicating that these two
deletions of PEST regions from other ecules bearing non-PEST extensions of PEST-positive proteins, at least, are not
proteins have also resulted in increased equal length. substrates for this protease 27. A corre-
metabolic stability. Deletion of carboxy- Two more-recent papers involve lation between the presence of PEST se-
terminal residues from both yeast and transfer of PEST regions from yeast cy- quences and calpain susceptibility pro-
mammalian cyclins implicate PEST re- clins to metabolically stable proteins. vided circumstantial evidence in favor
gions in proteolytic targeting, as the Salama et a126 appended the carboxyl of calpain as the enzyme that degrades
truncated products are metabolically terminus of CLN2 onto thymidine kinase PEST proteins 28. However, two direct
much more stable 1]-14. and found the chimera to be rapidly de- tests have recently shown that PEST re-
NIMA, a cell cycle regulated protein graded throughout the yeast cell cycle. gions are not responsible for calpain-
kinase from Aspergillus, is also stabi- Furthermore, they showed that removal mediated degradation. Site-directed
lized by removal of a large carboxy- of the most prominent PEST region in mutagenesis of plasma membrane Ca2§
terminal segment that contains two PEST the CLN2 tail stabilized the fusion pro- ATPase, an excellent calpain substrate,
regions 15. Likewise, 1KBc~ and cactus, tein, but the same PEST region, by it- demonstrated that a calmodulin-binding
which are cytoplasmic inhibitors of self, did not impart rapid degradation site is crucial for proteolysis, but two
NF-KB,turn over much slower in the ab- to thymidine kinase. Yaglom et aL 23 nearby PEST regions could be changed
sence of their carboxy-terminal PEST re- grafted 180 amino acids from the car- markedly with little effect on rates of
gions 16-19. The deletion of a 27-residue boxyl terminus of CLN3 onto the amino proteolysis by calpain 29. A similar ap-
PEST sequence from the carboxyl ter- terminus of [3-galactosidase from Escher- proach using c-Fos showed that de-
minus of c-Fos increases its stability ich& coli and found that the resulting letion of three PEST regions did not
considerably2~ Less drastic changes in chimeric protein was rapidly degraded. reduce its proteolysis by calpain 3~
a PEST region can also stabilize a pro- In addition, these authors demon- However, Eto et al. 31 provide consider-
tein. Kornitzer et al. 21 observed that strated that deletions of the residues able evidence that calpain is respon-
single amino acid changes in the 441-478 of CLN3 resulted in significant sible for the intracellular degradation
highest scoring PEST region of GCN4 stabilization of the chimeric protein. of nuclear protein kinase C, an enzyme
significantly inhibited degradation with Furthermore, mutation of Ser468 in the that contains a strong PEST region.
mutation of Thrl05 or Pro106 having CLN3 tail resulted in a fivefold increase Although it might be premature to ex-
the most dramatic effect . The impor- in the half-life of CLN3-[3-galactosidase.clude a role for calpains in the degra-
tance of Thr-Pro or Set-Pro pairs has The two PEST regions in the carboxyl dation of PEST-containing proteins, the
also been observed for the degradation terminus of CLN3 lie between residues available evidence does not favor their
of recombination activator protein 445 and 484. Thus, within the 180-residue involvement.
RAG2 (Ref. 22) and the yeast G1 cyclin tail of CLN3, two contiguous PEST re- A considerable body of evidence sup-
CLN3 (Ref. 23), two proteins in which gions were pinpointed as the major de- ports the idea that PEST sequences tar-
phosphorylation precedes degradation. terminants of rapid degradation. get proteins for degradation by the 26S
Conceivably, Thr-Pro or Ser-Pro pairs proteasome. Because the ubiquitin-26S
are general targets for protein kinases Pathways for degrading PEST proteins proteasome-mediated degradation of the
that initiate degradation. In our original paper 5, we speculated PEST-containing proteins, phytochrome,
Four studies have demonstrated that that proline residues within PEST se- MAT~2 repressor and p53, was covered
PEST regions are transplantable proteo- quences might induce degradation by in an earlier review3, we will just con-
lytic signals. Ghoda et al. 24 transferred proline endopeptidase. We also sug- sider recent reports implicating the 26S
the carboxy-terminal PEST region from gested that calpains might be the pro- proteasome. Using highly purified com-
mODC onto the stable Trypanosoma ODC teases responsible, reasoning that if ponents, Murakami et al. 32 observed
and converted it to a rapidly degraded negatively charged PEST regions bind that degradation of mODC required the
protein. Loetscher et al. 2s transferred Ca2§ they could provide both peptide 26S proteasome and antizyme 33, but not
the same 37 residues onto the amino bonds and a necessary co-factor for ubiquitination. Similarly, it has been
or carboxyl terminus of dihydrofolate proteolysis by the Ca2*-activated pro- shown that unmodified c-Jun is degraded
reductase (DHFR) and found that teases. Both ideas have recently been by the 26S proteasome 34. Most studies

Table III. Peptide motifs that target intracellular proteins for rapid degradation degradation requires IKB~ phosphoryl-
ation on the amino-terminal Ser32 and
Example Protein a Reference Set36 ~efs 17, 38). These modifi-
cations, in turn, are necessary for the
PEST .. HGFPPEVEEQDDGTLPMSCAQE ... mODC 24, 25 attachment of multi-ubiquitin chains to
KFERQ KETAAAKFERQHMDSS ... RNase A 6 Lys20 or Lys21 of IKBa ~efs 39, 40).
Cyclin destruction .. RTALGDIGN ... Cyclin B 7 Presumably, the multi-ubiquitinated NF-
Carboxy-terminal tag .. AANDENYALAA many 45
KB inhibitor is then recognized by s u ~
unit 5a of the 26S proteasome and
rapidly degraded 41. This rather detailed
AQP .. P P P S G A G Q H P Q P Q P P ... EBNA -- picture of IKBa destruction illustrates
pentaleu MHLLLLLGSG ... -- 47 the potential complexi~ of proteol~ic-
PB29 MHSWNFKLYVMGSG ... -- 47 targeting reactions.
aAbbreviations used: m O D C , m o u s e ornithine decarboxylase; EBNA, Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen;
Hsp, heat shock protein. Recognition of PEST sequences
We still do not know how PEST se-
quences are recognized. The common
report, however, that degradation of A number of laboratories have con- properties identified by the PEST-HND
PEST-positive substrates requires their tributed to our detailed knowledge of algorithm might be sufficient to elicit
prior ubiquitination or depends upon a IKBc~ destruction, which is, by far, the binding to a single proteol~ic factor.
functional ubiquitin pathway. For exam- most extensively characterized proteo- Alternatively, individual PEST regions
" pie, growth of yeast on glycerol induces l~ic substrate containing a PEST se- might be recognized by specific mem-
the gluconeogenic enzyme, fructose- quence. IKBr and cactus bind the tran- bers within a family of proteol~ic
1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), which con- scriptional activator NF-KBand prevent factors. In this regard, an expanding
tains a low scoring amino-terminal PEST it from entering the nucleus. A variety number of HECT-domain proteins of the
sequence. Addition of glucose to the of signaling events can induce rapid ubiquitin-mediated degradative path-
growth medium causes phosphorylation degradation of IKBu thereby liberating way could serve as PEST-recognition
within the PEST region and rapid de- NF-KBas a transcriptional factor (for re- factors 42. Although it seems logical to
struction of FBPase soon follows. This view, see Ref. 37). Excess IKB~ mol- look among ubiquitin pathways for
occurs by the ubiquitin-26S proteasome ecules that do not form complexes with components that recognize PEST se-
pathway, as shown by the transient ap- NF-KBare also subjected to proteolysis. quences, one cannot exclude the possi-
pearance of FBPase attached to multi- It is not clear if the same proteol~ic bility that PEST regions are recognized
ubiquitin chains and by its dependence pathway is responsible for both consti- by protein kinases. Phosphorylation
on three ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes tutive and signal-induced degradation could either result in direct recognition
(Ubcl, Ubc4 and Ubc5) and a function- of IKBc~. of the substrate by the 26S protease
ing 26S proteasome 3s. Two groups have Moreover, controversy surrounds the or the attachment of multi-ubiquitin
demonstrated that degradation of c-Fos role of the carboxy-terminal PEST re- chains and subsequent binding of the
occurs by the ubiquitin-26S protea- gion of IKB~ in signal-induced degra- ubiquitinated protein to the proteol~ic
some pathway, although there are dif- dation; it seems clear, however, that the complex. Alternatively, phosphoryl-
ferences in the ubiquitin components PEST sequence is important for the ation of PEST sequences might induce
identified 20,36. constitutive pathway. Signal-induced conformational changes that expose
other regions of the substrate for inter-
action with proteol~ic components.
IT'5 WRoTTeN ALL OVs YOU! Other proteolytic signals
Peptide motifs besides PEST se-
quences can target proteins for rapid
degradation (see Table III). Glotzer et all
identified a short region in cyclin B that
is required for its rapid degradation at
mitosis. Sequences similar to the cyclin
Obe.o,.,o' destruction box have been identified in
several rapidly degraded proteins, and
mutations in or deletion of the destruc-
tion box stabilized these proteins43 ,44.
Sauer and his colleagues4s have recently
described a remarkable peptide-targeting
motif in Escherichia coil A hydrophobic
11-residue peptide tail is added to the
carboxyl terminus of nascent polypep-
tide chains by co-translational switching
of ribosomes from damaged messenger
RNAs to a 362-nucleotide RNA called
the ssrA transcript. The tagged protein
is then degraded by a tail-specific pro- dues extinguish the signal? Do internal 22 Lin, W-C. and besiderio, S. (1993) Science 260,
tease 46. Sadis et al. 47 have reported two histidines influence recognition? Must a 953-959
23 Yaglom, J. et al. (1995) Mol. Cell. Biol. 15,
amino acid motifs that function as syn- PEST region contain a glutamate/aspar- 731-741
thetic signals for ubiquitin-dependent tate or would phosphorylation of serine 24 Ghoda, L. et al. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265,
proteolysis. One of these is similar to and threonine be sufficient to convert 11823-11826
25 Loetscher, P., Pratt, G. and Rechsteiner, M.
sequences in the short-lived MAT~2 re- a PST region lacking E to a proteolytic
(1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 11213-11220
pressor, whereas the other is penta- signal? At present, answers to the 26 Salama, S. R., Hendricks, K. B. and Thorner, J.
leucine. Realini and colleagues48 have questions posed above are not avail- (1994) Mol. Cell. Biol. 14, 7953-7966
proposed that a highly charged peptide able. To some this might be considered 27 Goossens, F. et al. (1995) Eur. J. Biochem.
233, 432-441
motif consisting of alternating lysine a sad state of affairs; for those who love 28 Wang, K. K. W., Villalobo, A. and Roufogalis, B.
and glutamic acid residues, a KEKE re- to experiment, so much the better! D. (1989) Biochem. J. 262, 693-706
gion, is important for presentation of 29 Molinari, M., Anagli, J. and Carafoli, E. (1995)
antigenic peptides on MHC I molecules. References J. BioL Chem. 270, 2032-2035
I Schoenheimer, R. (1942) The Dynamic State of 30 Carillos, S. et al. (1996) Biochem. J. 313,
Sequence examination of 260 full-length 245-251
Body Constituents, Harvard University Press
precursors to presented peptides has 31 Eto, A. et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270,
2 Schimke, R. T. (1964) J. Biol. Chem. 239,
revealed a striking enrichment for PEST 3808-3817 25115-25120
sequences (28%), KEKE motifs (16%) 3 Rechsteiner, M. (1991) Cell 66, 615-618 32 Murakami, Y. et al. (1992) Nature 360,
4 Hershko, A. and Ciechanover, A. (1992) Annu. 597-599
and AQP motifs (23%). It seems reason- 33 Hayashi, S-I., Murakami, Y. and Matsufuji, S.
Rev. Biochem. 61, 761-807
able to suppose that rapidly degraded, 5 Rogers, S., Wells, R. and Rechsteiner, M. (1996) Trends Biochem. Sci. 21, 27-30
rather than stable, proteins are more (1986) Science 234, 364-368 34 JarieI-Encontre, I. et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem.
likely to generate immunogenic pep- 6 Dice, J. F. (1990) Trends Biochem. Sci. 15, 270, 11623-11627
305-309 35 Schork, S. M., Thumm, M. and Wolf, D. H.
tides. If this is true, each motif might (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 26446-26450
7 Glotzer, M., Murray, A. W. and Kirschner, M. W.
function as a proteolytic signal. (1991) Nature 349, 132-138 36 Stancovski, I. et al. (1995) Mol. Cell. Biol. 15,
8 Schimke, R. T. (1973) Adv. Enzymol. 37, 7106-7116
Future directions 135-185 37 Verma, I. M. et al. (1995) Genes Dev. 9,
9 Rechsteiner, M. (1990) Semin. Cell Biol. 1, 2723-2735
So, after ten years, experimental sup- 433-440 38 Traenckner, E. B-M. et al. (1995) EMBO J. 14,
port for the PEST hypothesis is robust 10 Ghoda, L. eta/. (1989) Science 243, 2876-2883
and growing. Still, there are a number 1493-1495 39 Scherer, D. C. et al. (1995) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci.
11 Cross, F. R. (1988) Mol. Cell. Biol. 8, USA 92, 11259-11263
of unresolved issues. Foremost among 40 Baldi, L., Brown, K., Franzoso, G. and
them is whether the 26S proteasome is 12 Richardson, H. E., Wittenberg, C., Cross, F. and Siebenlist, U. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271,
the only enzyme that degrades PEST Reed, S. I. (1989) Cell 59, 1127-1133 376-379
proteins. Should the caipains really be 13 Tyers, M., Tokiwa, G., Nash, R. and Futcher, B. 41 Deveraux, Q., Ustrell, V., Pickart, C. and
(1992) EMBO J. 11, 1773-1784 Rechsteiner, M. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269,
dismissed as participants? A second 7059-7061
14 Bai, C., Richman, R. and Elledge, S. J. (1994)
mechanistic question revolves around EMBO J. 13, 6087-6098 42 Huibregtse, J. M., Scheffner, M., Beaudenon, S.
the recognition of PEST sequences. How 15 Pu, R. T. and Osmani, S. A. (1995) EMBO J. 14, and Howley, P, M. (1995) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci.
many PEST proteins are recognized di- 995-1003 USA 92, 2563-2567
16 Belvin, M. P., Jin, Y. and Anderson, K. V. (1995) 43 Galan, J. M., Volland, C., Urban-Grimal,D. and
rectly by the 26S proteasome? Which Genes Dev. 9,783-793 Haguenauer-Tsapis, R. (1994) Biochem.
proteasome subunits are involved? 17 Brown, K. et al. (1995) Science 267, Biophys. Res. Commun. 201, 769-775
Which components of the ubiquitin- 1485-1488 44 Kaplon, T. and Jacquet, M. (1995) J. Biol.
marking pathway bind PEST sequences? 18 Rodriguez, M. S., Michalopoulos, I., Chem. 270, 20742-20747
Arenzana-Seisedos, F. and Hay, R. T. (1995) 45 Keller, K. C., Waller, P. R. H. and Sauer, R. T.
E2s? HECT-domain proteins? Others? Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 2413-2419 (1996) Science 271, 990-993
An exact description of what consti- 19 Whiteside, S. T. et al. (1995) Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 46 Keller, K. C. and Sauer, R. T. (1995) J. Biol.
tutes a PEST region is a second broad 5339-5345 Chem. 270, 28864-28868
20 Tsurumi, C. et al. (1995) MoI. Cell. Biol. 15, 47 Sadis, S., Atienza, C., Jr and Finley, D. (1995)
area of uncertainty. For example, would 5682-5687 Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 4086-4094
a single lysine or arginine in the midst 21 Kornitzer, D., Raboy, B., Kutka, R. G. and 48 Realini, C., Rogers, S. W. and Rechsteiner, M.
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In the July Issue of Trends in Genetics

A special feature on the completion of the Yeast Genome Sequence
The first eukaryotic genome has been sequenced, that of the yeast Saccharomyces cere-
visiae. This scientific milestone is marked by several articles in the July issue of Trends in
Genetics. Three researchers discuss some of the next steps for yeast research: Stephen Oliver
describes Eurofan, a European network of yeast labs that has evolved from the consortium
involved in the genome project, and whose aim is now systematic functional analysis of the
genome; Mark Johnston discusses how systematic approaches might best be combined with
more traditional 'ad hoc' approaches; and Chris Sander examines the role of bioinformatics
in the journey from sequence to function. In a review, Bernard Dujon describes the yeast gen-
ome project and its history and summarizes the surprises that have immediately emerged
from the data. There is also a poster that highlights this information as well as other aspects
of the project. Finally, yeast resources on the Internet are the subject of Genetwork.
To purchase the poster or the July issue of Trends in Genetics please contact (single issue for personal use US$29/s
10 copies of the poster US$48/s


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