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Today, we live in turbulent times and compacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of mental health
is not only relevant but very crucial.

Mental health is more than the presence or absence of a mental illness. It is a crossroad between
emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.

This year, many people have faced serious challenges to their mental health. Along with the health
impacts of the disease, COVID-19 has led to, self and social isolation, disconnection from family and
friends, quarantine and lockdowns on movement resulting in more people than ever experiencing
feelings of helplessness, isolation, grief, anxiety and depression.

The pandemic is not the only factor that affects our mental health. Disinformation/ misinformation and
fake news has also dangers and can have a huge impact on our mental health. With the flood of content,
we wade through daily, especially on social media, it’s easy to get lost in deciphering what’s accurate
information, misinformation, and disinformation. As we’ve learned in the pandemic, this can take a toll
on our many aspects of our health, including our mental state.

“Every problem has its own solution” indeed every problem has a solution, although it may not be the
outcome that was originally hoped for or expected. And due to the rise of mental illness here on our
country, there are a lot of ways to cope up with different mental illness and also ways to improve our
mental health during the covid-19 outbreak.

But before I’m going to present my e-poster, I’m going to introduce myself first. So, Hello everyone! My
name is Darwin Jay L. Sang-an and I’m your school nurse mental health advocate. Since you already have
a background information about our topic for today, I want you to look on the poster I have made.

The poster in front of you shows a student reading with a green shield in front of the book and a tree
growing in her head with healthy leaves and blooming flowers. In the center of the tree, a light bulb that
contains a brain was shown. We can also see orbs that shows activities and actions a human can do.
There are also hands holding a gadget that contains the word “FAKE NEWS” with negative emoticons
below and “COVID 19” with figures of viruses below. Above the poster, we can see a purple banner with
a written quote saying, “A healthy mind holds a healthy soul and body” Now that we have already
describe what’s inside my e-poster. I will now give the meaning of each one of it.

Now let’s start with the student holding and reading a book. In this figure, it implies that reading books
can keep your mind active and it reduces stress and helps you relax. Reading is also a way to
concentrate and will limit your worry and agitation by lessening the time spent using gadgets listening to
media coverage that perceive as upsetting.

Next is the hands holding a gadget that contains the word “FAKE NEWS” with negative emoticons below
and “COVID 19” with figures of viruses below, this figure only implies that these are some current
factors that causes mental illness. As what I have said earlier, The COVID-19 public health crisis has led
to a spike in known risk factors for mental health conditions. Most general public research link COVID-19
to increased symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Panic buying, binge-watching TV, and other
unhealthy behaviors have been reported. Increased social media use, which is also reported, ups the
odds of anxiety and combined depression with anxiety. Quarantine can contribute to stress and anger
and may also prompt behaviors such as online gambling.  

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