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Position Paper

Commitee :

Topic : Gender Inequality : Agree with LGBTQ Community or Not

Country : Philippines

Delegate :

In the past years, significant progress has been made in the recognition of the human rights of
LGBTIQ people in the Philippines, and these issues enjoy broad political support. However,
LGBTIQ people still face barriers to full equality. Several cities and provinces in the Philippines
have specific laws protecting LGBTIQ people from discrimination. In 2017, the Anti-
Discrimination Bill, which would have banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
and gender identity, passed the House of Representatives unanimously; however, in 2019, it did
not pass the Senate due to stalling tactics by conservative senators. Senators have already
proposed new bills aimed at protecting LGBTIQ people. Societal tolerance of LGBTIQ people is
high, even though some religious leaders publicly denounce same-sex relations as immoral.
LGBTIQ representation in the media tends to be accurate and sympathetic, even as LGBTIQ
people are underrepresented in political and business leadership positions. Despite pushback
from conservative politicians and religious leaders, there are many LGBTIQ organizations which
work towards the legalization of same-sex marriage, legal gender recognition, and a nationwide
anti-discrimination bill.

In 2020, gender awareness has increased in our society today. In the Philippines alone, more
members of the community are recognized and celebrated for their skills and expertise in their
respective fields. But despite progress, more often than not, much of the awareness still comes
at the expense of LGBTQ+ members experiencing discrimination, even violence. Despite ranking
as the 10th most LGBTQ-friendly country in the world, the Philippines – the Filipino LBGTQ+
community believes – has yet to become a genuinely gender-inclusive country. Discrimination
remains rampant at home, in the workplace, and in public spaces. One of the most common
myths about the LGBTQ+ is that they should act a certain way, that lesbians should act
masculine, gays should act feminine. It’s no secret that gender is a complicated topic, and
therefore demands complex discussions. In a predominantly-Catholic and conservative society
like the Philippines, gender and sexuality are still seen as taboo.

In my opinion as a muslim, I am disagree in LGBTQ+ community because they are not open to
our religion and never been written in the Qur’an to accept them. LBGT is forbidden to Muslims,
the heart and mind of the teachings of Islam is closed about their title. On the other side, they
should be given protection and defended against people who are judgmental of others because
they are also people who seek respect from others and they also have the desire to live in the
world and be known as members of the community. In order to show the walk well I thought of
using the nice things and kindness that everyone should know. Individually, we should take the
responsibility to raise awareness among ourselves. A proactive effort to learn more about these
concepts is a huge step to help better understand our LGBTQ+ friends and family. Keeping this in
mind, in every undertakings we overcome there will always be consequences. This matter needs
to be well understood because no matter what gender we have we shall always remember to
love and care for one another.

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