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Raymart E.



Technology for Teaching and Learning 1



The portfolio act as the record and documents of the child's process of learning; what the child
has learned throughout their learning process. In addition, it is a tool that will encourage and motivate
the students to take more responsible over their learning process. Portfolio serves as an assessment task
that students to do for them to know what the learnings they got from the discussion. In making
portfolios, students may know what lessons they excel in, and which is not. By this, they know what they
will do for them to have a progress in a particular subject. By giving this task, teachers can evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of their students, for them to know what teaching strategies or techniques will
be used. So, as a future educator we decided to provide our students a portfolio at the end of the lesson
so that they could compile their learning from prior topics and they could use it as a reviewer.

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