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Critical analysis of NCERT social science textbook Class 6-

THEME– This textbook will help the students to brush up their basic concept of the social
and political life of India. The students will be able to know the meaning or concept about
government, equality, liberty, justice, freedom, unity, panchayati system


 This book is very light to carry and easy to handle by the students.

 The pictures which have used in this book are relevant.

 The language of this book is very easy and simple which are understandable by the

 The coloring pictures have been presented.

 The cover page of this book is clear for the students and colorful.

 The sentences of this book are suitable for the students.

 The quality of the cover page is good.

 The book contains 9 chapters.

 The book contains 80 pages and the pages are of good quality.


Age group: – The target students for this book are of class VI. The age of the students should
fall   between 10 to 12. The book is suitable for the students. According to their age the
number of pictures is suitable.

Relevance– According to their age of the students the contents of this book are all relevant.

Analysis of the chapter: Panchayati Raj

 Title: – The title “Panchayati Raj” is suitable for the whole chapter of the book. It is
clearly and easily understandable by the teacher or students what the chapter will deal
with. Under this heading “Panchayati Raj” the whole chapter is describing the
Panchayati Raj system is going on at the local or village level.

 Sub-Contents:- The main content “Panchayati Raj” is break down into various sub-
content such as- Gram Sabha, the Gram Panchayat and three levels of Panchayat and
all the sub-contents are systematically arranged from simple to complex.

The chapter begins with its first sub-content ‘Gram Sabha’ which is the very first level in
Panchayat system. Here the chapter explain what is Gram Sabha, how gram sabha is form,
who are the members of gram sabha etc. Its helps the children to get a basic understanding
about the first level of panchayati system. It also discuss how in gram sabha discussion is
going on regarding the various issues, problems of the village, with suitable example of a
village gram sabha.

Then, the discussion of the chapter goes a little bit higher from the gram sabha to the gram
panchayati. Here the working of the gram panchayati about various working committees of
panchayati, sources of funds for the panchayati is discussed systematically, taking the
example of “Hardas Gram Panchayat”.

Then the discussion of the chapter shift from Panchayat to the three levels of panchayats.
Here there is a briefly discussion about the three levels of Panchayat- the Gram Panchayati,
the panchayati Samiti and the Zila Parishad. It helps the children to understand the whole
Panchayati Raj system easily.

 Language: – The language used in this chapter is appropriate for the children of class
VI. In most of time simple sentences and simple words are used keeping in mind the
age group of the children. Regarding the use of grammar, it is seen that here basically
present tense, active voice, direct speech (direct narration) are used.

 Child–Centeredness:-The content is not child centeredness. There is no activity for

children to do. Content just discuss about the system. Nowhere mention about the
practical activity that student can do and will experience the situation such as-
attending gram sabha, visit to a panchayati etc. which gives them an opportunity of
real life situation to understand the system in a better way.

 Use of Visuals: – There are total five pictures in this chapter. To some extent, the
pictures supports the content, through it cannot be said that these are clear enough for
the student to understand the panchayati system. The pictures that used in the chapter
are not able to give a clear message to the children about panchayati.

 Relevance of the Content:- The contents of this chapter have very much importance in
our day to day life. We live in a country like India which follow democratic set of
government. Thus child should must know about the various levels of government.
The chapter “Panchayati Raj” provides children an overall image about local
government system. It helps the children to know about the working system of local
government which exist in their immediate surroundings.

 Evaluation Part: – at the end of the chapter, the questions are given from simple to
complex. Besides there is also include boxes under the chapter which contain text
questions. The questions are prepared on the basis of the discussion in the chapter. At
end it helps the students to understand what has been discussed earlier in the chapter.
It also allows the student to recall and make connections with what has been taught

Analysis of Another Chapter-

Title of the chapter:  “Understanding Diversity”

Theme of the chapter: 

Theme of this chapter bears the concept of diversity .the differences in race, religion, caste
etc. are known as diversity. India is where solidarity and decent verity go as one.  People are
different from each other in many ways .not only they in look different but they might also
belong to different regional, cultural or religious backgrounds. These differences enrich our
lives in many ways and also make them more fun.

Representation of the content matter:

The title of the chapter clearly represents the whole content that is in the chapter. This chapter
bears the concept that people are different from each other in many ways. Not only in terms
of look but also they might belong to different religion, culture or religious background. So
we can say that the title “Understanding Diversity” is appropriate for the chapter which
represents the content matter.

Arrangement of the sub-content:

The sub- content of this chapter is sequentially arranged keeping in mind the maxims of
teaching like simple to complex, known to unknown, concrete to abstract etc. For example at
first the chapter introduces the general concept of diversity than it explains about the diversity
shown in India and then moving towards its parts.

Practical utility of the chapter:

Every chapter has the aim of connecting students with their practical life. This chapter is
related to the actual life and needs of the children for whom it is being written. For example –
after reading this chapter students will be able to understand that what diversity adds to our

Relation with present context:

The concept of this chapter based on up- to- date knowledge and it has a relation with present
context. Every classroom is form with various cultural students and so understanding of unity
in diversity is important for students every time.


As language is one of the basic sources of transformation of information, knowledge, ideas

from one person to the other, so it is important that the language used in the textbook be
proper, up to the mark, and according to the chronological age of the students.

From our analysis it can be said that the language used in the textbook is easily
understandable to the students, and is according to the chronological age, moreover it is also
seen that the language used do not focus on a particular gender, there is no gender difference
indicated in the textbook, not only this the textbook also helps in the vocabulary development
of the students.
Exercises :

The chapter includes some exercises on the back of the chapter to make the students evaluate
formatively after reading the chapter. The exercises which are included here support the all
three domains of learning i.e. cognitive, affective and psycho- motor.

The questions are don’t able to cover the all kind of question as it doesn’t include short
answers questions. Mostly the questions are based on analysis and understanding. The
questions will promote continuous comprehensive evaluate. We think that teacher should
give this activity as homework to the students.

Teacher can also engaged them in field work, excursion, etc. Teacher can also use audio
visual aids, different pictures. It helps the student to develop knowledge and observation
quality. It will also help in the development of social skills

Child centeredness :

Child centeredness is on the basic aspect of teaching learning process. As the child is the
focus point in a teaching learning process, therefore a textbook should always be child

Based on our analysis we can say that the textbook is full of activities which provide students
an opportunity to go beyond textbook, which will help a wider knowledge and experience
about the topic, not only this the language used in the textbook is according to the
chronological age of the students.

Moreover the textbook is prepared in a way that it creates curiosity among the students to ask
questions or explore more about the topic.

Visuals :

Visuals indicate the pictures, diagram, graphs, maps etc included in the textbook in order to
make teaching learning interesting.

From our analysis of the text it can be said that the textbook is colorful enough to attract the
attention of the students, if we consider the cover page of the book it is seen that it is colorful
with picture that directly relates the name of the books, for example, the pictures or cartoon
reading on the chapter resources clearly indicates the content to be taught and attract students
easily as it is colorful and explained with the help of dialogue.

Assessment :

Assessment is an at most important aspect of a teaching learning process. Assessment is the

process of assessing students learning as well as work as a feedback for teachers in order to
reframe their teaching style.
For assessment the textbook we analyzedbasically uses different types of activities and
question, it includes, MCQ, short answer type, question that foster brain storming or critical

Inclusiveness in learning:

This chapter included all the learners needs and interests. In all classroom student’s needs and
interests are different from each other and so it has to be kept in mind while preparing a
chapter that the chapter can include all the learners need and interests inclusively. This
chapter is free for every student as it maintains the nature of inclusiveness.

 Activity given in the textbook:

Regarding textbook activities, the textbook are given only simple activities like – full up the
list of question, create list of any problem regarding unit topic. Also activities which are
basically related with the list of question which is created by student solved by family
member or society member.

There are lacks of ICT used in this “NCERT” textbook.  Also less used of practicality and
also there are no time details according to the activities. But we can say that the activities of
that “NCERT” textbook are well structured, all are link with the content.

Suggestion of the activity:

 Unit -1 regarding diversity we can organize the quizzes on a set theme like how much
students know about different culture, religions, disabilities.

Thus, these are certain analysis I made on my review of NCERT textbook of class VI
(Political Science). Though I was able to analysis the book based on different aspects and
element yet, I faced certain challenges while analysis the textbook.

Moreover analysis of NCERT textbook is that easy because NCERT textbook are prepared
keeping in mind all the criteria and guidelines. Despite this all we are given limited time
period for analysis and for quality analysis time should be provided.

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