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0 Decision Making in Padini Holdings Berhad

Decision making is defined as cognitive process of selecting a course of action, out of a
set of available alternatives, so as to achieve the goals of the organization. Since it is an
ongoing activity, decision making process performs essential significance within the functioning
of an organization. Since intellectual minds are involved in the process of decision making, it
requires solid scientific knowledge coupled with skills and experience in addition to mental
There are currently ten members in the Board, comprising four Independent Non-
Executive Directors and six Non-Independent Executive Directors. The current Board
composition complies with the Listing. There is a clear division of responsibility between the
Chairman and the Managing Director make sure that there is a stability of strength and
authority, such that no individual has unfettered powers of decision-making. In line with the
Government’s aspiration to have at least 30% of woman representation in decision-making
positions of Malaysian public companies, the Company presently has four women individuals at
the Board, representing greater than 33% of the overall Board Members. The Group additionally
guarantees range in its management level with the aid of having woman representation on the
management level that can probably be a pipeline for future candidates to be appointed as
Directors or Senior Management.
In Padini Holdings, the decision making process is the same as any other companies. The first
step consists of the company identifying and diagnosing problem. Next, is to gather every
alternative solutions and evaluate them. After that, is to make the choice or choosing the wise
alternative. Lastly, the decision is executed. The Board meets regularly, at least once in each
quarter, to review the Group’s operations and to approve the quarterly reports and annual
financial statements. When urgent and important decision needs the Board’s review and
consideration, an additional meeting will be convened.
10.0 Controlling
Controlling is process through which manager modify organizational activities to make
the organisation consistent with expectation and assist them to achieve predetermined standard
of overall performance. It concludes that a leader within the organisation has to set up overall
performance standard and expand mechanisms for amassing overall performance statistics
which allows entry to the degree to which standard are being met.There are two types of control
in the management of Padini Holdings Berhad to manage their organizational process and
attain their goals which are pre-action control and feedback control.
Pre-action control is used to ensure that each subordinates or employees can adapt with
any modifications or any unsure matters happened within the organisation which includes the
introducing of GST, low in sales and profits, and rising in cost of tax. Although, In tandem with
the worldwide environment, the year ahead may be exhausting adventure for the company with
any uncertainties matters. For instance, the ringgit maintains to languish as the value of cash
has met to fall. This hassle can have an effect on the organisation import costs and it will also
preserve to conquer a high. Other than that, eventhough it's far extensively believed that the
GST effect has began to wear off, the vulnerable ringgit and rising costs of dwelling will
preserve to negatively effect to the local shopping strength and patron discretionary spending
will nevertheless be crimped. Bearing this in mind, the managers of Padini Holdings Berhad has
determined to preserve in tracking their purchases and charges within the coming year and to
make sure it is going to be maintained while they preserve to concentrate to their customers’
and offer them with what they need and want.
Feedback control is a type of control that takes place after an action. For instance, after
they commenced a new financial year, a research will be conduct and they will use the feedback
or idea given either from their clients or stakeholders about their preceding overall business
performance as to devise or hold in expanding their network when occasions with top
possibilities are presented. For the financial year in 2016, they deliberate to open a minimum of
7 Padini Concept Stores and 8 Brands Outlet Stores with a few essential refurbishments for a
minimum 3 current Padini Concept Stores in an effort to make their company overall
performance come to be greatly organized. Due to within the current overall performance, they
have much less quantity of shops and outlets. It is hard for them to arrange their services or
products considering that they only needed to focus at the same store. Other than that, humans
additionally ought to focus on limited outlet which most effective located in certain locations and
additionally they obtained loads of feedbacks from clients and customers to open more branch.
Thus, according to the situations, it can cause for terrible overall performance for the company
such as they cannot increase the wide variety of clients, income and profits. Bearing in this
mind, their managers will provide proof of making plans effectiveness in order to maintain their
company overall performance. They will ensure that their merchandising, pricing and
promotional techniques will continue to be targeted on being relevant to their clients. Other than
that, they will increase their awareness for the product such on design, quality and affordability,
where they try to convey the excellent value to their clients in the shortest time to market as

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