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John Carlo AS.

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Erin Long-Crowell Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love explicated that love is made up

of three component which can be visualized on a triangle, and that there are eight types of love,

which are different combinations of these three components.Sternberg proposed that love is

actually made up of three components intimacy, passion and commitment. Now, let's look at

these three components in detail. Intimacy refers to the feeling of warmth in a relationship. So

this is the emotional bond between the people involved in loving relationship. It refers to the

feeling of closeness, connectedness, bondedness and many more. Passion, refers to the feeling

and the desires that actually lead to physical attraction romance and sexual affiliations. The

decision and commitment, this aspect can have Short- term and long term implications. Decision

refers to the short-term view of loving someone and commitment refers to the long term view of

maintaining love for that person.

These aspects according to Strenberg don't necessarily have to work in tandem. So someone can

actually love another person without harbouring long-term intensions and conversely someone

can be committed to another person provide for the person without actually acknowledging love

for the person. So , they can actually work individually for the sake of remembering these three

components we can think of me being the emotional aspect , the second being the physical aspect

and the Third being the plan of action between people. These three components interact with one

another can influence one another and it's is the interaction of these components that gives rise to

the type of love. Indeed, the components can influence one another, for instance be such that

greater intimacy can actually lead to greater passion. So there is an interaction between these

The three components of the triangular theory of love Sternberg Love Triangle First, picture a

triangle. Intimacy is considered the component at the top point of the triangle, while passion and

commitment make up the side points. Intimacy is characterized by feelings of caring, concern,

understanding, trust, and closeness between two partners. Intimate partners are good friends and

support each other in times of need. It is primarily emotional in nature. It also is characterized by

feelings of caring, concern, understanding, trust, and closeness between two partners. Intimate

partners are good friends and support each other in times of need. Passion is characterized by

intense desire, feelings of longing, need of the partner, and joy at the thought of seeing the

partner and anxiety or worry at the thought of separation. Passionate partners crave each other’s

presence, much as do people who experience an addiction. Passion is primarily motivational in

nature. Commitment is characterized by cognition of the long-lasting nature or even permanence

of a relationship, the stand that one l stay with the partner, despite any hardships that may evolve,

and the confidence that the relationship is the right one to be in.

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