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B2B Possible Questions

1. List 5 differences between industrial marketing & consumer marketing

2. List down 4 different types of business customer and three different types of Industrial sellers
3. What are the broad categories on which the purchaser evaluates a supplier and explain the
same briefly?
4. Switching Costs?
5. Explain different types of buying situation. Give one example of each type.
6. What are the two types of power a buyer or seller may have in industrial buying situation.
Elaborate by way of one example for each type of power.
7. List down reasons why personal selling is more important than any other marketing mix in B2B
8. List down the three types of Sales Organisation which can be made. List down 1 advantage and 1
disadvantage of each type.
9. List down three differences between Traditional sales approach and Key Account Sales
10. List down 5 functions which a distribution channel carries out.
11. You are appointing a new distributor for your company and have to sign an agreement with the
distributor. List down 5 terms and conditions which you will include in the agreement for
smooth operations.
12. List down 3 different types of pricing objectives
13. List down 4 factors which can influence a firm’s pricing strategy.
14. It is important to understand the negotiation style which buyer is adopting. If you observe the
following behaviour from the buyer,
a. Buyer starts with tough demands or ridiculous offers
b. Buyer does not reciprocate to substantial concessions given by the seller
c. Buyer is consistently ignoring the time lines
Which negotiation style is the buyer adopting. Also write down all the 4 types of negotiation
style. Which is the best negotiation style.
15. Explain the following terms
a. Ex- Factory price
b. Free on Board (FOB) Price
c. CIF Price
d. Door Delivery Price
16. Write a note on manufacturer’s representatives.
17. Write a note on target costing.
18. List down and explain the 5 conditions in which a manufacturer may prefer Direct Sales Force in
B2B sales.
19. What is DMU or buying centre?What are the different types of members in a DMU? Explain their
role in 1-2 lines. Why is understanding of DMU members important for an industrial sales

Digital Marketing

1. Bounce Rate:
2. Give the formula for Click Though Rate
3. What are keywords?
4. What is social listening?
5. List down two differences between Facebook Profile and Facebook page.
6. List down 2 uses of Google search console.
7. List down 5 elements of Digital Marketing

8. Facebook provides 4 different options to a marketer to reach out to the Facebook customers.
Name them.
9. List down are 5 different information which can be obtained about website users and website
usage by different analytics programs
10. List down 5 different parts of a website.
11. List down 5 elements of On Page Optimisation.
12. List down 4 different sources through which a user can come to a website?
13. Apart from Facebook, what are the 5 other different social media platforms which can be used
for digital marketing?
14. You are crafting email for marketing your product to prospective customers. What are key
elements which you will take care in the email to ensure higher effectiveness?

15. List down the functions of a search engine and explain each of the functions briefly.
16. Expand and define SEM? How is keywords used in SEM like Google Ads?
17. Why do marketers use social media networks to promote their brands? List down 5 different
goals which can be achieved through Social Media Marketing
18. List down 4 different uses of Keywords in Digital Marketing and list down 4 different sources
from where we can build list of keywords.
19. Expand NPS. How is NPS calculated?

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