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Guidelines for Report Writing

• Use Times New Roman or Arial fonts size 11/12.

• 1 1/2 spacing is adequate.
• Use full Justification. (It looks smarter!)
• Make sure that everything is in the correct order and that there are no obvious errors as these will
be penalized.
• Make sure that all graphs/charts are properly labeled
• Graphs that are being compared should have the same scale.


1) Introduction
A brief introduction stating your thesis and where it came from. Should ideally be no more than 200
words i.e. one/two paragraphs.

2) Plan and Methodology.

This will explain in detail exactly how you carried out your data
collection, what data you collected and what you hoped it would show. Specifically you should
describe how your data will answer your question. You should also highlight any difficulties and
problems you had finding the data.

3) Analysis.
Describe in detail everything you have done to the data to prove your hypothesis (graphs,
calculations, etc. Include only the most relevant parts of your analysis. DO NOT include anything
that is not worth discussing. Avoid repetitious graphs; choose a selection that will display the
data to best support your comments. Include others in appendices and refer to them in their
location. DO NOT be overly concerned if your hypothesis is not proved; rather, try to explain
why this may have happened. Try to use a variety of graphs when possible and apply as many course
concepts as possible to analyze your data.

4) Conclusions.
Use your data analysis to answer your original question. If you have inconclusive
evidence, explain why and suggest what you would do to develop your research further. If your
results appear biased in some way try to explain why.

5) Appendices

This section should include all the data tables as well as any charts/graphs of analysis
that were not appropriate to include in the main body of the report. Label each with a letter and refer to it
in the main text if necessary.

6) Works Cited
Works cited should list all sources where data or information was obtained for your project. Use MLA or
APA format.

Length: Final Report should be approximately 8-10 pages, not including appendices.
Report Writing Tips


< Use a sensible font.

< Always include an introduction and a conclusion.
< Format your work so that it is easy to follow and therefore read.
< Use the spelling and grammar check on the word processor.
< After using the computer checks ask someone else to proof read your work.
< Put titles on all graphs and figures, and remember do not squash images so that they cannot be
< Use colour if appropriate to highlight something.
< Choose the most appropriate graph to visually represent your data.
< Make inferences from your data analysis. Suggest reasons why things do or don’t work.
< The last point is extremely important so I thought I’d mention it twice!
< Put your name on the report


< Ever just describe the data ie, the max is . . . and the min is . . . If you have inserted all this info in
a clearly labeled table anyone can read it. Comment only on data that stands out for some reason
i.e. Will’s values stand out because he is significantly above average height etc.
< Neglect to refer to what you have done to the data. If you have performed some analysis always
comment on it whether the results show trends or not. Ie. The range is very small, this means
< Ever just insert tabulated raw data. Put this in an appendix at the end if it is called for.
< Squash graphs into really small gaps as they distort and lose any positive visual effect!

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