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EM-SETS: An Integrated e-module of Environmental Education and

Technology in Natural Science Learning

Article  in  International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology · March 2020


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4 authors, including:

Agung Purwanto Soeprapto Muktiningsih Nurjayadi

Jakarta State University Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan

Jakarta State University


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Green Consumerism for Students View project

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025

EM-SETS: An Integrated e-module of Environmental Education

and Technology in Natural Science Learning

Agung Purwanto1,2*, Muktiningsih Nurjayadi1, Rainy Suluya1, Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan1,2

Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

21st-century environmental education requires integration in learning natural science.
That is due to strengthen students' understanding of the environment. This study aimed to
develop an electronic module for enrichment programs in the form of science,
environment, technology, and society (SETS) called EM-SETS. The research method used
a research and development model. The instrument used in this study was a
questionnaire. The module developed was validated by 3 learning topics and language
experts and 3 media experts. The module was tested by 94 Class X students at Vocational
School and 8 chemistry subject teachers. The results of the EM-SETS assessment by
experts, teachers, and students are classified as high to very high, so it can be concluded
that the EM-SETS that was developed was feasible to be used as a learning medium for
students at Vocational School.

Keywords: EM-SETS, environmental education, science learning

1. Introduction
Environmental education integrated into natural science learning needed in the 21st
century [1–6]. That is because 21st-century learning requires various innovations, one of
which is in the use of technology in learning. One topic of science learning that is difficult
is the topic of electrochemistry [7,8]. This causes students to be less active when studying
electrochemistry. Similarly, teaching materials and media used should be able to contain
these directives so that they can help students learn independently and develop
themselves. Environmental education can be integrated into this electrochemistry learning
to support students' knowledge about the environment in chemistry topics.
Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed to students who have studied
electrochemistry, it showed that teaching materials and learning media used to study
electrochemistry are still less attractive and require other teaching materials besides
textbooks from schools [9–12]. One of the media that students can use as independent
teaching materials following the Indonesia 2013 Curriculum is an electronic module (e-
module). The use of this e-module is a form of integration in environmental education
into science learning, this was an innovation of technology in education [13–17].
Based on observations in school, it can be seen that the book facilities provided by the
school are inadequate. This can be seen from the way the chemistry books are borrowed
alternately by 2 chemistry teachers at the school. Therefore, the use of modules can be
one problem solution to the lack of teaching materials in schools. Based on observations,
the average Vocational School forbids students from bringing mobile phones to school.
This causes many students to bring their laptops/netbooks to school more often
considering the wifi facilities provided by the school. Therefore, it is necessary to
integrate a conventional module with an e-module in learning activities and make skill
improved [18–20].
Problems involving the environment over time are felt increasingly difficult and
complex, while the ability of humans to overcome environmental problems does not
increase and develop significantly. Likewise with teaching materials commonly used in
schools. Teaching materials in the 2013 curriculum need to be developed using the right

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
approach to overcome complex environmental problems. Many environmental problems
need to be solved [21–23]. The science, environment, technology, and society (SETS)
approach which in this context emphasizes environmental education integrated into
chemistry learning can be an innovation. The SETS approach aims to help students learn
about science, its development, environmental influences, technology, and society [24–
28]. This SETS learning is an approach that can be used in media development in this
case e-modules.
Various research results indicate that the use of electronic learning devices can
improve the quality of student learning. The use of technology-based media such as e-
modules is an innovation that has the potential to improve students' competency
[18,20,29]. Besides e-modules, many other studies related to the use of electronic-based
media. The results showed that with the progress of the 21st century, the use of
technology-based media has become a necessity [30–33]. Research showed that the use of
this technology can improve the ability of Higher-order thinking skills, critical thinking
skills, and student engagements [34–39].
Based on this description, the developed electronic module is made with several
advantages and has a novelty due to integrating environmental education in a SETS-based
form. One of the advantages of this e-module is that it is equipped with a comprehensive
topic discussion but with language that is easily understood by students. The electronic
module is also equipped with pictures and videos that will clarify the contents of the topic
so that the concept of the topic to be explained will be well visualized. The electronic
module will also be equipped with instructions for conducting simple experiments,
questions to test the user's ability as well as discussions so that the user will immediately
get a correction of the questions being worked on. Based on the background, the purpose
of this study is to develop e-modules based on SETS (EM-SETS) as a form of integration
of environmental education into natural science learning.

2. Method
The research method used in this study was a survey using a questionnaire. The
research and development phase carried out refers to the Borg and Gall development
model [40]. Development step namely (1) Preliminary analysis and needs, (2)
planning, (3) EM-SETS development (4) EM-SETS validation by experts (5)
revision of the results of EM-SETS validation by experts (6) small-scale class trials
(7) revisions of the results of small-scale trials (8) Wide-scale class trials (9)
revisions of wide-scale class trial results.
The electronic module that was developed was validated by learning topic and
language experts, then learning media experts consisting of lecturers of chemical
education and computer science program. The validated module was then trialed on
a small scale by 30 students and 3 chemistry teacher at Vocational School in
Jakarta. Then, after that trial on the wide-scale class by 64 students and 5 chemistry
teachers at Vocational School Jakarta and Bekasi.
The instruments used in this study were a preliminary analysis questionnaire and
the needs of students and teachers, validation of topics and language experts and
media experts. The questionnaire used in the validation instruments by experts is a
ten-point scale which can be seen in the following Table 1. After that, the
interpretation of the score was in Table 2.

Table 1 Scale of book evaluation by BSNP

Very Low Low High Very High
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table 2. Interpretation of the Likert scale
Very Disagree Disagree Agree Very Agree
1 2 3 4

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
Research data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques.
Assessments obtained from validation and trials are analyzed through the
calculation of the percentage score. then interpreted to the rating scale score as in
the following Table 3.
Table 3. Interpretation of the rating scale score
No. Percentage (%) Interpretation
1. 0 – 29 Very Low
2. 30 – 59 Low
3. 60 – 89 High
4. 90 – 100 Very High
Data that has been processed and interpreted, then the results of the assessment of
experts have calculated reliability. The purpose of the reliability test is to determine
the level of consistency in assessing contextual standards. The resulting score is
interpreted into the rating scale score which can be seen in the following Table 4.
Table 4. Interpretation of rating scale
No. Score Criteria
1. 0.0 – 0.20 Very low
2. 0.21 – 0.40 Low
3. 0.41 – 0.60 Moderate
4. 0.61 – 0.80 High
5. 0.81 – 1.00 Very High

3. Result and Discussion

The module developed is following the needs of students based on the results of the
preliminary analysis questionnaire and analysis of student needs related to
electrochemical topics. The SETS approach used because it is following the literature
which says that learning with SETS is learning that relates to real life, so students have
feelings, concerns, wishes, memories, and thoughts that experience changes due to life
experiences [26,27,41,42].
The electronic module divided into three learning activities following the indicators of
achievement of basic competencies that have been prepared. Applications used include
Microsoft Word 2019, Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, Flip PDF Corporate Edition, I-Spring
Suite 8 and Wondershare Filmora 9. The module manufacturing process can be seen in
Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. The process of making EM-SETS

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
EM-SETS on electrochemical topics are created by converting draft e-modules in word
form using the Flip PDF Corporate application to obtain an EM-SETS with the flipbook
display. Modules that have been developed are then validated by experts and revisions
which aim to test the feasibility of EM-SETS before being field-tested to teacher
participants and students. At this stage, the initial product of the e-module is validated
according to the textbook eligibility requirements according to the Learning standard,
namely in terms of topics and language as well as presentation and graphics or referred to
as the media. This stage becomes important in media development [39,43,44].
Validation of EM-SETS by topic and language experts is carried out to test the
feasibility of the e-module in terms of the topic and language used. This validation was
carried out by 3 experts consisting of 2 chemistry lecturers and 1 chemistry teacher. The
results of the interpretation of the assessment by topic and language experts can be seen in
the following Table 5.

Table 5. Interpretations of assessment by topic and language experts

Indicator Average (%) Interpretation
Topic coverage 83 High
Topic accuracy 82 High
Skills 80 High
Conformity with student development 80 High
Communicative 78 High
Motivating ability 80 High
Straightforwardness 82 High
Coherence and chaos of thought flow 83 High
Indonesian Language Conformity 75 High
Use of terms and symbols 80 High

Based on Table 5 above, the results of interpretations of assessments by topic and

language experts indicate that EM-SETS on electrochemical topics is classified both in
terms of topics and languages. Based on the results of the calculation of reliability, the
reliability value obtained by 0.90 with excellent criteria. This showed that SETS-based e-
modules on electronic topics have been worth testing in terms of topics and languages.
Validation of EM-SETS was also carried out by media experts to test the feasibility of
e-modules in terms of media, presentation, and graphics. Validation was carried out by 3
experts namely lecturers majoring in computer systems, multimedia teachers and
computer teachers at Vocational School. The results of the interpretation of the
assessment by topic and language experts can be seen in the following Table 6.

Table 6. Interpretations of ratings by media experts

Indicator Score Interpretation

Cover Design
Cover layout 84 High
Cover Typography 86 High
Cover illustration 88 High
Content Design
Content Layout 89 High
Content typography 88 High
Content Illustration 88 High

Based on Table 6, the results of the interpretation by the media experts indicate that
EM-SETS on electrochemical topics for Vocational Schools is classified both in terms of
presentation and graphic or media. Based on the results of the calculation of reliability
between the rater, the reliability value obtained by 0.97 with excellent criteria. This

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
showed that SETS-based e-modules on electronic topics have been worth testing in terms
of presentation and graphics or media.
The feasibility of EM-SETS on electrochemical topics for Vocational Schools that
were developed, tested for eligibility based on six aspects, namely the suitability of the
substance of content with the competencies that must be achieved by students, the quality
of topics, experiments and questions, language, audio and visual display, usefulness, and
the relevance of the substance of the topic content and experiments with the SETS
approach. The EM-SETS feasibility test carried out by small-scale and wide-scale trials
by students and teachers using an assessment survey questionnaire.
A small scale feasibility test was conducted by 30 students and a large scale conducted
by 64 students at Vocational School Jakarta and Bekasi. Students are given an EM-SETS
soft-file via e-mail and open it first at home, then the next day the teacher presents their e-
module related again. After that student is given a questionnaire as an evaluation
instrument and provides criticism and suggestions. The results of the students' assessment
interpretation in small and large scale trials can be seen in the following Table 7.

Table 7. Results of interpretations of small and large scale student trials

No Aspect Average (%) Interpretation

Small scale class

1 Quality of topics, experiments, and questions 78 High
2 Language 80 High
3 Audio and visual display 77 High
4 Implementation and software engineering 77 High
5 Usefulness 76 High
Wide-scale class
1 Quality of topics, experiments, and questions 87 High
2 Language 89 High
3 Audio and visual display 89 High
4 Implementation and software engineering 87 High
5 Usefulness 87 High

A comparison graph of the results of the percentage of judgments between small scale
and large scale trials by students can be seen in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Comparison of the percentage of small and large scale assessments by students

The feasibility test by small scale teachers is carried out by 3 chemistry teachers, while
the large scale is conducted by 5 chemistry teachers. The teacher is showed a module and
explained directly related to what features are contained in the e-module. The teacher then

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
assesses by filling out the questionnaire that has been provided, as well as providing
criticism and suggestions for the e-modules that have been developed. The results of the
interpretation of students' assessments in small and wide-scale trials can be seen in the
following Table 8.

Table 8. Results of interpretations of small and large scale teacher trials

No. Aspect Average (%) Interpretation

Small scale class
1 The suitability of the substance of the contents 75 High
2 Quality of topics, experiments, and questions 84 High
3 Language 79 High
4 Audio and visual display 87 High
5 Usefulness 88 High
6 The relevance of the substance of the topic 80 High
content and SETS
Wide-scale class
1 The suitability of the substance of the contents 97 Very High
2 Quality of topics, experiments, and questions 93 Very High
3 Language 95 Very High
4 Audio and visual display 94 Very High
5 Usefulness 97 Very High
6 The relevance of the substance of the topic 94 Very High
content and SETS

A graph of the comparison of the results of percentage assessments between small scale
and large scale trials by teachers can be seen in the following Figure 3.

Figure 3. Comparison of the percentage of small and large scale assessment by the teacher

Aspects of the suitability of the substance content with the competencies that must be
achieved by students are assessed based on the suitability of the topic and questions in the

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
e-module to the Basic Competence learning objectives based on the Indonesian
curriculum of 2013 and indicators that need to be achieved. This aspect is only assessed
by the teacher because only competent teachers assess the content of the topic and the
competencies achieved by students. This percentage showed that there is a 22% increase
from small to large scale trials. The assessment obtained shows that SETS-based e-
modules on the developed electrochemical topics are appropriate because they are
following basic competency, learning objectives based on the Indonesia curriculum of
2013, as well as indicators of achievement of basic competencies. The revision that was
carried out before the wide-scale trial was to add the topic of acid rain because teachers in
the school were accustomed to connecting the topic of corrosion with the effects of acid
rain. The revisions made can be seen in the following figure 4.

Figure 4. Display after revise the topic of acid rain

The assessment obtained showed that EM-SETS on the developed electrochemical

topics has systematic topics, following learning objectives, complete components,
appropriate pictures and texts, and clear experimental questions and simulations. The
module was a module that can integrate learning with supporting multimedia. This EM-
SETS, using simulations and videos as supporting multimedia to help explain learning
topics [19,29].
The language aspect assessed based on the ease of language used in the
electrochemical module to be understood and communicative for students. The
assessment obtained showed that EM-SETS on electrochemical topics developed is easy
to understand and communicative for students. The development of teaching materials
must be made with communicative language so that it is easily understood by students
The audio and visual display aspects assessed based on the accuracy of the cover
design and the contents as well as the font, color, and proportion of images used in the
electrochemical module. The assessment showed that EM-SETS on the developed

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 7014 - 7025
electrochemical topics has the right cover and content design, as well as the appropriate
font, color, and image proportions. One aspect of the feasibility of the module is in terms
of graphics so that students are interested in reading it repeatedly. Learning that has a very
active condition will have an impact on improving the quality of learning [48,49].
The benefits aspect is assessed based on the ability of the e-module to be used
repeatedly, ease of operation, the quality of the e-module, and the ability of the e-module
to help students understand. The assessment obtained shows that EM-SETS on
electrochemical topics developed can be used repeatedly, are easy to operate, have good
quality, and can help students' understanding. Students need learning media that can be
used repeatedly, so students easily repeat the parts they do not understand following their
abilities [50–52].
Environmental education has an important role in science learning. This integrated
EM-SETS module is one solution to the few existing environmental problems that can be
solved through education. Other problems such as low knowledge, low environmental
behavior, low student attitudes, then low urban planning and other aspects of the
environment are important points that must be resolved immediately [18,53–59]. Learning
innovation is an important aspect to improve the environment, one of the ways is through
improving the quality of 21st-century environmental education.

4. Conclusion
EM-SETS modules on electrochemical topics for Vocational Schools developed are
already appropriate to be used as interactive and interesting teaching materials and can
help students to learn independently. Innovations in the development of teaching
materials and technology based on 21st-century technology must continue to be
developed so that 21st-century learning is better. The recommendation of this research is
to continue to develop various innovations in environmental education learning media that
are integrated with science learning to continue to improve the quality of learning.

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