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Tiếng anh B1

1.  Describe your favourite animal.
You should say:
* what kind of animal it is
* describe it briefly
* why you like the animal
and describe why it is your favourite animal.
Suggested answers:
1. I would like to talk about my favourite animal from my childhood onwards. 
I think they are the most adorable creature in the entire universe. Cats have been living with
human for at least 9500 years. They are thought to have been domesticated in the Ancient
Egypt period for their ability to catch mice. At the moment, cats are the most popular pet in
the world with the population of more than 600 million individuals. There are more than 60
breeds of cats and their coats come in a range of beautiful colours and patterns. Cats have a
very flexible body, an excellent night vision and great hearing. Its eyes are different
compared to all animals because cat eyes look like a white ball instead of black.
The reason why I adore cats more than any other animals because they radiate the same
kind of energy as me. They are very chill, calm, independent and also affectionate. They also
love sleeping in weird positions and do questionable things, which I find very funny and
cute. I especially love when they are in the loaf position, in which they tuck their legs under
their belly
Cats are such a gift from heaven as a friend, a companion for someone lonely like me

2) Ever since childhood, I have had a keen interest in animals. Primarily, this stems from the
fact that I grew up in the country side and therefore, was always surrounded by animals. At
the village, we had cattle, chickens, pigs, dogs, etc. Although I liked all of them, the animal
which I was most fond of were my two dogs. 
The names of my dogs were Tom and Jim and I had them since they were puppies. At the
time, I was about 5 years of age and had just started having my own identity of sorts and
having these pets was a positive thing in my opinion. 
If I were to describe the reason as to why they were my favorite animals, I would say there
were a few. Primarily, I think we had an understanding which is hard to put it in words. For
example, they could sense my moods and I could sense theirs during most times. Secondly, I
would say the fact that we played together at most times helped us have that instinctive
understanding of each other. 
Moreover, these dogs would accompany me on my walks around the village regardless of
the weather or the time of the day. For example, if the cattle ever left the barn at night, they
would surround it and keep it near the village and bark to get our attention to the matter.
Another reason I loved those dogs was their openness to me having other pets. For
example, I raised a few doves when I grew up and the dogs were still around. But they did
not mind sharing the affection with these birds. Often, the birds would play with them by
sitting atop the dogs and they would let the birds poke them with their beaks. In all honesty,
it was great fun!
In conclusion, if I was to describe my favorite animals, it would be my two dogs I had since I
was a child. I had them for more than 12 years before they died of old age. Since then, I had
to move towns in order to study at a college I wanted to, therefore, it was very challenging
to have a pet. But if I am ever to have a pet again, it would be a dog and I hope that they will
be as good as Tom and Jim.
 2. Describe a wild animal
You should say:
* what it looks like
* what it likes to eat or do
* where it lives
and explain why you like this animal

1. I remember when I was younger, we went to the local zoo as part of a school
We spent most of the day there and saw many different wild animals and we learned a lot
about them for the class project we were doing.
My favorite animal was the tiger, so I would like to talk about it - it was in a large cage,
which was full of enormous rocks and some large trees too.
It was bigger than I thought it would be, but then I was only a child at the time. I'd seen
plenty of tigers on TV, in movies and TV programs, but it seemed a lot bigger in real life.
It was really like watching a big cat, the way it moved around. The colors were amazing, the
yellow, white and black stripes on its body were spectacular.
As I was watching, it jumped up and started climbing up one of the big rocks. When it
reached the top it slowly turned around and then looked down at everything, moving its
head from side to side, like it was observing everything going on around it.
I felt very excited because I thought it was looking at me, it was really amazing!
I think the tiger is one of the most impressive creatures, just watching it move, and it's very
strong too.

2. Animals are the creatures of God and have been made to help keep our natural
world more diverse, captivating and startling, shark is an example. It is a group of
elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton. An adult organism can
weigh above 7 tonnes and reach 18 meters long. Possessing razor sharp teeth,
frightening appeareance, they are known as the most feared carnivores living in the
ocean. Their streamlined bodies and two powerful tail fins help them swim quickly
and easily. Different from other fish, sharks have cartilages instead of bones. They
typically have tough skin. Thanks to sharp senses and well developed hearing, they
can smell blood from far distance and locate their food. However, their sight are not
good. That is why they just hunt preys by smelling and hearing. They search for prey
on the surface of the ocean while swimming below. Once they spot a target, they
use a burst of speed to bump their prey while simultaneously biting it. Some sharks
swallow their preys, others tear off large chunks of the bodies. By this way, they are
considered one of the most dreadful kinds of wild animals. 
1: Why is it important to conserve the world animals and plant species ?
Both animals and plants species play important roles in maintaining the ecological balance,
they are all involved in the food chain, which is vital in keeping the continuity of them. For
example, elephants are big vegetarians, they consume various types of trees from grasses,
shrubs, and herbs, to woody trees, bark, and fruits. Therefore, in order to preserve its
survival  and pollination , plants conservation must also be taken into account. The reason
most people choose to visit a certain country is for its flora and fauna as well as natural
habitats.  Countries with more enriched natural environment tend to attract higher number
of tourists, ex: Thailand where environmental protection policies are very strict, therefore
the most unique species of the country - elephants - are still in abundance and make huge
contributions to developing both domestic and international tourism
2: Which species are endangered in your country? Why? 
The most prominent species that are known to be on the verge of extinction is tiger. This is
due to the loss of habitat and illegal hunting to obtain skin, bones and many more material
for some religious purposes.
3. Why do many people refuse to eat meat?
In my opinion, there are many reasons for why people refuse to eat meat: Firstly,
for moral reason, many people don't eat meat because they don't think it's
morally correct to eat another organisms who have life like us. Secondly, for
health reason, although meat gives us a lot of nutrients such as protein,
protein...but it also includes many harmful fat for the body. For example, eating a
lot of red meat can cause cardiovascular diseases. Next, for religious reason,
people who belong those religions that somehow restrict or check the
consumption of meat also don't eat it, but this is only for people with very high
beliefs on their religion. Besides, there are many other reasons which people
refuse to eat meat such as history with animals, allergies or simply people don't
eat animals because they don't like the taste.

4. What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?

As far as I know, humans have a huge effect on wild animals. Firstly, we
have destroyed a lot of their natural habitats by burning or clearing forests for
agriculture or tourism, therefore, many animals are in danger of extinction because
of habitat destruction. The second, lots of wild animals are suffering because of
illegal hunting and poaching. For example, we can see many videos or pictures
about rhinos losing their horns, wild elephants losing their tusks or leopards being
killed for their fur. Besides, pollution and waste that we produce also have an
effect on animals. In some places there are no fish in the rivers.

5. What measures could we take to protect wildlife ?

           I think there are a lot of ways we can protect wildlife.
     First, we need to protect the forest because the forest is the home of many animals.
Many animals such as tigers, leopards, rhinos,... have become extinct because of habitat
loss. Therefore, the protection of forests is very important.
     Second, the state needs to make regulations on hunting wild animals. According to MSN,
the Cuga leopard officially became extinct on January 22, 2018 due to hunting.
     Last but not least, we need to educate people on the importance of wildlife.
6. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet ?
     In my opinion, it's wonderful that each of us has a pet.
     Having a pet by your side has many advantages :
1. Pets reduce stress. According to a survey, people are more comfortable after
spending time with their pets.
2. Having pets and children in the home benefits both. By them playing together,
the kids will learn a lot from your pet's good habits.
3. Pets also help us make new friends. They like your pet, want to interact with
them and they will make friends with you.
      Besides those benefits, having a pet also has its disadvantages.
1. The cost of raising a pet is not small. For example, if you raise a pet dog, you have
to spend more than 1 million VND per month for food, care costs,....
2. Currently, there are many dangerous animal diseases that can be transmitted to
humans, such as allergies.
3. We need a lot of time to take care of and play with our pets. This is quite difficult
when everyone is busy with work.
      In short, owning a pet is both beneficial and harmful for each person, so we should
consider when we want to have a pet.
7: How people in your country feel about the protection of wild animals?
    Most of people in my country feel it is very important to protect wild animals. People
understand wild animals help balance ecosystem because they are also a part of natural
world and they need the support of human to protect them from extinction.
On the other hand, some people have indifferent attitude to wildlife. They sell some body
parts of animals to earn money. That’s a pity!
 8: What are the purpose of having zoos?
     The purposes of having zoos are:
     Firstly, zoos play an important role in protecting endangered animals. Animals are
provided safe environment and do not have to worrt about being chased by other animals,
poachers or habitat destruction.
     Secondly, zoos bring entertaiment and education to people. When going to the zoo,
parents and children can relax, reduce stress and have a lot of useful information about
animals wildlife instead of staying indoor.
     Furthermore, having zoos help to raise awareness of people how to conserve
environment as well as animals….
9. Zoos help to educate people  about animals. Do you agree?
As a citizen living on this earth, I completely agree with the above point, we can see
life is more and more modern day by day, the wild animals that people are getting farther
and farther away, and the zoo is the place to close that gap. Therefore, it’s argued that zoos
help educate the public about animals with many lessons that we should know. First of all,
animals bring objective lessons in the field of natural sciences such as lessons on customs,
reproduction, living environment... giving people a diverse view of animals, a living
environment on earth, thereby having a more correct and objective perception of the
surrounding world, the development process of mankind. In addition, they also teach
children social science lessons, such as closeness, love for all species... The ultimate goal is
to develop observation and curiosity and explore the emotions of children to each
person? ...However, some animals are always shy, alienated from humans, or even very
aggressive, causing children to have pessimistic views of them. Arguably this is one of the
negative aspects of the education that zoos show us
10. Do you agree that animals should be used for entertainment, labor or experiment?
I couldn’t agree more with the above opinion, because it’s becoming a part of
modern life. So far, animals are used for entertainment to cover the cost and make a profit
in the zoo, people need to sell more tickets. In addition, this is also a place to help the bond
between family members on weekends. So the attention of the circus is from them.
Cartoons and many children's songs are also inspired by animals. We can see some species
that are often brought into the arena such as horses, bulls, ... in festivals, matches to enrich
the local culture. However, an unfortunate reality is that many people have illegally hunted
rare and precious animals and sold them at expensive prices just to serve entertainment
needs, this problem should be condemned and prevented in time. In terms of labor or
experiments, zoos provide a platform for animal research. Over the past 20 years, zoos and
aquariums have produced more than 5000 research articles on topics from the human-to-
human transmission, ways to prevent poaching of endangered species. Or experiments with
modern achievements such as guinea pig experiments, purebred breeding,... In the end, we
need to say a big thanks to them for the entertainment, the remarkable achievements and
inventions we have today.

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