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Melinda Gregory

ED 131

February 6, 2022

Sam May-Varas

Educational Learning Theories

The way human beings absorb and hold our knowledge has been studied throughout

history, this is an ongoing and ever evolving subject. Three educational theories that have been

subject to criticism and regard have demonstrated how human beings acquire their knowledge

and how we are affected by our environments and relationships as we grow. Each of these

theories has had impacts on education in one way or another. Social Cognitive Learning Theory

is the result of observing models. Sociocultural Theory considers the relationship between our

social worlds and our cognitive development. The third educational learning theory being

discussed is The Experiential Learning Theory (ETL), this is a clinical process focused on one’s

own experiences and how they acquire knowledge.

The three learning theories being discussed have been studied, compared and contrasted

to one another. The similarities that I picked up on are how Social Cognitive Theory is similar to

Experiential Learning Theory and Sociocultural Learning Theory in the sense that these three

stem from one’s specific experiences, interactions, environments and relationships in their lives.

These factors are interconnected and build the foundation to mold one’s ability to absorb

knowledge. These learning experiences are not only based on the transferring of knowledge from
one subject to another, but the process of absorbing and holding onto that knowledge depending

on these same factors.

Each of these three theories have been useful and meaningful ways to better understand

the process of learning. The differences in their theories are seen in how ELT is mostly based on

one's own experiences in gaining knowledge, versus Social Cognitive Theory is based on

observations and modeling. Sociocultural Learning Theory is based differently on how students

learn by the language and social interactions that take place in their own circumstances. These

theories all have various levels of importance focused on differing aspects in each one. Each of

these illustrate the impacts that affect our ability to learn and gain knowledge throughout life.

The learning theory that resonated most to me personally would be ELT or Experiential

Learning Theory. While I do agree with the other theories that observing/modeling as well as our

social interactions and cognitive development have impacts on our ability to obtain a level of

knowledge. I resonated with ELT because I feel one's personal experiences can have a great

impact on how they view the world and tackle highly stressful situations once they have gone

through those experiences. For example, when a young adult loses a parent this forces them to

grow up in ways they never would have if this experience didn't happen. This then gives them

knowledge and resources on how to handle stressful events in the future. I was put in this

situation and I believe I would never have taken the actions that I have if this event hadn’t taken


Learning theories are still being criticized, explored and examined. How one can learn at

such a young age, or how well they can learn at an older age can be broken down into their own

experiences, observations and interactions. While some of these theories may have shown to be
less impactful than others. There are levels to each that have left their impact on education and

the process of learning.


Zhou, Molly and Brown, David, "Educational Learning Theories: 2nd Edition" (2015).

Education Open Textbooks. 1.

Davidson Films, Inc. (2010). Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory: An Introduction

(Davidson Films, Inc.) [YouTube Video]. On YouTube.

EBLS. (2021, April 8). The Cycle of Learning From Experience.

Davidson Films, Inc. (2010). Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory: An Introduction

(Davidson Films, Inc.). On YouTube.

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