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Women’s Maintenance Night (10/24/19)

Things we need: Tea, cocoa, cider, cookies, name tags


➢ Put out ALL stands

➢ Put out name tags and snacks

➢ Prep hot water

➢ Interest List


➢ Sign-in on the iPad

➢ Move to table with snacks and drinks!

➢ Introduce yourself:

○ Write name and pronouns on a nametag

○ Name, pronouns, how did you and your bike meet?

➢ Ask about the space:

○ Brief tour of the space: bike rentals, where you can find tools, what we sell

○ Have you ever interacted with our space before? What things do you want to

see in this space less intimidating and more inclusive?

○ Would a women’s* (all-self identifying women, including trans women and

nobinary folk) only hours be of interest to you?

○ Note: Feel free to contact me about when I’ll be in the shop if it makes you feel

more comfortable. Sometimes places filled with self-identifying men can be



➢ Direct everyone to the stands

➢ Teaching:

○ What kind of problems have you experienced with your brakes? Rubbing, loose

levers, wire breakage?

○ Talk about different kinds of brakes and direct people to educational materials on


■ What kind of brakes do you have? Cantilever, v-brakes, caliper, disk


○ Address how the brakes should look.

● Successful brakes = thick brake pads that are directly centered

onto the metal surface of your rim.

○ Describe what worn out brakes look like:

■ Thin and no grooves present

■ No metal showing through the bottom

■ Show example

○ Instruct attendees to take out brakes and inspect (pokey tool!)

○ Questions: Are they super worn? Is one leaning more on one side than the

other? Is your brake lever pulling in all the way to the handlebar? Focus on the

adjustment of these.

○ Address barrel adjusters and how to use all the random screws associated with


○ Address how to properly retension your brakes. Pull through the cable, show off

the “fourth hand” and how to use it. Loosen, pull the cable tight, tighten again.

How to Maintain a Healthy Drivetrain:

➢ Teaching:

○ How to clean and lube a chain?

○ How to decipher chain wear?

■ Chain checker

■ Rust and/or grime

○ How to decipher wear on cassette?

■ Shark teeth and grime

○ Derailleur adjustment

■ Barrel adjuster: gears are clicking or not shifting? Use little adjustments

on your barrel adjuster to correct the issue

■ Limit screws: high/low, come into the shop to learn more

➢ QUESTIONS??????????

➢ Safety Checks

➢ Note: Offer email to participants if they have any other questions or want to use

the DIY Workspace when you are working. Thanks for coming!

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