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Secondary research

It is stated that teenage anxiety can be extremely overwhelming in teenage males, symptoms can
happen suddenly or be built up for a long period of time before both genders are able to realise
something is wrong. But in males’ anxiety isn’t always so simple and cause extreme reactions of
anger and especially in young adult males this can result in violent divines of conflict. As anxiety in
men is often hidden due to the stereotypes of men being unable to show emotion the normal
symptoms that are present can include: headaches, problems sleeping/insomnia, muscle pain and
aches, in teenagers both genders the increased consumption of alcohol and drug intake is very high
as it is used as number one way to stop the pressure surrounding them, anger and irritability.

Male Anxiety in Teens | Symptoms of Male Anxiety | CA (

Anxiety disorder symptoms may differ to symptoms girls go through and instead be seen as
complaints over chest pain or exhaustion all the time as well as starting to miss school more often,
avoiding any all-social interactions. OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in males is shown in dark
thoughts or act out compulsive behaviour like counting items or repeatedly doing this in a certain
order. Phobias in teen males are normally tied to specific situations or things that don’t usually
present danger. Of course, this is similar girls as well so it’s almost a gender-neutral symptoms
except they might see different things as a threat. Panic attacks is another way build up anxiety can
form in creating shortness of breath, pounding hearts, dizziness, and tingling sensations throughout
the body.

Your Adolescent - Anxiety and Avoidant Disorders (

BBCA is most commonly known bowel and bladder control anxiety which is centred around a phobic
syndrome involving a specific concern about losing control of the bowel functions in public spaces.
Going to the toilet a lot isn’t always considered a symptom of anxiety but in reality, it fits with this
type of phobia as teens are the most vulnerable to teasing and bullying and cause them to hide away
instead of seeking help causing them to feel more built-up pressure. This type of phobia is usually
come from childhood where parental attitude and silence have caused a person to develop fear of
being unable to control something so simple. It can also come from schools unknowingly when the
conditions of the facility are poor and in no way able to use making the students go through the day
without receiving a bathroom break. From the primary research that was conducted the best place
for teenagers to be able to seek out the help they wish for was in fact a section in their own school,
whether there in secondary, college/sixth form or even university students believe the most
attentive to their surrounding they would be is in their own place of education. Students spend up to
a maximum of 6 hours a day in their education stations meaning they are more likely to see the
information about the advert than any other place.

Frontiers | Experimental Single-Session Imagery Re-scripting of Distressing Memories in

Bowel/Bladder-Control Anxiety: A Case Series | Psychiatry (

In the eyes of society, the idea of anxiety disorders and pressure is still seen negatively and make
many people very uncomfortable to be around, however there are a lot of ways that society does
challenge towards making anxiety seen as a bigger problem and that is websites around explaining
ways on how to be rightful to a person dealing with anxiety. Easy steps like for example, identifying
someone as they are a person with anxiety rather than saying they are anxious makes the approach
seem more humane.
Although the actual world and its people in real life are not doing as much to make anxiety issues an
important issue to control the people online are very informative and provide ways to help people
cope with their struggles. Teenagers spend a lot of time online so this way of information is perfect
for them as they would be spending their time online doing something that could evidently make
them feel better about themselves than giving a possibility to make it worse.

The national survey of mental health literacy and stigma suggests that anxiety is a sign of ‘personal
weakness’ and this being based on the most common misconception including people believing that
anxiety is not a real medical illness as well as that people with anxiety ae able to snap out of it
whenever they want.

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