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Analysis of existing text

Advert one

The ‘sound it out campaign’ created by the efforts of pivotal ventures and the ad council as a way to
make conversation with teenagers about mental health a little easier. The main image involves a
young girl probably about 14 years of age looking at the camera with a direct mode of address with a
black out split screen of bold white font. The use of a spilt screen is used to share the actor’s
expression with the words presented, the fact that her face looks unbothered and slightly
uninterested says that teenagers now just are not interested in problems they could be facing such
as anxiety. Using a mid-shot but closer towards the upper section of her waist shows that they
wanted more focus to be on her face than her body as facial expressions are clearer to read than
body ones. Her hand over her face suggests that she’s trying to make sure her expressions are
incomplete in order to seem unprovoked. The red background that is place behind the main image is
used to symbolise danger or threats and with her hand close to her head it could be saying there
could be possible threats to her mentality. In the poster she is presented to be dressed in an orange
turtle neck top with golden hooped earrings with a light apply of makeup. The style perfectly fits
with the aesthetics that follow through with teenage dress wear so it indicates this adverts main
target is teenagers, which is perfect as the target audience for my advert is also teenagers.

The layout and design of the advert consist of bold white font that is done in a split screen which is
taking up quite a large amount of the left side of the ad. The use of bold font is used in order to
ensure that the viewers second thought of attention is directed towards the text so that when
looking at the image you as the reader know that this is what the image is saying to you. The phrase
‘what is your kid feeling?’ uses a questions mark to direct conversation with the audience that way it
encourages the audience to be engaging. The use of the white colour in contrast to the black
background is a simple technique in order to make the text stand out even more. They have done
this in a similar way with the image using a mustard yellow/orange colour against a red background.
The ‘sound it out’ logo is placed on the black background in multiple bright colour in order to ensure
the audience know exactly who is bringing forth the message and it serves as a way to spread their
message further. Placing the website directly next to the multi coloured text is telling the audience
this is who were are and if you have interest this is what you type into google and is a good way to
make sure it’s not directly in people’s faces and instead the is small so that the message is the centre
of attention.

Although this advert at first sight does not appear to be pushing through this message about
teenage mental health there are many factors that indicate that this advert is directing this message
towards its audience in a different way than most adverts do. The whole idea of music being able to
infer how a child is feeling is something most people would overlook and therefore is not seen often
and this advert is providing the evidence to people that this could be a way to come to terms with
problems you could be facing.

Advert two

The global medical

education produced
an advert in hopes of
reaching audiences
about anxiety. The
advert is very different
in comparison to the
first one as you are
able to understand
what the message is
and what they want
from the audience.
The main focuses that
centres the audience’s
attention is the text
which is placed very
large and in obvious
colours so that people are able to quickly notice it. The text uses a different style of font in order to
match the rest of the advert as we can see the background is very refined in specific detailed with a
very natural colour and so in order to match that the advert uses the font style ‘Castellar’ to make
the text also very refined. The second focus is obviously the cartoon like image of a woman (we
know this because of specific features such as the shape of her mouth, eyelashes, hair and angling of
her head) with a brain drawn in and anxiety in the middle of it with multiple sub titles around it. The
sub headings that are around the image of the brain suggest the possible reasons why someone may
feel anxious or nervous or worried about something. The titles used around the image all consist of
things that an adult would feel. For example, stress about bills or payments are usually what working
adults tend to be worried about and not teenagers. This is another difference between the two
adverts as the first one is targeted towards teens/children and this one seems to be aim towards the
elder section of the age groups. The image is placed directly next to the font so that the audience
can have a small idea of what anxiety could be to them.

The advert itself has a lot of colour, most adverts that are shown on google or other online platforms
tend to use on a fair amount of colour to create empathy with the audience. The use of the pathos
technique is what allows them to ensure that the audience are feeling more than one type of
emotion. The use of the word ‘anxiety’ is done to be in a bright coral red colour which suggests that
this is the topic the advert and the colour itself represents the idea of warmth and acceptance. This
idea suggests that they want people with anxiety feel accepted by the organisation giving them a
space of comfort as society today still oppress the idea that anxiety is an immediate issue. The
design of this advert is very simple but very appealing to the audience as it doesn’t represent anxiety
is an over exaggerated way.
However, the two adverts can compare to each other in the choice of their main image as both
adverts use a woman/girl to represent them. The ‘sounditout’ advert uses the image of a teenage
girl that is very visible to the audience that she is a girl and the ‘global medical education’ uses a
detailed outline of a woman making sure the audience can see her hair, eyelashes and even the size
of her lips. They make sure the audience can tell both are women as there are stereotypes that
women have more anxiety than men. Even though the adverts are inspired from the stereotypes on
women they still portray a key message to its audience. The first one uses music to help teenagers
who are struggling or helps parents to see the signs of anxiety, the second one uses ideas of which
could cause a person (mainly adults) their anxiety. Both believe that by creating their adverts they
can raise awareness to people to think about this as an immediate issue.

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