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April Rose Montilla


PC 122 (3:00-4:30 FS)


T1. Individual differences in learning.

T1.1 Explain. “Individuals are born with and develop their own capabilities and talents.”

Partially, talent is something we are born with, but it can be also greatly improved through
upbringing, education, etc. Think of an athlete who is a beginner that turns to an Olympian. This is a very
discrete example of how we should invest our time and effort in turning our passion into its best extinct.
An athlete is not born with the best skills, but they have a potential in it, as they grow, they invest their
time and effort in practicing and developing their skills and capabilities in order to reach what they aim.

T1.2 What is social acculturation? How does social acculturation influence the learning pace and
preferences to learn of every learner?

T1.3 As future educators, in what way do you think, you could help learners to improve their learning
pace and preferences?

As a future educator, I must discover the interest of my students by helping them see what and
how they are learning to prepare them for life in the real world and I should be a flexible teacher in a
way that my students are motivated to learn. I must also instill their minds that no one can move toward
a vision of the future unless he/she understands the socio-historical context of where they are now,
what events led them to be where they are, how this can inform development of a vision for the future
and how they want to get there.

T1.4 Why do you think the curriculum and environmental conditions affect the learning outcomes?

First, learning is about relationships. Relationships between the teacher and students, new
content and old content and subject matter content and its application to the real world. As I read the
pdf in our 21st century literacy, it is stated there that education continuously changes dramatically
throughout time. There is a paradigm shift in the way teaching and learning is delivered. Thus, teachers
must be equipped with attributes, knowledge, and skills so that they may be able to integrate them in
their teaching.

T2. Learning and diversity.

T2.1 “Learning is most effective when differences in learners’ linguistic, cultural and social backgrounds
are taken into account.” Research on a theory that justifies this statement.

Explain how such theory supports this statement.

T3. Standards and assessment.

T3.1 What is the role of standards and assessment in the attainment of learning outcomes?

Student assessment enables instructors to measure the effectiveness of their teaching by linking
student performance to specific learning objectives. As a result, teachers are able to institutionalize
effective teaching choices and revise ineffective ones in their pedagogy. Assessment is more than
grading. It is about measuring the progress of learning among students. Thus, assessment is described as
a data collection process to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of student learning.

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