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April Rose Montilla


1. Princess of Ethiopia 4. Water bearer

2. Air pump 5. Eagle

3. Bird of Paradise 6. Altar

7. Ram 10. Graving tool

8. Charioteer 11. Giraffe

9. Herdsman 12. Crab

13. Hunting dogs 16. Sea goat

14. Big dog 17. Keel of Argonauts’ ship

15. Little dog 18. Queen of Ethiopia

19. Centaur 22. Chameleon

20. King of Ethiopia 23. Compasses

21. Sea monster (whale) 24. Dove

25. Berenice’s hair 28. Crow

26. Southern crown 29. Cup

27. Northern crown 30. Cross (southern)

31. Swan 34. Dragon

32. Porpoise 35. Little Horse

33. Swordfish 36. River

37. Furnace 40. Hercules, son of Zeus

38. Twins 41. Clock

39. Crane 42. Sea serpent

43. Water snake 46. Lion

44. Indian 47. Little lion

45. Lizard 48. Hare

49. Balance 52. Lyre or harp

50. Wolf 53. Table mountain

51. Lynx 54. Microscope

55. Unicorn 58. Octant

56. Fly 59. Holder of serpent

57. Carpenter’s level 60. Orion, the hunter

64. Phoenix
61. Peacock

65. Easel
62. Pegasus, the winged horse

66. Fishes
63. Perseus, hero who saved
67. Southern fish 70. Net

68. Stern of the Argonauts’ ship 71. Arrow

69. Compass on the Argonauts’ 72. Archer

73. Scorpion 76. Serpent

74. Sculptor’s tools 77. Sextent

75. Shield 78. Bull

79. Telescope 82. Toucan

80. Triangle 83. Big bear

81. Southern triangle 84. Little bear

85. Sail of the Argonauts’ ship
88. Fox

86. Virgin

87. Flying fish

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