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4th Grade Vocabulary

9th Spelling Bee

37. cold blooded 74. fuels

1. a few 38. comets 75. furthest
2. a little 39. communicate 76. genius
3. a special person 40. complex machine 77. germination
4. ability 41. confident 78. get a pet
5. absorbed 42. cool downsighed 79. giant ground sloth
6. active 43. countryside 80. grumbled
7. asteroid belt 44. cream 81. hamburger
8. attitude 45. curly hair 82. hammer
9. axle 46. denominator 83. heat
10. backbone 47. diaphragm 84. hemisphere
11. basket 48. digit 85. herbivore
12. basketball 49. dinosaurs 86. hooked beak
13. beard 50. discovery 87. ice cream
14. beehives 51. divide 88. illustrations
15. biscuits 52. divisibility 89. improper fraction
16. bladder 53. division 90. incisors
17. blonde hair 54. donkey 91. inclined plane
18. blood vessels 55. drop litter 92. jam
19. bones 56. Earth 93. Jupiter
20. bowl 57. elderly 94. kayaking
21. brackets 58. electrical energy 95. kidneys
22. butter 59. embryo 96. kinetic energy
23. calculation 60. enormous 97. knife
24. capillaries 61. entertaining 98. lazy
25. capital 62. equation 99. learn to walk
26. capsule 63. equivalent fractions 100. lever
27. carbon dioxide 64. estimate 1. light energy
28. cave 65. even 2. lowest
29. centipedes 66. exoskeleton 3. mammals
30. chemical energy 67. extreamely 4. mechanical
31. cherries 68. figure it out 5. mercury
32. chimney 69. flour 6. meteorite
33. chocolate chips 70. fossils 7. milk teeth
34. claws 71. freckles 8. mirrors
35. coal 72. friendly 9. mixed number
36. coconut 73. friendship 10. monkey
11. moustache 56. sabre-toothed tiger
12. move house 57. salt
13. multiple 58. sandwich
14. names of fractions 59. satellite
15. need to 60. screw
16. Neptune 61. scribbled
17. noisy 62. shared equally
18. non-renewable 63. sharp beak
19. numerator 64. shiny
20. octopuses 65. shooting star
21. opaque objects 66. silver paint
22. open sentence 67. simple machine
23. operation 68. simplify
24. oviparous 69. solid objects
25. paleontologist 70. sound energy
26. parachuted 71. spear
27. passthrough 72. start nursery school
28. paws 73. straight away
29. permanent teeth 74. straight hair
30. pharynx 75. sugar raisins
31. photosynthesis 76. sundials
32. planets 77. thermal energy
33. polished glass 78. toddlers
34. pollination 79. tools
35. pollution 80. tortoises
36. ponytail 81. trachea
37. pour 82. translate
38. pregnancy 83. trick
39. prehistoric armadillo 84. underground
40. prehistoric times 85. unfriendly
41. prehistory 86. unkind
42. pressed 87. untidy
43. proper fraction 88. Uranus
44. pulley 89. ureters
45. quiet 90. urethra
46. raisins 91. vertebrates
47. raspberry sauce 92. vibrate
48. recipe 93. viviparous
49. reduce 94. waves
50. reflected 95. wavy hair
51. remainder 96. wax museum
52. renewable 97. wedge
53. rings 98. wheel
54. rocket 99. wind
55. sabre-toothed squirrel 100. woolly mammoth

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