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Language Arts

Unit: 8 Social Learning Conversation. Date 19/April/ 2021


Title of the Way back then Social Practices of the

lesson: language

Key Achievements Achievements

They will learn about how our life style affects the In this unit students will explore the concept of being
environment and we can do to look after our environmentally.
planet .

Curricular Standards Contents

Review and reflection My First conditional with Modal Verbs

planning sheet
Verbs; May Might and Be able to


Warm up: Ask the opening question and elicit ideas; Why do people like to learn about the past? Encourage
students to think about what we can learn from history. Then go to page 104-105 Global Stage.
While: Tell students go to exercise A have they to use the vocabulary from the box in exercise b and write the
correct vocabulary underneath each picture. Then go to exercise “C” have students to complete the text using
the vocabulary from the box.

Cool down: Go to exercise “D” play the audio to listen the audio about the Ancient Roma then answer exercise
“E” and write true/false
Warm up: Ask the past participle of the next verbs read, break, fly, write, walk, stand, get.
While: Ask students write down the next note about Simple Past Passive in their notebook Language Arts
Simple Past Passive
Active : The teacher corrected the mistakes.
Passive: The mistakes were corrected by the teacher.

Active : Did the little boy sell all the candy bars?
Passive: Were all the candy bars sold by the little boy?

Active : Lauren didn't eat any apples.

Passive: No apples were eaten by Lauran.

Active : He didn't give the wallet.

Passive: The wallet wasn't given by him.
Cool down: Tell students answer the next exercises provided by the teacher.

Make the sentences passive (past simple):

1. Somebody lost the letter. __The letter was lost __________________________________________

2. Somebody found the key. _______________________________________________________________

3. Somebody made mistakes. _______________________________________________________________

4. Somebody loved that woman. _______________________________________________________________

5. Somebody cleaned the rooms. _______________________________________________________________

6. Somebody fixed the computer. _______________________________________________________________

7. Somebody built that house. _______________________________________________________________

8. Somebody wrote ‘War and Peace’. _______________________________________________________________

9. Somebody painted The Mona Lisa. _______________________________________________________________

10. Somebody stole my wallet. _______________________________________________________________


Warm up: Have students read the Latin sentence on the stone and guess the meaning tell them to use the pictures on
the stone to help them. Go to page 106-107
While: Tell students go to exercise B and complete the table have students to find the answer into the previous reading.
Then go to exercise “C” and underline the correct option in the questions number 1 & 2.

Cool down: Go to exercise “D” and using NAVIO play the audio then in exercise “E” have students to correct the 6
mistakes using the simple past passive.


Warm up: Tell students to think about one of their favorite movies and the places that appear in it. Ask where was it
filmed? Which places of the fil would you like to visit? Then go to page 108-109

While: Ask students go to exercise have they to read what happened to the city in 900 CE? “Tikal the Lost City” then go
to exercise “B” and answer the questions

Cool Down: Go to exercise “C” have students complete the table with causes and effects from the article. Then check
answers with whole class.

Warm up: Tell students go to the next web
While: Ask students listen the phrases and answers that are used in the restaurant
Cool down: Then ask students create a mood to go to the cinema.
Active Pauses

Referentes and Technological Resources(Tic)


Cross-curricular links


Curricular Adaptations and Observations



Unit: 3 Social Learning Define matter as Date 19/April/ 2021

Environments having mass and
taking up space.

Title of the Life Science Social Practices of the Students can use their
lesson: language knowledge to

Key Achievements Achievements

Use models to describe the flow of matter and In the lesson student explore the variety of ecosystem
energy within ecosystem. relationship including food chains, food webs, and cycles
of matter.

Curricular Standards Contents

How plants get energy? what plants need material for plant
growth, think like an engineer case study growing cops.

Warm up: Ask students How we can help the natural resources of our planet? Then play the next

While: Tell students read the text “Human impact the land” on page 168-169 and underline the
principal Ideas.

Cool: Go to Wrap it have students to answer the questions in their notebooks.

1. How can mining minerals to use in industry affect the land?
2. How might farming cause erosion?
3. Identify three features near your home that are examples of people changing land.

Warm up: Ask students go on page 170-171 ask students how we can prevent the cutting down

While: Tell students read Humans Impact Vegetation and create a mind map about the topic.

Cool Down: Tell students answer the questions in Wrap it.

1. What is deforestation?
2. How does agriculture affect the vegetation of grasslands?
3. Which kind of home do you think has a greater impact on the land?

Homework: Make a poster about how we can take care of our environment.
Warm up: Ask students how we can save water? Then ask them open their notebooks

While: Tell students copy the next table in their notebooks and draw at least 3 pictures of pollution.

Cool Down: Tell students explain how they take care of our environment.

Referentes and Technological Resources(Tic)

Cross-curricular links


Curricular Adaptations and Observations


Unit: 7 Social Learning Student will be able Date 19/April/ 2021

Environments to solve problems
related to ratio

Title of the Duration using the 24 Social Practices of the

lesson: hour clock language

Key Achievements Achievements

Express one quatitiy as a fraction of another given Understanding ratio, proportion and francitons.
their ratio and vice versa.

Express quantities as a proportion of a whole

Solve simple and multi-stepword problems

involving ratio and proportion.

Curricular Standards Contents

Duration using the 24 hour clock



Duration using the 24 hour clock: Exercises.

Warm up: Start the class making some times dictation.

1. 8:30 am
2. 17:52
3. Quarter to ten
4. Five past 18
5. 23:59
6. 11:59
7. Seven o’clock
8. 2:30
9. 3:15
10. 9:45

While: in a power point presentation, display the next exercises and show students how to solve the exercises according
to the information from the book. (From WB 81-82)
Cool down: Finally encourage students to copy the next exercise into their notebook to solve it by themselves.
HOMEWORK: Solve the exercise Provided by the teacher about Duration using the 24 hour clock

Converting measurements

Warm up: Ask pupils how to convert units, we’ve just checked how to conver measurements with 1 and 2 decimal points,
now we are going to learn how to do it with 3 decimal points. If it is necessary encourage them to check this diagram (they
have it in a previous note)
While: Encourage students to check the examples of converting larger units ino smaller units in the book in pages104-
106, Refer pupil’s attention to a power point presentation where you can solve the examples (they are all explained in the
book) and Finally encourage students to paste their units 8 cover and then to copy the next note:

To conver larger units of measurement into smaller units of measurement, we use multiplication:
M x100 CM
Km X1000 m
Kg X1000 g
L X1000 l

You can even ask them to copy one or two examples of the book in their notebook.

Cool Down: Ask pupils to solve exercise 1 and 2 from the on your own section, and then check the results all together.

Active Pauses:

Referentes and Technological Resources(Tic)

Cross-curricular links

Curricular Adaptations and Observations

Social Studies

2nd Trimester Social Learning Reading skill Date 19/April/ 2021

Environments practice spelling.

Title of the National Women’s in Social Practices of the

lesson: History Month language


Key Achievements Achievements

To make personal connection to the reading

Curricular Standards Contents

Reading Month





Pre: Encourage Students to open their Literacy books in p. 159 and then solve the Get Ready to read section: explain
what is inference, complete the char in B and answer the questions in C and D.

While: Pass to page 160 – 165 to read “The Restore Kid”, ask for some volunteers to read each paragraph or use
the audio from NAVIO. Then discuss the questions in the pink bubbles and find the next words in context:
elevator, ambitious, code, beam, backup

Post: Encourage students to pass to page 166 and answer the questions in exercise A from the explore the reading
section, then complete the chart in B and discuss the question in C. Finally complete the Literary Term section.

Pictionary: elevator, ambitious, code, beam, backup

Homework: Complete the exercise A, C and My reading Journal section in your Literacy book p. 167.

Congratulations, we have finished Global Stage Literacy Book!


Earth’s Day
Pre: Ask pupils why is important to be eco-friendly, then introduce todays topic with the next information:

For the past 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated by billions of people around the globe, annually every
April 22, to join together in promoting awareness for the health of our environment. Why should we continue to
celebrate this holiday? Some people may view it as just another holiday, or an excuse to wear green and a
flower crown, similar to St. Patrick’s Day, but with serious concerns about our changing environment being
studied and addressed today by prominent scientists, politicians, and young climate change activists alike,
some people are adapting to more environmentally friendly ways of living — every day, not just on April 22
every year. Cue the composting, recycling, repurposing, carpooling, thrifting, and metal straws to save the

Finally, reproduce the next video to the class:

While: On a power point presentation show the next information and encourage student’s to read it and discuss the main


1. Reduce your carbon footprint
Get creative with new ways to switch up your commute, or a part of your daily routine. Instead of driving
to your destination, carpool with friends, take public transportation, walk, skate, scooter, or ride a bike.
Depending on the weather, you may enjoy this new form of travel even more than sitting in traffic.
2. Reuse, and recycle your wardrobe
Though it may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, your closet and your shopping habits
can actually have a negative effect on our environment. By buying thrifted or gently used outfits online,
new resources aren’t used to make more clothes that will eventually end up being repurposed, reused,
or in a landfill. Some studies have shown that online shopping is better for the environment because it
takes about 30% less resources to sell items online. Fire up your Amazon Prime app!
3. Switch up your diet
Most people may know that food production accounts for one-quarter to one-third of all greenhouse gas
emissions worldwide, and the majority of the blame falls on the meat industry. The BBC recently
reported that if the entire world became vegetarian and ate no red meat by 2050, food-related
emissions would decrease by about 60%. If the world went vegan instead, emissions would decrease
around 70%. It may be time to try out the new ‘Beyond Meat’ burgers.


1. Everyone can participate
The idea behind continuing to celebrate Earth Day, and why we love it, is because it is based
on people working together in unity to achieve a better future for everyone. Connecting with
people around the world is important to continue to appreciate and respect people from
different countries, and other differences in opinion. No one is left out or left behind, everyone
can do something small to make an impact on our planet.
2. Small acts matter
You don’t have to plant a forest to enjoy Earth Day. Even if you feel like reusing your metal
water bottle instead of buying a plastic bottle or a styrofoam coffee cup doesn’t make much of a
difference, your small acts can change and improve the world we live in. Now that you have
awareness that climate change is affecting all of us, do your part to make positive changes
wherever you go, no matter how small, they are significant, and this is your chance to improve
our world.
3. We only have one Earth
Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our ecosystem can be, and how our
actions can have positive or negative consequences on the world we live in. This holiday
serves to ground us in what we need to do to protect our home, and what we can do now, in
light of all the damage we have already done to our world. Not everyone has to go out in the
streets and protest, but we all need to be reminded to stay in the right mindset -- Not to live in
constant fear of the world burning down and flooding, but not to live in ignorance, either.

Post: Encourage Students to make a mind map with the next facts about Earths Day:


1. Record high carbon dioxide

According to the National Geographic society, the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has never
been higher, in part potentially due to nature, and in part due to the advances we as humans
have made in industrialization across the globe, since the 1700’s.

2. Less food waste means less greenhouse gas

Many people may not know this, but the more food we waste and do not consume, the more
greenhouse gasses are emitted to transport and biodegrade the waste.

3. Climate change effects temperatures and weather

According to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the temperature in the U.S. has
increased by 2 degrees in the last 50 years and precipitation has increased by 5%. More
extreme weather phenomenons have been occuring in the past 50 years -- Extreme weather in
2019 broke over 120,000 records in the US.

4. It’s a politically debated topic

Even though 97 percent or more of climate scientists agree that climate change is likely due to
human activity (according to the Earth Day Network), and nearly 200 scientific organizations
globally have issued statements that agree with this view, it’s still a widely debated topic in

5. The top emitter of carbon dioxide

China, with their human population of 1.4 Billion, is currently the top emitter of carbon dioxide,
accounting for 30% of global carbon emissions, according to Earth Day Network. However, the
United States, with a population around 328 Million, comes in second under China as a top
emitter, at 15% of carbon emissions worldwide.
Active Pauses:

Referentes and Technological Resources(Tic)

Cross-curricular links



Curricular Adaptations and Observations

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