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It is better to watch films at the cinema or at home ?

Watching films is considered to be a leisure-time activity preferred by everyone. It can be done either at
home or at cinema .However,which of these two options’ advantages outweigh the other ?

To commence with, as a result of the high quality of the equipment, such as enormous boxes which provide
excellent sound, and a wide screen where the sequences are clearly shown, the popularity of watching films
at cinema has increased a lot.

On the other hand ,even though cinema is always welcome to new visitoirs, prices are usually high.
Consequently, people who does not have a stable financial situation do not have the possibility to get
entertained in such a place.

In spite of the above, there are always a backup idea,for example watching films at home . If at cinema
sitting in a uncomfortable chair might be a problem, then at home you can be absolutely relaxed, without
being bothered by someone’s noise.

To conclude,although it could be arguided that going to cinema is a more pleasant experience,I truly believe
that if the movie is captivating,the circumstances would not be a big deal.

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