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Construction and interpretation of equal-tempered scales using frequency

ratios, maximally even sets, and P-cycles

Article  in  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America · June 2000

DOI: 10.1121/1.428658 · Source: PubMed


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Richard Krantz Jack Douthett

Metropolitan State University of Denver Central New Mexico


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Construction and interpretation of equal-tempered scales
using frequency ratios, maximally even sets, and P-cycles
Richard J. Krantza)
Department of Physics, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado 80217-3362

Jack Douthett
Department of Arts and Sciences, Albuquerque Community College and Technical-Vocational Institute,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106

共Received 15 January 1999; revised 31 January 2000; accepted 1 February 2000兲

Using recent developments in music theory, which are generalizations of the well-known properties
of the familiar 12-tone, equal-tempered musical scale, an approach is described for constructing
equal-tempered musical scales 共with ‘‘diatonic’’ scales and the associated chord structure兲 based on
good-fitting intervals and a generalization of the modulation properties of the circle of fifths. An
analysis of the usual 12-tone equal-tempered system is provided as a vehicle to introduce the
mathematical details of these recent music-theoretic developments and to articulate the approach for
constructing musical scales. The formalism is extended to describe equal-tempered musical scales
with nonoctave closure. Application of the formalism to a system with closure at an octave plus a
perfect fifth generates the Bohlen–Pierce scale originally developed for harmonic properties similar
to traditional chords but without the perceptual biases of these familiar chords. Subsequently, the
formalism is applied to the group-theory-based 20-fold microtonal system of Balzano. It is shown
that with an appropriate choice of nonoctave closure 共6:1 in this case兲, determined by the formalism
combined with continued fraction analysis, that this group-theoretic-generated system may be
interpreted in terms of the frequency ratios 21:56:88:126. Although contrary to the spirit of the
group-theoretic approach to generating scales, this analysis may be applicable for discovering the
ratio basis of unusual tunings common in non-Western music. © 2000 Acoustical Society of
America. 关S0001-4966共00兲01305-9兴
PACS numbers: 43.75.Bc 关WJS兴

INTRODUCTION above. First, the octave, which is considered the most har-
monious interval,5 is preserved. Second, 12 equal-tempered
Musical scales, of necessity, are built on compromise notes to the octave are used because the just 共harmonious兲
among three competing expectations. First and foremost, we intervals of the perfect fifth 共frequency ratio 3/2兲, the major
have come to expect music to be based on harmonious third 共frequency ratio 5/4兲, and the minor third 共frequency
sounds. With this in mind, historically, musical scales were ratio 6/5兲 are reasonably approximated by their closest equal-
constructed of intervals generated by the ratios of partial tempered interval.6 Therefore, our expectation of harmonious
frequencies.1,2 This expectation was formally established sounds is met for the octave and approximately so for the
when, in the 19th century, Helmholtz3 showed that our per- other three most important musical intervals. Third, 12 is the
ception of consonance is strongly influenced by the presence first relatively small number of notes to the octave that al-
of these ratios. Second, we expect music to have variety and lows for a reasonable approximation of these just intervals
versatility. This is usually accomplished in Western music by and allows for enough variety by modulation through 12
modulation to closely related keys.4 Third, we expect a cer- different keys. Fourth, because it is an equal-tempered sys-
tain amount of convenience regarding modulation and trans- tem transposition is relatively easy.
position. Equal-tempered scales, that preserve 共or close兲 the In the first three subsections 共I A, I B, and I C兲 of Sec. I
octave, in which all half-steps are equally spaced logarithmi- we analyze the 12-tone equal-tempered system in use today
cally, make modulation and transposition straightforward.5 It in light of recent developments in music theory.6,16,17 We do
is well-known that the expectations of a harmonious scale this in order to introduce these mathematical developments
and the ease of modulation and transposition afforded by in the context of a familiar example. In Sec. I D the chord
equal-tempered scales are incompatible.1,2,5–11 As a result, structure of our usual 12-tone system is discussed in the con-
many authors6,12–15 have discussed various mathematical ap- text of the mathematical notation developed in the first three
proaches for approximating harmonious scales in the context subsections. In Secs. I E and I F we articulate and summarize
of equal temperament. our approach for constructing equal-tempered musical scales
Contemporary music is usually written with 12 equal- based on these recent developments.
tempered semitones to the octave. The reasons for this sys- In Sec. II A we extend our formalism to describe nonoc-
tem is directly related to the musical expectations referred to tave musical systems and then apply the extended formalism
to the Bohlen–Pierce scale in Sec. II B. As another example,
Electronic mail: the formalism is shown to generate all the details of the

2725 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107 (5), Pt. 1, May 2000 0001-4966/2000/107(5)/2725/10/$17.00 © 2000 Acoustical Society of America 2725
FIG. 1. Ten-point desirability function
共closure of the octave by the pure

group-theoretic 20-fold system of Balzano in Secs. II C 1 and musical scales to best approximate just 共harmonious兲 musical
2. The interpretive power of the formalism is shown in Sec. intervals. In this notation, c refers to the chromatic cardinal-
II C 3, where we show that Balzano’s 20-fold scale may be ity 共number of notes兲 of the scale. A generalization of this
analyzed in terms of frequency ratios in the appropriate non- desirability function, based on the concept of a generalized
octave system. comma, was developed to assess the ability of c-tone equal-
tempered scales to best approximate multiple just intervals
simultaneously. Furthermore, an extension of this general-
EQUAL-TEMPERED MUSIC ized desirability function was developed in which individual
single intervals could be weighted according to the relative
A. Equal-temperament, approximation of just preference of one interval over another. The weighted,
intervals, and the desirability function6 multiple-interval, ten-point desirability function is
Recently, Krantz and Douthett6 developed a single inter- N
val ten-point desirability function, based on the concept of
octave closure, to assess the ability of c-tone equal-tempered
D 共 c,N 兲 ⫽10⫺20 兺
p i 兩 兵 c log2 共 R i 兲 ⫹ 21 其 ⫺ 21 兩 , 共1兲

FIG. 2. Generalized ten-point desir-

ability function 共closure of the octave
by the pure fourth, major third, and
minor third, simultaneously, with
equal weighting兲.

2726 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2726
FIG. 3. Circle of fifths.

where 兵x其 is the fractional part of x, N is the number of

intervals to be approximated, and c, the chromatic cardinal-
ity, is the number of equal-tempered intervals 共i.e., number
of notes兲 per octave. The R i ’s are the frequency ratios of the FIG. 4. Progression through a portion of the circle of fifths 共see the text for
individual intervals, and the p i ’s are the respective normal- details兲.
ized weights of the R i ’s. If the intervals are weighted equally
共i.e., p i ⫽1/N for all i兲, then the desirability of the intervals
collectively is the same as the average of the desirability of tance of modulation in Western music is stated thus, ‘‘The
the individual intervals. capability for modulation, even more than the establishment
Shown in Fig. 1 are the results of applying Eq. 共1兲 to the of key, is the most distinctive and powerful property of the
single interval of the pure fourth (R⫽4/3), or equivalently, tonal system in Western music, especially since the commu-
the inversion of the pure fourth—the perfect fifth (R⫽3/2), nity of twelve major and twelve minor keys was made into-
for chromatic cardinalities up through 55. A value near 10 on nationally practical by equal temperment.’’ As pointed out in
the vertical axis indicates that the pure fourth is well ap- Ref. 4, the most common modulations are between closely
proximated by the chromatic cardinality on the horizontal related keys which are those keys adjacent to each other on
axis. As shown in the figure, for relatively small chromatic the circle of fifths.
cardinalities, 12 is the best equal-tempered system which A diagram of the circle of fifths is shown in Fig. 3. The
best approximates the just interval of the pure fourth. Shown keys on the outside represent major keys and keys on the
in Fig. 2 are the results of applying Eq. 共1兲 to the just inter- inside represent minor keys. Starting on any key 共major or
vals of the pure fourth (R 1 ⫽4/3), major third (R 2 ⫽5/4), minor兲, the next key clockwise 共or counterclockwise兲 repre-
and minor third (R 3 ⫽6/5) simultaneously with equal sents an interval of a fifth. For example, starting on F] ma-
weighting (p 1 ⫽p 2 ⫽p 3 ⫽1/3). As shown, 12 notes is the jor, C] major is a fifth above and these two keys are so-
best choice for an equal-tempered scale with relatively few called closely related keys. Again, from the New Harvard
notes to the octave which provides enough variety and ver- Dictionary of Music; ‘‘Because of the way in which sharps
satility, as discussed above. Historically, 12 notes to the oc- and flats are added to key signatures along the circle, the
tave was the preferred choice due, in part, to the well- number of pitches in common between the starting key and
approximated perfect fifth 共or, equivalently, the pure fourth兲. each successive key outward in either direction decreases by
Other examples are discussed in Ref. 6. one.’’
This property is most easily seen by reference to Fig. 4.
B. Modulation We progress through a portion of the circle of fifths starting
with the key of C major. The filled circles represent the 7
1. Circle of fifths and unidirectional P-cycles notes, out of the 12, used in the major scale. The heavy
As pointed out in the New Harvard Dictionary of arrows show the progression through the circle of fifths. The
Music,4 modulation is ‘‘the process of changing from one dotted arrows indicate which note is moved going to the next
key to another, or the result of such a change.’’ The impor- key in the circle of fifths. As seen in the figure, each succes-

2727 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2727
sive change of key has six of seven notes in common with For example, the chromatic length from the note B to E is 5,
the previous key. As we progress further and further from the and since this interval is a fourth, the diatonic length is 3.
starting key, each successive key has one less note in com- Although their investigation was primarily to generalize
mon with the starting key. other properties of the diatonic scale, Clough and
In recent works in music theory, microtonal versions of Myerson26,27 were the first to construct an algorithm that
the circle of fifths have become known as unidirectional generates, up to transposition, the complete family of sets
P-cycles 共P for proximity兲.18 More technically, a P-cycle is a that induces P-cycles. Also, Clough and Douthett17 extended
cycle of three or more pairwise distinct sets 共scales or and generalized this algorithm now known as the maximally
chords兲 from the same set class 共sets equivalent under trans- even 共ME兲 algorithm. This algorithm is discussed in the next
position and inversion兲 such that there is a map between each subsection.
pair of adjacent sets that leaves all but one of its notes fixed.
Moreover, the note that moves is changed by precisely a C. Maximally even „ME… sets
half-step. If the sets in the cycle exhaust the set class then the 1. Diatonic scales
cycle is said to be unidirectional, otherwise it is a toggling All of the seven note diatonic scales shown in the circle
P-cycle 共these names came about as a result of particular of fifths may be generated by the maximally even 共ME兲 al-
properties inherent in these two types of cycles兲. Thus, the gorithm developed by Clough and Douthett:
circle of fifths is a unidirectional P-cycle, while the 6-cycle Let c and d be the chromatic and diatonic cardinali-
of consonant triads e, E, g], G], c, C, and back to e is a ties, respectively, and let n be any fixed integer such
toggling P-cycle. Since we will restrict our attention to uni- that 0⭐n⭐c⫺1. Then, a ME set with these parameters
directional P-cycles, in what follows it will be understood is

再 b c冎
that all P-cycles are unidirectional for our purposes.
J c,d ⫽ , 共3兲
2. Mathematical generalization of unidirectional d
where b x c is the smallest integer greater than or equal
Over the last 65 years other scale structures that have the to x.17,30,32
properties of or related to unidirectional P-cycles have been For our usual 12-tone system with a 7-note diatonic
constructed by Yasser,19 Mendalbaum,12 Chalmers,20–22 scale, c⫽12 and d⫽7. If we let the notes C, C] /D[ , D,
Wilson,23 Gamer,24 Balzano,25 Clough and Myerson,26,27 D] /E[ etc., in Fig. 4 be represented by the numbers 0, 1, 2,
Mathews, Pierce, Reeves, and Roberts,28 Agmon,29 3, etc., respectively, Eq. 共3兲 generates all the scales of the
Clampitt,16 Clough and Douthett,17 Clough, Cuciurean, and circle of fifths. For example, the C major scale is represented
Douthett,30 and Zweifel.31 In this discussion we adopt much by the ME set

再b c冎
of the terminology from the seminal works of Clough and 6
Myerson.26,27 These terms arise as a result of musical inter- 12k⫹5
J 12,7⫽ ⫽ 兵 0,2,4,5,7,9,11其 . 共4兲
vals being associated with two somewhat incompatible 7
lengths as described below.
In the usual diatonic 共major兲 scale, the musical third Note that the index of the C major scale is n⫽5. As the
comes in one of two sizes; three half-steps 共the minor third兲 index increases incrementally 共mod 12兲 the associated scales
and four half-steps 共the major third兲, whereas six half-steps rotate clockwise around the cycle of fifths in Fig. 3. Because
共the tritone兲 can either be a fourth 共augmented兲 or a fifth the ME algorithm reproduces the scales in the circle of fifths,
共diminished兲. To generalize and relate these measures, let c in order, it preserves the properties of the unidirectional
be the size of the chromatic universe or the chromatic cardi- P-cycles referred to in the previous subsection.
nality, as before. Similarly, for a given scale, let d be the 2. Maximally even sets and P-cycles
diatonic cardinality which is the number of pitch classes
Clampitt16 has shown that a set can induce a P-cycle if
共e.g., all C s belong to the same pitch class兲 that define the
and only if the set is maximally even and the chromatic
scale. We may denote a given scale by the set
cardinality, c, and the diatonic cardinality, d, are coprime, or
S c,d ⫽ 兵 s 0 ,s 1 ,s 2 ,...,s d⫺1 其 , 共2兲 (c,d)⫽1 in mathematical parlance. Clough and Douthett17
where the elements are organized so that s 0 ⬍s 1 ⬍s 2 ⬍..., have shown that such sets are also generated sets with two
⬍s d⫺1 . In our usual 12-tone chromatic universe, if we make distinct generators 共e.g., the fourth and fifth generate the ma-
the assignments C⫽0, C] /D[ ⫽1, D⫽2, etc. the C major jor scales in our familiar 12-tone system兲. Moreover, the
scale may be represented by S 12,7⫽ 兵 0,2,4,5,7,9,11其 . Then chromatic and diatonic lengths of the generators can be de-
the chromatic length from s i to s j is (s j ⫺s i ) expressed as the termined by the linear Diophantine equation
smallest non-negative integer modulo c, and the diatonic cI g ⫺dg⫽⫾1, 共5兲
length from s i to s j is ( j⫺i) expressed as the smallest non-
where g is the chromatic length of a generator and I g is the
negative integer modulo d. For the diatonic scale the chro-
corresponding diatonic length.33
matic length from one note to another 共reduced to within the
For example, consider the usual diatonic scale 共c⫽12
octave兲 is the length of the interval in half-steps, and the
and d⫽7兲. Then, Eq. 共5兲 becomes
diatonic length is one less 共for mathematical convenience兲
than the usual musical interval 共unison, second, third, etc.兲. 12I g ⫺7g⫽⫾1. 共6兲

2728 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2728
The only chromatic and diatonic lengths that satisfy Eq. 共6兲 TABLE I. Individual desirabilities for the frequency ratios 4/3, 5/4, and 6/5
are g⫽5, I g ⫽3 共the fourth兲 and g⫽7, I g ⫽4 共the fifth兲. It is for a 53-note equal-tempered system with octave closure. Also shown are
the chromatic generators and diatonic cardinalities for each ratio. For com-
left to the reader to show that the fourth or the fifth also parison, the equal-weight ten-point desirability for all three ratios is shown.
generates the pentatonic scale 共c⫽12 and d⫽5兲.
Although the diatonic length of a generator plays an c⫽53
important role in the theory of scales, our subsequent analy- Desirability
function Chromatic Diatonic
sis will consider only chromatic lengths of generators. There- Ratios base 2 generator cardinalities
fore, Eq. 共5兲 simplifies to
4/3 9.940 22, 31 12, 41
dg⬅⫾1 共 mod c 兲 . 共7兲 5/4 8.756 17, 36 25, 28
6/5 8.816 14, 39 19, 34
We will have occasion to use these generalizations in Sec. II. All 9.171 ¯ ¯

D. Intervals and chords

In our usual 12-tone system the intervals of the fourth these ratios can then be determined and used as generators to
with a frequency ratio of 4/3, the major third with a fre- identify scales that induce P-cycles; Eqs. 共7兲 and 共3兲. These
quency ratio of 5/4, and the minor third with a frequency scales then have the modulation properties associated with
ratio of 6/5 are of prime importance. The sequence of these the familiar circle of fifths. Once the chromatic lengths of the
ratios is 3:4:5:6, and the chromatic lengths of these intervals chosen frequency ratios are known, the triad structure of the
are 5, 4, and 3, respectively. 关Note that the ratio of the first scale can be determined from the step-interval sequence;
element in the sequence of ratios 共3兲 to the last element 共6兲 e.g., Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 for the usual diatonic scale.
produces the frequency ratio 6:3 or 2:1, which is the ratio of We invite the reader to apply the formalism, using the
the octave. More on this later.兴 The major and minor triad fourth 共or fifth兲 as the ‘‘chosen’’ interval and verify that the
structure can now be determined from the chromatic lengths. usual pentatonic scale (c⫽12,d⫽5) is generated. The results
The sequence of these lengths arranged from largest to should be the complement of the diatonic set and produce the
smallest is the step-interval sequence of the major triads. In open circles shown in Fig. 4. It is also left to the reader to
this case the sequence is 共5,4,3兲 and the class of major triads verify that the ME algorithm 关Eq. 共3兲兴 generates the P-cycle
共equivalent under transposition兲 is of pentatonic scales.
For another example, it is well-known that the 53-tone,
M ⫽ 兵兵 0,5,9 其 , 兵 1,6,10其 , 兵 2,7,11其 , 兵 0,3,8 其 ,... 其 . 共8兲 equal-tempered system closely approximates the ratios of the
The sequence is cyclic; therefore 共4,3,5兲 and 共3,5,4兲 are in fourth, major third, and minor third. The desirability function
the same class. These sequences just generate chord inver- shown in Fig. 2 reflects this result and shows that the 53-
sions that belong to the same class. Thus, this family consists note-to-the-octave, equal-tempered scale is considerably bet-
of major triads F, F] ,G,G] ,...,E. Similarly, the minor triads ter at approximating these intervals simultaneously. In Table
are the triads whose step-interval sequence is the sequence of I we summarize some results, using Eqs. 共1兲 and 共7兲, for a
the chromatic lengths arranged from smallest to largest. The chromatic cardinality of c⫽53.
sequence is 共3,4,5兲 and the class of minor triads is Since we are weighting the intervals equally, the overall
desirability is the same as the average of the desirabilities of
m⫽ 兵兵 0,3,7 其 , 兵 1,4,8 其 , 兵 2,5,9 其 ,... 其 . 共9兲 the individual intervals. It is left to the interested reader to
The union of M and m constitutes the set class of consonant construct all the scales that induce P-cycles 共There are six set
triads. classes, two for each ratio, whose sets induce P-cycles.兲 and
In each diatonic scale there are six major/minor triads determine the embedded major and minor triads in each.
共three of each兲. For example, the triads G, C, D, a, b, and e
are all embedded in the G major scale. The only embedded F. Summary
共third-generated兲 triad not of major or minor quality is the F]
dim triad. Therefore, using the chromatic lengths of the fre- In light of recent developments in music theory we have
quency ratios, 3:4:5:6 which are best approximated by our articulated an approach for constructing equal-tempered mu-
usual 12-tone equal-tempered system, we have determined sical scales that: 共1兲 closes the octave, 共2兲 approximates mul-
the chord structure of the system. tiple chosen intervals simultaneously, 共3兲 preserves modula-
tion properties generalized from those of the circle of fifths,
and 共4兲 determines the scale and chord structure for the sys-
E. An approach to constructing musical scales
tem. For historical and pedagogical reasons we have shown
We may now formalize an approach for constructing that the mathematical patterns inherent in the familiar 12-
equal-tempered musical scales. Given a sequence of fre- tone, equal-tempered system may be generalized. Alterna-
quency ratios, which may be chosen for a variety of reasons tively, we could have taken an axiomatic approach by de-
共e.g., because they are ‘‘harmonious,’’ they convey some scribing the formalism, applying it to the sequence of
‘‘mood,’’ or they meet some other mathematical, acoustical, harmonious ratios 共3:4:5:6兲, and generating our usual 12-
or perceptual criteria兲, an equal-tempered system based on tone, equal-tempered system.
the desirability function, Eq. 共1兲, that best approximates In the next section, we extend the formalism to account
these ratios may be determined. The chromatic lengths of for nonoctave closure and show that some unusual scales

2729 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2729
FIG. 5. GDF for the ratios 5/3, 7/5,
and 9/7 共closure at the tritave; b⫽3兲.

generated by other workers25,28,31 based on very different until c⫽271 with a GDF of 9.90. This desirability exceeds
criteria, that range from group-theoretic arguments to acous- even that of the sequence of ratios 3:4:5:6 at 53 divisions to
tical and perceptual reasons, are described by our approach. the octave 共compare with Table I兲.
The desirability function, chromatic lengths, and dia-
II. ANALYSIS OF OTHER EQUAL-TEMPERED tonic cardinalities associated with this sequence of ratios are
SYSTEMS given in Table II. There are six scales 共up to transposition兲,
with diatonic cardinalities of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, that
A. Extension to nonoctave systems
induce P-cycles. Diatonic cardinalities d⫽2, 3, and 4 are too
1. Nonoctave desirability function small to be of much interest 共i.e., the scales would have too
The ten-point desirability function need not be restricted few pitch classes for much variation or variety兲. Therefore,
to octave 共base 2兲 closure. A straightforward generalization the diatonic cardinalities d⫽9, 10, or 11 are better choices.
of the weighted, multiple-interval desirability function yields Bohlen,35 based on combination tones, and somewhat later
the following: Mathews, Pierce, Reeves, and Roberts,28 based on the into-
N nation sensitivity measure of Roberts and Mathews,36 chose
D b 共 c,N 兲 ⫽10⫺20 兺
p i 兩 兵 c logb 共 R i 兲 ⫹ 21 其 ⫺ 21 兩 , 共10兲 a diatonic cardinality d⫽9. This scale has become known as
the Bohlen–Pierce scale. With this in mind we will use d
⫽9 for our example and discuss these results in the next
where c, N, p i , and R i are defined as above. In the following,
we refer to D b (c,N) as the generalized desirability function
共GDF兲. The base, b, of the logarithm represents the interval
of closure. For octave closure, the usual case, the base is 2; B. The Bohlen–Pierce scale28
D(c,N)⫽D 2 (c,N). Having chosen a chromatic cardinality of c⫽13 共accord-
ing to our generalized desirability function兲 and a diatonic
2. Nonoctave example
In general, if the sequence of chosen ratios is TABLE II. Individual generalized desirabilities for the frequency ratios 5/3,
r 1 :r 2 :r 3 :r 4 the base for the desirability function is just b 7/5, and 9/7 for a 13-note equal-tempered system with tritave 共base 3兲 clo-
sure. Also shown are the chromatic generators and diatonic cardinalities for
⫽r 4 /r 1 , as was the case for the pure fourth, major third, and
each ratio. For comparison, the equal-weight generalized desirability for all
minor third described above where the sequence of ratios three ratios is shown.
was 3:4:5:6. In anticipation of the next section we chose the
sequence of ratios 3:5:7:9 for our example. In this case, the c⫽13
base of the desirability function is 3 共⫽9/3兲, which means Desirability
function Chromatic Diatonic
that our equal-tempered scale will close 共repeat兲 every octave Ratios base 3 generators cardinalities
plus a fifth. Shown in Fig. 5 is the GDF with equal weighting
for these ratios. It is clear from the figure that the best, rea- 5/3 9.107 6, 7 2, 11
7/5 9.630 4, 9 3, 10
sonably small, chromatic cardinality is c⫽13 with a GDF of
9/7 9.477 3, 10 4, 9
9.40.34 In fact, a better chromatic cardinality does not occur All 9.405 ¯ ¯
for these three ratios simultaneously, with equal weighting,

2730 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2730
from largest to smallest 共6, 4, 3兲 and smallest to largest 共3, 4,
6兲, respectively, as before. The class of Bohlen–Pierce major
triads is
M BP⫽ 兵兵 0,6,10其 , 兵 1,7,11其 , 兵 2,8,12其 , 兵 0,3,9 其 ,... 其 . 共12兲
The class of Bohlen–Pierce minor triads is
m BP⫽ 兵兵 0,3,7 其 , 兵 1,4,8 其 , 兵 2,5,9 其 ,... 其 . 共13兲
For this scale, the set class of ‘‘consonant triads’’ is
M BP艛m BP . Although Bohlen35 and Mathews, Pierce,
Reeves, and Roberts28 did not have the GDF, the ME algo-
rithm, or the P-cycle algorithm, they constructed a scale con-
sistent with our application of these tools for constructing
scales given a chosen sequence of ratios.

C. A ratio interpretation of Balzano’s c-fold

microtonal system25
1. Introduction
Our next example of a nontraditional system is based on
Balzano’s well-known c-fold microtonal system where c
⫽n(n⫹1) and n is an integer greater than or equal to 3.
Balzano points out that ‘‘With the advent of the computer,
the possibilities of exploring microtonal systems of octave
division broadens considerably.’’ As an alternative, he bases
his octave division constructs on mathematical group-
theoretic properties rather than constructing microtonal sys-
tems based on good fits to frequency ratios.
FIG. 6. A 13-note chromatic scale with 9-note embedded diatonic scale The chromatic cardinalities considered by Balzano are
generated by the ME algorithm compatible with unidirectional P-cycles. The the products of two consecutive integers 共a generalization of
Bohlen–Pierce scale is superimposed on the first diagram. Progression 12⫽3•4 in our familiar 12-tone system兲 and the diatonic
through a few closely related keys is also shown. cardinalities are the sum of those two integers 共a generaliza-
tion of 7⫽3⫹4兲. His ‘‘F to F] property’’ is equivalent to
cardinality of d⫽9 共in accordance with the modulation prop- requiring scales that induce P-cycles and his ‘‘major’’ and
erties of unidirectional P-cycles兲 for the sequence of ratios ‘‘minor’’ triads have the interval sequence (n 2 ⫺n⫺1,n
3:5:7:9 共chosen by previous workers28,35,36 for acoustic and ⫹1,n) and (n,n⫹1,n 2 ⫺n⫺1), respectively. Again, these
perceptual reasons兲, with chromatic generators of 6 共or 7兲, 4 sequences are the generalization of the usual n⫽3 case for
共or 9兲, and 3 共or 10兲, for an equal-tempered system with base the familiar 12-tone system. As a specific example, we will
3 closure, we are ready to construct the ‘‘diatonic’’ scale and use Balzano’s 20-fold system for comparison.
chord structure for the system. The ME algorithm for c
⫽13, d⫽9, and n⫽4 yields the following for a typical scale: 2. P-cycles, ME sets, and triads
Balzano’s 20-fold system requires that d⫽4⫹5⫽9.

再b c冎
13k⫹4 With a diatonic cardinality of 9, the two generator lengths
J 13,9⫽ ⫽ 兵 0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12其 . 共11兲 that satisfy Eq. 共7兲, and hence generate scales that induce
P-cycles are g⫽9 and g⫽11. 共The length g⫽11 will also be
important in the construction of the major and minor triads.兲
This scale is shown by the filled circles in the first diagram
Since Balzano’s scale will induce a P-cycle, it can be deter-
of Fig. 6. Superimposed on that diagram are the nine tones of
mined via the ME algorithm
the Bohlen–Pierce scale, denoted as I, II, III, etc. Also,

再b c冎
shown in Fig. 6 are the first few closely related keys gener- 20k⫹6
ated by the ME algorithm, with indices; n⫽4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
J 20,9⫽ ⫽ 兵 0,2,5,7,9,11,14,16,18其 . 共14兲
9. Because the chromatic cardinality and the diatonic cardi- k⫽0

nality are coprime these sets induce P-cycles, and therefore This scale represents what Clough and Douthett17 call a hy-
have the modulation properties of the generalized circle of perpentatonic scale, which is a ME set whose diatonic car-
fifths. Also shown in Fig. 6, as a dotted arrow, is the note dinality is 1 less than half the chromatic cardinality and the
that moves to generate the next closely related key. As be- chromatic cardinality is divisible by 4. Note that if c⫽12 the
fore, the heavy arrows indicate the progression through the hyperpentatonic scale reduces to the familiar pentatonic
generalized circle of fifths. scale.
The classes of major and minor triads are generated by Balzano uses the diatonic length of 2 共the ‘‘third’’兲 to
arranging the step-interval sequence for the chosen ratios generate triads. As seen in Eq. 共14兲 the chromatic lengths of

2731 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2731
TABLE III. For a small number of bases 共that define closure兲, the principal- TABLE IV. Analysis of Balzano’s 20-fold system using candidate se-
convergents-continued-fraction approximations for the step intervals 共11, 5, quences compatible with principal-convergent-continued fractions 共see the
and 4兲 in Balzano’s 20-fold system are calculated. text for details兲.

c⫽20 and d⫽9 c⫽20 and d⫽9

Base b 11/20 b 5/20 b 4/20 D b (20,3)
b 11/20 b 5/20 b 4/20 Equal-weight
2 3/2, 19/13, 41/28 6/5, 19/16, 25/21 7/6, 8/7, 23/20 Base Sequence Fractions Fractions Fractions GDF
3 2/1, 9/5, 11/6 4/3, 25/19, 229/174 5/4, 71/57, 147/118
4 2/1, 13/6, 15/7, 433/202 3/2, 7/5, 17/12 4/3, 29/22, 33/25 3 30:55:72:90 11Õ6 72/55 5Õ4 8.71
5 2/1, 5/2, 12/5, 17/7 3/2, 160/107, 643/430 3/2, 4/3, 7/5 4 7:15:21:28 15Õ7 7Õ5 4Õ3 8.00
6 2/1, 3/1, 8/3, 67/25 2/1, 3/2, 11/7, 25/16 3/2, 10/7, 83/58 5 5:12:18:25 12Õ5 3Õ2 25/18 8.39
5 14:34:51:70 17Õ7 3Õ2 70/51 9.13
6 21:56:88:126 8Õ3 11Õ7 63/44 9.31
6 15:40:63:90 8Õ3 63/40 10Õ7 9.06
the thirds are 4 and 5. Therefore, along with the chromatic
length of the generator g⫽11, the step-interval size for the
third is 5. Along with a step interval of 11 for the generator, example, for base 2 we chose the ratios 10:15:18:共20兲 be-
the step-interval sequences for major and minor triads be- cause 15:10⫽3:2, 18:15⫽6/5, and 20:18⫽10/9 because
come 共11, 5, 4兲 and 共4, 5, 11兲, respectively. The classes of 20:10⫽2 共the base兲. In general, we cannot choose a base and
Balzano 20-fold major and minor triads are a sequence of ratios in which all these ratios are consistent
M B 20⫽ 兵兵 0,11,16其 , 兵 1,12,17其 , 兵 2,13,18其 ,... 其 , 共15兲 with the continued fraction convergents simultaneously. We
chose the base for closure. The first ratio was chosen because
m B 20⫽ 兵兵 0,4,9 其 , 兵 1,5,10其 , 兵 2,6,11其 ,... 其 . 共16兲 it was the generator of the diatonic scale that induces
P-cycles. In the cases examined, we chose either the second
It is left to the reader to verify that there are four major triads
or third ratio to be compatible with a 共relatively small inte-
and four minor triads embedded in Balzano’s scale.
ger兲 principal-convergent-continued-fraction approximation
For a 20-fold system, sets with diatonic cardinality 11
for that ratio. We allowed the remaining ratio to be compro-
and generators g⫽9 or g⫽11 also induce P-cycles. Re-
mised, i.e., it was not necessarily a continued-fraction con-
cently, Zweifel31 has investigated the properties of these 11-
vergent. For base 3, it turned out that the candidate sequence
note scales. These scales are the complements of Balzano’s
5:9:12:15 yields the principal-convergent-continued fractions
nine-note scales and belong to a larger class of scales first
9/5, 4/3, and 5/4. The ratio 15:5 yields the base. Similar
isolated by Agmon29 and later studied in depth by Clough
results are obtained for other bases.
and Douthett17 and Clough, Cuciurean, and Douthett.30
Each of these candidate ratio sequences was then used to
Scales from this class are embedded in chromatic universes
calculate the equal-weight GDF. The candidate sequences,
where c⫽0 共mod 4兲, and the diatonic cardinality is 1 more
for bases through b⫽6, leading to a GDF greater than or
than half the chromatic cardinality. It is left to the reader to
equal to 8.00 are shown in Table IV. Fractions shown in bold
generate this class of scales and the resulting chord structure.
are the resulting principal-convergent-continued fraction ap-
In the next subsection, we take an alternative, nonoctave
proximation to the given step-interval ratio. The fractions
approach to analyzing Balzano’s 20-fold system.
given in normal type are the resulting compromised ratios.
For example, for the base 3 ratio sequence 30:55:72:90 we
3. Ratios and continued fractions get a ratio of 11/6 共⫽55/30兲 for the generator of the diatonic
Schechter37 and Douthett, Entringer, and Mullhaupt38 scale, 5/4 共⫽90/72兲 is the continued fraction approximation
have shown the utility of using continued-fraction-principal for 3 4/20, and the middle ratio 共72/55兲 is compromised. These
convergents39 for generating equal-tempered musical scales ratios result in an equal-weight GDF of 8.71. As shown,
with octave closures. We have taken a somewhat different based on the GDF, the best choice for closure that yields
approach in analyzing Balzano’s 20-fold system. The step small-integer-principal-convergent-continued fraction ratios
intervals of 11, 5, and 4 correspond to ‘‘frequency ratios’’ of is base 6. This represents closure at two octaves plus a fifth.
the form: b 11/20, b 5/20, and b 4/20; where b is the base of the Alternatively, the ratio sequence that would generate Balza-
logarithm that defines closure. For example, b⫽2 defines the no’s 20-fold system with a 9-note scale that induces P-cycles
usual case of octave closure and b⫽3 defines closure at an and yields a reasonable desirability function value is
octave plus a fifth, which was the case for the Bohlen–Pierce 共21:56:88:126兲.
scale. We proceeded to choose a number of bases, b⫽2, 3, 4, For comparison, Fig. 7 shows the equal-weight,
5, and 6 and calculated the three frequency ratios given multiple-interval desirability function, base 6, for these ra-
above, in each base. We then generated the first few tios. In the sequence of chromatic cardinalities c⫽20 is the
principal-convergents-continued-fraction approximations for best small number chromatic cardinality. Note that although
each frequency ratio in each base. The results of these cal- c⫽4 has a relatively good value, it may be neglected as too
culations are summarized in Table III. For convenience, in small to be interesting.
Table III, we have excluded the musically trivial 1/1 ratio.
We then chose a candidate sequence of ratios in each 4. Summary
base consistent with the principal-convergents-continued- We have extended Balzano’s approach somewhat by
fraction approximations and compatible with that base. For suggesting, based on continued fractions and the GDF, a

2732 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2732
FIG. 7. GDF for the ratios 56/21, 88/
56, and 126/88 共closure at the sextave;

sequence of ratios 共21:56:88:126兲 in a nonoctave system that and 共3兲 can yield a scale and chord structure that has the
may be used to generate his 20-fold, 9-note system. The modulation properties of closely related keys.
ratios found to generate Balzano’s system do not necessarily As an example of the applicability of our approach, we
define ‘‘consonant’’ intervals. This is in the spirit of Balza- show that the nontraditional 20-fold microtonal system of
no’s approach that justified the system solely on group- Balzano25 can: 共1兲 be generated by our formalism, and 共2兲
theoretic grounds. If an a priori reason for choosing the can be interpreted in terms of the ratio sequence
above interval sequence could be justified, our formalism 21:56:88:126 in a 6:1 nonoctave system when the formalism
could be used to generate this system. Otherwise, the formal- is coupled with continued fraction analysis.
ism can be used to interpret the system in terms of frequency The above examples show the power of this approach
ratios including nonoctave closure. for generating nonstandard musical systems. First, one can
choose an interval for closure and assess the ability of vari-
III. DISCUSSION ous equal-tempered systems to approximate chosen intervals
by application of the GDF, thereby determining an appropri-
Based on good-fitting intervals, consistent with the ate chromatic cardinality for the scale. Second, to ensure
multiple-interval desirability function6 and the modulation musical variety and variation, a diatonic cardinality that in-
properties of unidirectional P-cycles,18 along with the appli- duces P-cycles, and therefore retains the modulation proper-
cation of maximally even set theory,17 we have developed a ties of closely related keys, can be chosen. Third, the ME
formalism for constructing equal-tempered scales, of any algorithm can then be used to generate all the appropriate
chromatic cardinality, with ‘‘diatonic’’ scales, and the asso- diatonic scales of the system. Fourth, the step-interval se-
ciated chord structure, that have the modulation properties of quence, based on the chosen intervals, can be used to gener-
the closely related keys in the usual 12-tone system. We have ate the chord structure for the system.
applied the formalism to the 12-tone, equal-tempered system Alternatively, our approach can be used as an analysis
to show that this approach describes the details of this tradi- tool in which a given scale may be interpreted in terms of
tional system, as well as to introduce the mathematical de- ratios in an appropriate nonoctave system. Used in this way,
tails of these recent music-theoretic developments in the con- we hope to discover a ratio basis of unusual tunings common
text of a familiar example. in non-Western music.
Also, the formalism has been extended to describe non-
traditional scales that include nonoctave closure. As an ex-
ample, the formalism was applied to the frequency ratios 1
J. M. Barbour, ‘‘The Persistence of Pythagorean Tuning Systems,’’ Scr.
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scale. More generally, given a sequence of frequency ratios Randell 共Belknap, Cambridge, MA, 1986兲, p. 503.
determined for their acoustical, structural, mathematical, or
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Soc. Am. 84, 1214–1222 共1988兲.
Phys. 55共3兲, 223 共1987兲. 29
12 E. Agmon, ‘‘A Mathematical Model of the Diatonic System,’’ J. Music
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To get a sense of why these sets are called maximally even, S. Block and
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Comput. Music J. 4共4兲, 60 共1980兲. eveness of subsets in the same cardinal family 共e.g., same chromatic car-
D. Clampitt, ‘‘Pair-Wise, Well-Formed Scales: Structured and Transfor- dinality or same diatonic cardinality兲. This measure is consistent with the
mational Properties,’’ Ph.D. dissertation 共SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, ME algorithm.
April 1997兲. 33
J. Douthett, ‘‘The Theory of Maximally and Minimally Even Sets, the
J. Clough and J. Douthett, ‘‘Maximally Even Sets,’’ J. Music Theory 35,
One-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Ising Model, and the Continued
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In July of 1993 Clough 共SUNY at Buffalo兲 assembled a group—known as
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, May 1999兲.
the ‘‘SUNY Buffalo Working Group’’—of music theorists, music psy- 34
chologists, and mathematicians to investigate and expand on the ideas put When c is a denominator of a continued fraction convergent of the logb of
forth by Richard Cohn 共University of Chicago兲 on late 19th century voice a ratio, then the ratio’s desirability at c is better than at any smaller
leading. The term P-cycles was introduced by Cohn and was among the chromatic cardinality 共Ref. 6兲. Remarkably, for the sequence of ratios
topics explored at the meeting. This group met again in July of 1997 to 3:5:7:9, c⫽13 is a denominator of continued fraction convergents to log3
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mation on the above, including a bibliography of related topics, see the This coincidence explains why this small chromatic cardinality has such
special topics edition of the Journal of Music Theory 42共2兲 共1998兲. an extraordinarily good desirability.
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Non-Twelve-Tone Equal Temperaments,’’ Proceedings of the 8th Interna- Monthly 87, 40–42 共1980兲.
tional Computer Music Conference, Venice, Italy, pp. 534–555, 1982 共un- J. Douthett, R. Entringer, and A. Mullhaupt, ‘‘Musical Scale Construction:
published兲. The Continued Fraction Compromise,’’ Util. Mathemat. 42, 97–113
E. Wilson, Private communication to J. Douthett 共1996兲. 共1992兲.
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tems,’’ J. Music Theory 11共1兲, 32–59 共1967兲. Chicago, 1992兲.

2734 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107, No. 5, Pt. 1, May 2000 R. J. Krantz and J. Douthett: Construction of equal-tempered scales 2734

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