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1. Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women was published in the year--------?

A. 1794 B. 1892
C. 1792 D.1894

2. Gynocrticism was coined by which of the following Feminist thinkers?

A. Virginia Woolf B. Elaine Showalter
C. Simone Boveir D. Judith Butler

3. The term Lesbian came from Lesbos, homeland to the 6th – century BCE poet
A. Sappho B. Plato
C. Aristophanes D. Elizabeth Browning

4. Who defined womanism as follow; "womanism is to feminism as purple is to lavender"?

A. Maya Angelou B. Nadine Godimer
C. Alice Walker D. Margaret Atwood

5. Which radical feminist talks about ‘gender performativity’?

A. Elaine Showalter B. Kate Millet
C. Helen Cixous D. Judith Butler

6. Meena Kandasamy is a famous -----------?

A. Dalit Feminist B. Marxist Feminist
C. Radical Feminist D. None of the above

7. “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence” is popular essay in lesbian studies

which is written by-------?
A. Chrys Ingraham, B. Adrienne Rich
C. Eve Kosofsky D. Virginia Woolf

8. In which year Beauvoir's “The Second Sex” was published?

A. 1949 B. 1947
C. 1950 D. 1944

9. The term ecriture feminine denotes -------?

A. Special language for women B. Special book for women
C. Special thinking for women D. None of the above

10. Sexual Politics by Kate Millett points out the offensive-phallocentric nature of four classic
English writer including
A. Henry James B. Oscar Wilde
C. DH Lawrence D. TS Eliot

11. Who coined the term ‘womanism’?

A. Kimberlé Crenshaw B. Dorris Lessing
C. Alice walker D. Helen Cixous

12. Judith Butler’s Gender trouble was published in the year?

A. 1980 B. 1990
C. 1970 D. 1960

13. Stonewall riots which led to the emergence of Queer theory as distinct discipline took
in which year?
A. 1969 B. 1980
C. 1959 D. 1979
14. Black Feminism believed that black women had to face segregation on -------grounds?
A. three B. two
C. one D. None of the above

15. Lesbian Feminism arose as out of dissatisfaction with -------- feminism?

A. second-wave B. first-wave
C. third-wave D. forth –wave

16. "The Laugh of Medusa" is an essay auothored by-------?

A. Helen Cixous B. Helen Butler
C. Margaret Drabble D. Margaret Atwood

17. Kate Millett, was an ---------feminist thinker?

A. French B. German
C. American D. Indian

18. Who jointly wrote the book The Madwoman in the Attic?
A. Gilbert and Gubar B. Millett and Cixious
C. Beauvoir and Showalter D. Woolf and Wolstonecraft

19. Which of Woolf’s essay demanded women to get a single room to contemplate and
artistic creations
A. Jacob’s Room B. A Room of One’s Own
C. Madwoman in the Attic D. In a Room

20. Which wave of feminism adopted the motto “The Personal is Political”
A. first B. second
C. third D. forth

21. What term is defined thus; "is to construct a female framework for the analysis of women's
literature "
A. feminist critique B. gynocritique
C. female critique D. None of the above

22. Who introduced the term ‘lesbian continuum ’

A. Helen Cixous B. Judith Butler
C. Adrienne Rich D. Chrys Ingraham

23. -------- into issues such as how women are exploited through and under capitalism?
A. French feminism B. Marxist feminism
C. Black feminism D. Womanism

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