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1. Edward Said’s Orientalism was published in --------?

A. 1978 B. 1988
C. 1967 D. 1998

2. Which is the term adopted by postcolonial critics as an alternative to 'otherness'?

A. Hybridity B. Alterity
C. Connectivity D. Activity

3. Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography, is written by -----?

A. Homi Bhabha B. Edward Said
C.Gayatri Spivak D. Chinua Achebe

4. Stephen Dedalus is the protagonist of which famous nove?

A. Ulysses B. Mrs. Dalloway
C. My Story D. Finnigan’s Wake

5. 'Modernity- an Incomplete Project' is a paper written by -----?

A. Lyotard B. Juergen Habermas
C. Derrida D. Michael Foucault

6. Who termed Postmodernism as “incredulity towards metanarratives"

A. McHale B. Derrida
C. Habermas D. Lyotard

7. Who wrote Post-Modernist Fictions in 1987?

A. Baudrillard B. Saussure
C. Brian McHale D. Said

8. In which of his books Lawrence Buell studies nature in relation to American Literature?
A. The Environmental Imagination B. The World in Imagination
C. Imagining the Environment D. The Historical Imagination

9. Ecofeminism argues that --------- is a way of subjugating women under patriarchy?

A. feminisation B. subversion
C. naturalisation D. characterisation

10. Who is often associated with 'the loss of the real'?

A. Jean Baudrillard B. McHale
C. Lyotard D. Partha Chatterjee

11. The term 'hyperreality' appears in ---------?

A. Postmodernism B. Poststructuralism
C. Postcolonialism D. None of the above

12. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm are prominent members of ----------?
A. Anthropocentrism B. Ecocriticism
C. Humanism D. Modernism

13. Who had introduced the term “imagined community”?

A. Bhabha B. Spivak
C. Francois Lyotard D. Benedict Anderson

14. How is Ecocriticism addressed in the UK?

A. Environment Studies B. Green Studies
C. Health Studies D. Green Ecology
15. Which is the book of Homi Bhabha that explaines the term ‘uncanny’?
A. Location of Culture B. Culture and space
C. Location of Lives D. None of the above

16. What is termed as "a way of coming to terms with the orient that is based on the
orient’s special place in European - Western experience” by Said?
A. Eurocentrism B. Orientalism
C. Blackcentrism D. None of the above

17. According to Salman Rushdie, the homeland becomes -------?

A. fantasy B. remembered
C. imaginary D. forgotten

18. Which term is often used to point out cross-cultural ‘exchange’ within the contact
produced by colonization
A. Hybridity B. Alterity
C. Uncanny D. Essentialism

19. Lacan explained which term as "we do not know how to distinguish bad and good,
from displeasure."?
A. imaginary B. uncanny
C. hybridity D. None of the above

20. Ranajit Guha, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Shahid Amin are part of -------group?
A. Subaltern Studies B. Dalit Studies
C. Colonial Studies D. Ecological Studies

21. Whose famous essay is titled "Can the Subaltern Speak?"

A. Homi Bhabha B. Salman Rushdie
C. Arundhati Roy D. Gayatri Spivak

22. Which Indian postcolonial critc said that the very idea of nationalism was Western?
A. Dev Chatterjee B. Ranajit Guha
C. Partha Chatterjee D. Amitav Ghosh

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