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Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig

Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City

Senior High School Department

Introduction to Philosophy
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. It is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when
considered as an academic discipline.
a. a. epistemology b. philosophizing c. philosophy d. metaphysics
2. What branch of philosophy that deals with arguments?
a. a. epistemology b. aesthetics c. logic d. ethics
3. What branch of philosophy evaluates human actions?
a. a. metaphysics b. ethics c. logic d. aesthetics
4. “For every fact Y, there must be an explanation why Y is the case” which of the following principles
does the statement fall in?
a. a. sufficient reason b. excluded middle c. identity d. non contradiction
5. This principle states that a statement is either true or false
a. a. sufficient reason b. excluded middle c. identity d. non contradiction
6. This refers to the scientific study of the essential structures of consciousness
a. a. existentialism b. phenomology c. fallacy d. post modernism
7. Looking at an event from 2 or more perspectives within the storyline is under which method of
a. postmodernism b. analytical tradition d. phenomology d. fallacy
8. Bracketing all questions of truth or reality and simply describes the contents of consciousness.
a. analytical tradition b. existentialism c. fallacy d. epoche
9. Reasoning based from specific observations in order to make generalizations.
a. validity of an argument b. deductive c. strength of an argument d. inductive
10. This reasoning draws conclusion from one broad judgement.
a. deductive b. critical thinking c. inductive d. composition
11. “Share a Coke, Share Happiness”, is under which type of fallacies?
a. appeal to ignorance b. appeal to people c. false cause d. division
12. “Our garage sale made lots of money before Joan showed up.” Which of the following fallacies is being
a. against the person b. appeal to force c. hasty generalization d. false cause
13. No one on the senate council objected to the idea what Dick Gordon proposed, so they think it’s an
excellent idea
a. appeal to ignorance b. appeal to people c. equivocation d. acceptance
14. Commercials that show starving children in Africa before asking for donations to feed them.
a. appeal to pity b. appeal to people c. appeal to force d. composition
15. “Killing people is wrong, so the death penalty is wrong.”
a. a. appeal to pity b. begging the question c. hasty generalization d. appeal to people

16. An enlightened state where one attains true self hood.

a. a. vidya b. moksha c. veda d. siva
17. 17. This tradition peached tolerance of all sincere viewpoints that which includes the four noble truth
and eightfold paths.
a. a. Christianity b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Hinduism
18. Which is the world’s oldest practice of tradition/religion
a. a. forgiveness b. Taoism c. Christianity d. Hinduism
19. This human limitation can be rooted from our sense of vulnerability and fear of death.
a. a. forgiveness b. failure c. loneliness d. beauty of nature
20. Which is a common characteristic of philosophical questions?
a. a. moksha b. ultimate liberation c. reincarnation d. beauty of nature
21. Which is a common characteristic of physical questions?
a. They are strictly empirical questions.
b. They involve fundamental concepts that are unavoidable by the thoughtful person.
c. They are purely semantic questions
d. They aren’t relevant to ordinary, everyday questions.
22. What is the world’s organized religion?
a. a. Islam b. Buddhism c. Hinduism d. Christianity
23. A criticism went viral on the internet the organizers of an event. The event featured Apo Ahang-Od
from Kalinga, the oldest Mambabatok in the country who uses traditional tattoo technique. According
to the netizens, she was tattooing non-stop for a long period of time. This may be viewed in what
existentialist theme?
a. A. Freedom and responsibility C. Primary and secondary reflection
b. B. Human person in environment D. Human persons and intersubjectivity
24. A situation where a Christian medical doctor attends to a wounded Muslim rebel is a manifestation of
what existentialist theme?
a. a. Humans are subjective c. Humans are transcendent
b. b. Humans are social beings d. Humans are geared towards death
25. Buber’s notion of intersubjectivity is best seen in which kind of situation?
a. A firefighter who risked his/her life to save the lives of the kittens trapped in a burning building.
b. A teacher who passed a graduating working student who has insufficient funds to support
his/her studies
c. A security guard who greeted a student from depression and made him/her change his/her
mind of committing suicide
d. A president of a powerful of a powerful country who donated a huge number of arms to
reinforce the armed forces of the Philippines
26. Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, told the story of prisoners inside the Cave that could only see the
shadows were real and they were contented with their lives inside. what philosophical insight can we
get from this story?
a. The opposite of truth is freedom
b. story can never capture some human truths
c. to see is to believe. Reality is discovered through the senses
d. Do not at once believe what you see. reality can be concealed from the senses
27. In Plato's divided line, which among these states of the mind generate genuine knowledge?
a. Doxa (Opinion) c. Eikasia (common sense)
b. Noesis(Direct Intuition) d. Pistis (percept and imagination
28. In K to 12 curricular revisions, the Humanities are gradually replaced by technical courses that bear
practical consequences. To what philosophy is this curriculum directed to?
a. positivism b. Pragmatism c. Subjectivism d. Consequentialism
29. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God which is Bathala?

a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban

30. Which is reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and subordinates holds the whole
group together?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. utang na loob
31. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?
a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
32. Which is the philiosophy of “living in harmony with nature”?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
33. Which Filipino value is helping others in times of need?
a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban
34. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge?
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics
35. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial point of view?
A. watching videos over the internet
B. listening to both your teachers’ and parents’ advice on how to improve your grades
C. referring to only one source of information for your position paper
D. participating in a class discussion
36. Who among the following students may have already developed a broader
philosophical perspective?
A. Julie, who always listens to all sides of the argument before giving any advice
B. Kristia, who consistently chats with her classmates about their interests and beliefs
C. Mara, who regularly monitors the emotional well-being of her classmates
D. Trish, who rarely talks with her classmates, but is always observant of them
37. What is the difference between truth and opinion?
A. Truth is always subjective, but opinion can be objective or subjective.
B. Truth is subjective, while opinion is objective.
C. Truth can be objective or subjective, but opinion is always objective.
D. Truth is objective, while opinion is subjective.
38. Which of the following situations expresses an opinion?
A. At a young age, Liza already knows that dragons and unicorns are mythical creatures.
B. In a patriarchal society, men are the head of the family.
C. Niel tells a blind boy that red is "like eating a red chili pepper."
D. Sally believes that all things visible to the eyes are material things.

39. Your classmate asked you to suggest a topic for his report on social development. Using the
historical method, how will you answer your classmate?
A. "My mother said she perceives social development in the '90s to be the most successful."
B. "I think society in the late '90s would be a good topic."
C. "I read from last week’s newspaper that among all periods, social development in the '90s was
most successful."
D. "Social development was great in the '90s."

40 . Why is observation important in the scientific method?

A. It enables you to further understand the results of the experiment.
B. It enables you to see the elements involved in the experiment.
C. It enables you to see the topic in a different perspective.
D. It enables you to copy the experiment.

41. It refers to intentional actions that affect one’s fortunes in this and the next
a. karma b. moksha c. Samsara d. Dharma
42. It is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person’s individual
desires and suffering is gone or has ceased.
a. karma b. Upanishads c. Samsara d. Nirvana
43. According to _______, for a person to be happy, he must live a virtuous life.
a. plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Martin Heidegger
44. It pertains to the significance of living in general as we perceive. It is derived from the philosophical
and religious contemplation of and scientific increase about existence social size consciousness and
a. philosophy b. life c. logic d. epistemology
45. According to ________, “If something can change, it exists in one ‘actual’ state and has the ‘potential’
to become another state
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Jaspers
46. This philosopher believes that interpersonal is signified by “I-YOU” relation
a. Buber b. Wojtyla b. Heidegger d.Plato
47. You read from a book that eating peanuts daily boosts mental function. Using the scientific method,
how would you know if this is true?
a. Take mental tests only.
b. Eat peanuts daily, then measure your daily mental function through tests.
c. Read more about the effectiveness of peanuts in mental functioning.
d. Ask a neurologist if the statement is true
48. The following are Aristotle’s concept of soul EXCEPT _________________.
a. Rational b. Sensitive c. Vegetative d. Universal
49. “An apple is an apple”. This statement is under which principle?
a. Principle of Identity c. Principle of Non-contradiction
b. Principle of Excluded Middle d. Principle of Sufficient Reason
50. Which of the following is an example of Equivocation fallacy?
a. “All trees have barks. Every dog bark, Therefore, every dog is a tree.”
B. A lawyer who argues that his client should not be held responsible for theft because he is poor.
c. “The legs of this chair are made of wood, so the whole chair must be made of wood.”
d. The United States is the richest country in the world. Therefore, everyone in the United States
must be rich and live well

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