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NAME: Fatima Faye Ferrer STUDENT NUMBER: TUPM-20-4131


DP3 – Environmental Marketing

Environmental Marketing analyzes how firms and consumers influence environmental

factors through the marketing process and identifies their potential responsibilities. It is
the promotion of environmentally friendly products. Such a product or service may be
environmentally friendly in terms of its design, production, and/or packaging. It comprises
a wide variety of actions that are assumed to be ecologically friendly, incorporating
product changes, manufacturing process changes, packaging changes, and other
modifications advertising. The obvious assumption in environmental marketing is that
potential customers will see "greenness" as a benefit and base their purchasing decisions
on it. Customers are becoming more demanding, and they are becoming more
environmentally conscious. What is important with brands is how people perceive them,
and what the brand's image is. Several studies have looked at the change in consumer
perceptions, finding that people who care about the environment would express their
worries through various behaviors, such as avoiding purchasing a product because it is
potentially harmful. The idea that stood out to me was the Environmental Marketing has
recently received widespread attention in the global media. Both individual and corporate
consumers appear to be becoming more conscious of environmental sustainability and
expressing an interest in conserving it. This will help our environment in many ways and
it will result to a better and healthy surroundings. Some of the ideas were new to me while
other ideas don’t; like the environmental marketing is the marketing of products that are
presumed to be environmentally safe.

Companies frequently apply multiple strategical approaches to various aspects of the

industry in order to obtain competitive advantages by repositioning consumer perception
through innovative green products and that might be the solution to preserving the
environment. Environmental marketing is providing an opportunity to be innovative in a
way that will assist them to make profits and contribute toward the green planet. Though
business often causes damage to the environment in several ways, whether it is directly
or indirectly, now there is a raising phenomenon of recognizing environmental friendly
sustainable operations. Several researchers have attempted to find a solution to
environmental preservation. Many perceived that there is a strong relation between
behavioral characteristics, demographic characteristics, psychographic characteristics,
geographic characteristics of the consumers. In order to gain a new footing, marketers
must focus on environmental awareness in firms, design strategic green marketing
initiatives, and promote those efforts. This will cause customers to have a different
perspective on the goods. To look at it another way, marketing entails "working in the
market" in order to give benefits that fulfill the needs of the general public. However, the
term environmental marketing refers to more than just meeting consumer requirements
or raising living standards; it also refers to maintaining the ecology and defending against
ecological damage that we have already created. These observations shaped my
understanding because resources are limited and human desires are unlimited, it is
critical for marketers to make optimal use of those resources while also achieving the
organization's goals. As a result, environmental marketing is unavoidable. Consumers all
over the world are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental protection.
Evidence suggests that individuals around the world are worried about the environment
and are changing their habits. As a result, green marketing has evolved, referring to the
rising market for environmentally friendly and socially responsible goods and services.

Marketers must create fresh and inventive ways to alter consumers' perceptions about
environmental marketing. Green products, for example, should be available to consumers
at a significantly lower price to attract a larger customer base. We must aim to persuade
the customers to engage in environmental marketing through various awareness. The
underlying philosophy for the environmental marketing should be made available to the
general public. It is our job to save the environment. When it comes to environmental
marketing, eco-labeling and packaging should take precedence over environmentally
friendly features and information. Besides an international standard should be
implemented to remove the doubt of minds from the consumers. Environmental marketing
should not neglect the economic aspect of marketing. Marketers need to understand the
implications of green marketing. Think again if you think people aren't worried about
environmental issues or won't pay a premium for environmentally friendly products. You
must find a way to improve the performance of your product, develop consumer loyalty,
and fetch a higher price. Environmental marketing is still in its early stages, and much
more research is needed to realize its full potential.

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