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NIM : 188820300003
1. School Identity
 Muhammadiyah 9 Elementary School Ngaban. Which is located in
Ngaban village RT 03 RW 01 Tanggulangin District.
2. Teacher’s name
 Ma’am Fandiyah Eva Rini / Ma’am Eva
3. What material is taught by the eacher when you conduct observation/interview
 The English subject at SD Muhammadiyah 9 Ngaban is made a
compulsory subject, even though in DAPODIK it is stated as
extracurricular. for the material that the teacher teaches, it always
focuses on speaking and listening skills. whatever the material. for
example, such as when teaching grade 2 elementary school students.
material about days and months. Ma’am Eva always focused on
listening, where students listened to Ma’am Eva mention various
days and months and was followed by students saying the types of
days and months one by one including the students who had already
done speaking skills.
4. What strategies are used by the teacher to teach English
 The strategy used by Ma’am Eva in teaching English material to her
students, especially nowadays, where learning is done online.
Ma’am Eva herself prepared material to be taught to her students
using an animated video, a song, etc. which is intended so that
students do not feel bored and can still focus and enjoy the material
taught by Mrs. Eva through this inline learning. and so that the
students can still understand and apply the material that Mrs. Eva has
5. What media is used by the teacher to teach English
 The media used by Ma’am Eva is books. which the book is not a
LKS book but a textbook that she made himself. and because she
teaches students from grades 1-6 SD, so the book is made with a
sustainable system. for example, grade 1 SD consists of chapters
1,2,3 class 2 SD consists of chapters 4,5,6 and so on.
6. What are the difficulties/problems faced by teacher in teaching English
 Ma’am Eva's difficulty when teaching in class is when Ms. Eva starts
lessons using English, such as when saying greetings, asking how
she is, etc. There are some students who do not / find it difficult to
understand what Ms. Eva's words mean.
And there are also problems when teaching English, namely when
children at that age still think that English is a difficult and very
boring subject and language.
7. What the teacher expects so that the teaching English can be better.
 Ma’am Eva hopes that English becomes a favorite subject and excellent
lesson. and hope that many students will excel in English subjects.

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