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Phạm Minh Danh

TP Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam


Apply the knowledge learned in real projects. Continue to do in-depth research on the framework and wish to do more
research on technologies such as docker, Kubernetes , google cloud.

University of transport
- Major: Information technology 2016
GPA: 2,70/4

- Developer Staff March 2021
January 2022
Main responsibilities:

- Develop website for company's products.

Kyanon digital
- Developer Staff August 2020
February 2021
Main responsibilities:

- Develop website for customer at singapore.

- MEAN Certificate at KhoaPham center

Languages / Platform: Typescript, PHP
Scripting: HTML/CSS/JS
Framework: Express.js, Angular
Runtime: Node.js
Database: Mongodb, Mysql

- Soccer

- Music

Giftcode site ( (December 2021
February 2022)
Customer company's product
Description - This is the website for users receive giftcode of games and use giftcode.
Team size 4
My position - Font-end Developer ( Angular )
- Devolop website according to requirements.

My responsibilities
- Define the required api for the backend.

- Angular

Technologies used - Javascript, Bootstrap

- html, scss, Typescript

Tool Gmail (July 2021

August 2021)
Customer company's product
Description - This is an internal web site used to send emails to users ( EX: Giftcode ... )
Team size 3
My position - Developer
My responsibilities - Devolop website according to requirements

- Research how to send mail by SMTP method.


- Laravel

Technologies used
- Mysql

- html, scss, Typescript

Payment site for games ( ) (March 2021

January 2022)
Customer company's product
Description - This is the website for users to deposit money into game .
Team size 3
My position Front-end Developer (Angular)
- Devolop website according to requirements

My responsibilities
- Research firebase ( login and register ) and apply to project

- Angular

Technologies used - Firebase

- html, scss, typescript

News site for games ( ) (May 2021

July 2021)
Customer company's product
Description - This is the website for users to read news about games
Team size 3
My position - Front-end Developer (Angular) and Back-end Developer (Strapi)
- Develop website according to requirements

- Research strapi and apply to project

My responsibilities
- Develop CMS for post news

- Develop api for website

- Angular

- Strapi

Technologies used - Nodejs

- Mysql

- html, scss, Typescript

The better travel (August 2020

February 2021)
Customer Customer at singapore
- This is the website ( )that shows stories about
journey, meet, weekend of good, covid-19, Culture and Craft of countries .
Team size 7
My position Front-end Developer (Angular)
- Devolop website according to customer requirements

My responsibilities - Research about angular universal

- Upgrade angular.

- Angular

Technologies used - Angular universal

- html, scss- Typescript

Athena (October 2020

December 2020)
Customer Customer at singapore
Description - This is a website, it manage customers' transactions
Team size 3
My position Front-end Developer (Angular)
My responsibilities - Devolop website according to customer requirements.

- Research ngrx and apply to project.

- Angular

Technologies used - html, scss

- Typescript

Affiliate (December 2020

February 2021)
Customer Customer at VietNam
- - This is a website, it creates campains. Those campains allow compain join and sell
Team size 4
My position Back-end Developer (nodejs)
- Devolop new api.

My responsibilities - Fix api error.

- Research firebase.

- Nodejs

- html, scss

Technologies used
- Javascript

- Firebase 

Blog (Jun 2020

Aug 2020)
Customer My project
- This is website show blogs about Javascript html css ...

Description - Link website:

- Link GitHub:

Team size 1
My position Developer
My responsibilities - Write code



Technologies used
- Nodejs

- Mongodb

Website selling watches (Oct 2020

Dec 2020)
Customer My project
- This is website, that sells watches to men and women

- Link website:

- Link Github Front-end: 


- Link Github Back-end:

Team size 1
My position Developer
My responsibilities - Write code



- Nodejs (Back-end)

Technologies used
- Angular (Front-end)

- Mongodb

- Boostrap


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