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Seven Essential Oils for Well Being ……………

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils of the plants in order to promote physical,
mental and emotional well-being. Join us for a journey into this ancient art with the exploration of seven
essential oils that form the basis of an at-home aromatherapy apothecary. In this hands-on aromatherapy
wellness journey, you will learn how to use essential oils to enhance your health, well-being, beauty,
balance and home.

 Discover ways to change your mood and provide an atmosphere of peace at home and work.
 Learn the history and properties of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, bergamot,
frankincense and rosemary essential oils in practical and easy ways.
 Learn practical recipes to enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being.
 Gain hands-on experience in creating a personal aromatherapy blend.

Your Guide: Marla Durden (B.A. Fine Arts; Masters, Entrepreneurial Leadership) is an artist, healer,
teacher and entrepreneur. She has been working with essential oils for 25 years. Marla has incorporated
her knowledge into her work with clients as a wisdom-centered life coach; and into wellness products
sold in spas and retail outlets in the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. She enjoys InterPlay (a community-
based arts practice), travel, connecting with her indigenous roots and vocal improvisation.

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Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils of the plants in order to promote physical,
mental and emotional well-being. Join Marla for a journey into this ancient art with the exploration of
seven essential oils that form the basis of an at-home aromatherapy apothecary. In this hands-on
aromatherapy wellness journey, you will learn how to use essential oils to enhance your health, well-
being, beauty, balance and home.

 Discover ways to change your mood and provide an atmosphere of peace at home and work
 Learn the history and properties of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, bergamot,
frankincense and rosemary essential oils in practical and easy ways
 Learn practical recipes to enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being
 Gain hands-on experience in creating a personal aromatherapy blend

Known as the “life force” of the plant, essential oils are fragrant, highly concentrated, volatile plant
extracts found in the leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, seeds, and bark of plants.

The chemical constituents of essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial,
antitumor, antiparasitic, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. They are also powerful antioxidants. Because
essential oils can consist of hundreds of different chemical constituents, a single oil has the potential to
produce a myriad of effects on the body.
The molecules travel through the nasal passage to the limbic system. The limbic system supports a variety
of functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction.
Aromatic plants have been used for their therapeutic properties for thousands of years. Egyptian papyri,
Chinese manuscripts and Siddha medicine documents describe the medicinal use of aromatics (aka
essential oils) employed thousands of years ago. There are also many references to essential oils such as
frankincense and myrrh in the Bible and Torah.

Friday, February 22nd 7pm - 8pm Introduction to the Seven Essential Oils for Well Being
Saturday, February 23rd 9am – 10am Aromatherapy for Wellness
7pm – 9pm Fire Ceremony
Sunday, February 24th 9am – 10am Integrating the Learning

Your Guide: Marla Durden (B.A. Fine Arts; Masters, Entrepreneurial Leadership) is an artist, healer,
teacher and entrepreneur. She has been working with essential oils for 25 years. Marla has incorporated
her knowledge into her work with clients as a wisdom-centered life coach; and into wellness products
sold in spas and retail outlets in the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. She enjoys InterPlay (a community-
based arts practice), travel, connecting with her indigenous roots and vocal improvisation.


1. Thank you for the offer to sell products and offer sessions for people. How do we proceed
setting that up?
2. I would like to create a small kit for the journey. Is it possible to have a $30 materials fee?

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