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Sisca Aryanti


1. What do you know about reading and reading skills?

2. Please write an essay under the following topic:

“Discipline is part of the Islamic community life. Some people think that discipline
should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that it is the role of parents”

Please give your opinion!


1. Reading skills a way to improve the reader about understanding the text like (comparison,
vocabularies, summarization, contrast, fact checking, and reflection). However, this
ability has two focused to analyze the content, skimming (fast reading to get the main
idea) and scanning (fast way to find specific info). In addition, when we have this skill,
we can identify background of knowledge, author’s purpose, and main idea. Also, we can
recognize sequence and cause/effect of the text. While reading is a process to know the
information of content.

2. Discipline is part of the Islamic community life. Some people think that discipline should
be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that it is the role of parents. However,
both of them must give awareness to stress this critical habit. In addition, we can
mastering our discipline by some traditions. First, wake up on time. This behavior will
get ourselves up before we do some activity. Furthermore, this habit will avoid us to
come late. Second, act respectfully toward others. As a good Muslim discipline is not
only to trainee ourselves to be a good individuality. For example, when we see the traffic
light already green, we don’t have to horn immediately. It is good to wait for a second
and waiting the traffic flowed. Third, the discipline also measure by consume healthy
food. When we we eat, that is mean we manage our life to be healthier. Exactly, this
routine will reject us from bad disease. But, eating healthy food without daily exercise is
not perfect at all. So, daily exercise is the fourth habit to improve our discipline, we can
do some work out to maintain our body. Last but not least, the disciplinary will be perfect
if the activity always followed by dua. This term will make our activity fully-blessed.

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