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Nostalgic School Days a day of the past It is a reality that Time and tide waits for none.

. We grow and become matured, old friends get replaced by new ones, academic milieu changes to a professional environment, priorities and necessities in life shift to higher orders but what always remains is our golden old memories of past which provides us with unfathomable nostalgia while we ponder even in present times. Mostly people find it worth discussing and contemplating on college days, which are the days spent of ones recent past but at the same time dont we have time to reflect back into longer durations and reminisce golden memories of our childhood days in schools? A school by itself is deemed to be a temple of learning which moulds and shapes the character and persona of a pupil. Heres a flashback into my school days which provides me with moments of cherish even now when Im deep down into contemplation. School days are the days without trauma or tension where we used to dwell on our puerile instincts to fight, to feel jealous, to be angry, to laugh or even to play pranks. It is still fresh in my memory when the tiny 4ft 3inches long slim lad burdened with the excess weight of school bag and water bottle used to make his way to his school. The whining child after being fostered by his mom makes his way to the bus stand to board the school bus. He gets onto the bus and craves for a window seat, on not being able to manage the same and seeing his bosom pals occupying such seats his face becomes red and gloomy. After reaching school he hops out of the bus in a frantic way and juggles his way to his class with friends. Now its time to play a game or two until the morning bell rings for classes to commence and he merrily joins company to play a game of hide and seek. Perilously perched on top of a small tree, he is spotted at last by the vigilant den which makes him feel on top of cloud number 9. The bell tolls and its time for assembly and every one rushes in a heat of hope lest anyone gets late to stand in the line. After this hands are clasped and prayers are offered marking the beginning of a new day in their academic career once again. He sits onto his respective seat and classes begin.His heart pounds whenever the teacher shoots questions at the class and he always keeps his eye contacts away from the teacher. But even then the geography madam asks him about the number of states in India to which he doesnt have a befitting answer, he is made to kneel down on not reading previously taught exercises and the innocuous lad is crestfallen in front of his entire class. As soon as the bell for the next period rings, the lad is ushered to his seat by the teacher and is told to read past lessons very well prior coming to school. Bell rings for the small tiffin break and all tiffins are shared amongst the children. A pinch of parantha or a bite of cake from the other fellows tiffin gives him enormous pleasure. Classes commence and he concentrates on every word being uttered by the respective teachers but even then lands up in mess and punishments on not being able to complete his homework on time or not delivering on the spot correct answers. The bell rings for lunch and the lad merrily walks out with his friends to have lunch from the tiffin boy. Lunch prepared by mother is relished thoroughly and after that its time for a game of football or squash. Scoring a goal makes his voice go hoarse and he yells at the top his voice Yeahhhhh. Afternoon classes commence and the seemingly drowsy lad tries his level best to keep awake, but

even then his lethargic and sleepy look compels the teacher to tell him go out and wash his face.He returns back to his seat and tries to concentrate again on studies and this time when the Maths teacher asks him the HCF of 3 numbers he delivers the solution with ease. When the teacher says Good, he is ecstatic and thinks of telling this first thing to mom and dad when he would return to home. In the meanwhile, because of his elated mood, he thinks of mischiefs and as soon as the period is over and the bell rings for the last period of History to be taken by the oldest teacher around, he walks to the blackboard and draws the cartoon of the History teacher in a historic attire and a Moghul crown. The teacher after entering the class and on noticing the picture on the board applauds and compliments the artist for the same not knowing that it was his own portrait. The final bell rings and the lad runs as fast as he can towards his bus to capture a window seat. On seeing a small girl approach him and sit beside him makes him even more shy and demure. He can see his other friends making fun of him who are seating at the back seat which makes him frown more. But, he tries to talk gently with the girl about her class and the day. The girl talks to him with a caressing smile and always carries a cheerful disposition which makes his heart pound even faster. He does not know what to say, when to say and how to say. Before getting down he waves at the girl with a smile to which the girl reciprocates equally. The lad has had his day in school and now its time to go home, relax for a while, have an evening meal, then go out with his bicycle around the town and play with friends and return home and begin studies. This is just a day from our own lives of the pastbeing happy in small moments of life is what gave the child maximum comfort in his daily schedule, cant we always remain happy in small moments of life and take life as it comes always or is it too childish to think that way?, but whatever be it : School days are always the one of the best days of ones life

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