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Response to Jane’s Revenge attacks on CPC’s

Dr. Martin Luther King once said this ‘Darkness cannot drive out
darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love
can do that.’

Violence against pregnancy centers that help young mothers at no cost

hurts women and their children. We respond to the hate and violence of
Jane’s Revenge with love. The same God that formed the unborn loves
those who seem to have nowhere to turn and resort to revenge and
violence to fill the void in their heart. When we know who we are, we
don’t crave acceptance for our identity.

When Jane’s Revenge says ‘We have run thin on patience and mercy for
those who seek to strip us of what little autonomy we have left.’ they are
shouting for significance. Only a personal relationship with the God who
made us can give them that significance. Jesus gives the significance and
hope we so desperately seek. His patience and mercy for us was seen at
the Cross, when he returned sacrificial love for hate.

The very ones that Jane’s Revenge seek to empower (women facing an
unintended pregnancy) are the ultimate victims of their hate. We will
help these women through a pregnancy. We will guide them past the
false autonomy and the mental and physical pain of abortion. We will
stand with them and their unborn children for as long as they need us.
We’ve done this for decades.

Dr. King also said, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light
can do that’. We will continue to respond in love by sharing truth and
light with the women we serve.

We call on Jane’s Revenge to consider the claims of Christ as thousands

of women who’ve visited pregnancy centers have, and thus be freed to
be the women they desire to be and were intended to be.
Gateway Pregnancy Center / June 9, 2022

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