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Clinical chemistry

Dr.Layla Abd alasattar Sadiq Laylani

clinical enzymology
Enzymes are catalysts that increase the rate of physiologic reactions.
Each and every reaction in our body catalyzed by enzyme. In general,
most enzymes are present in cells at much higher concentrations than in
plasma. Measurement of their levels in plasma indicates whether their
tissue of origin is damaged leading to the release of intracellular
components into the blood.
Thus clinical enzymology refers to measurement of enzyme activity for
the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Since the tight control of enzyme activity is essential for homeostasis,
any malfunction of a single critical enzyme (mutation, overproduction,
underproduction or deletion) can lead to a genetic disease - commonly
called inborn errors of metabolism.
* Liver
The liver is the largest organ in the body. It is located below the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant
of the abdominal cavity. An adult's liver weighs approximately The human liver weighs
approximately 1500 g and comprises ~2% of total BW, and extends approximately from the right 5th rib to
the lower border of the rib cage.
* The liver is separated into a right and left lobe, separated by the falciform ligament. The right lobe is
much larger than the left lobe. The working cells of the liver are known as hepatocytes. Hepatocytes
have a unique capacity to reproduce in response to liver injury. Liver regeneration can occur after
surgical removal of a portion of the liver or after injuries that destroy parts of the liver. Although the
liver's ability to react to damage and repair itself is remarkable, repetitive insults can produce liver
failure and death.
* The liver is a metabolically active organ responsible for many vital life functions. The primary
functions of the liver are:
• Bile production and excretion
• Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs
• Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
• Enzyme activation
• Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals
• Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors
• Blood detoxification and purification
* Liver function tests, also referred to as "LFTs"
are blood tests that assess the state of the liver and the biliary system. Liver function tests are among the
most commonly used tests in medicine. LFTs are divided into true tests of liver function, such as serum
albumin, bilirubin, and prothrombin time, and tests that are indicators of liver injury or biliary tract disease .
* The liver is a storehouse for many enzymes and injury or disease affecting the liver causes release of
these enzymes into the bloodstream. Enzyme tests that may indicate liver damage include the
aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Other frequently tested liver
enzymes that indicate biliary tract obstruction, whether in the liver or in bile channels outside the
liver, are alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT). These enzymes
are also produced in other organs; therefore, enzyme measurements are not specific for liver disease
alone. In addition to LFTs obtained on routine chemistry tests, the physician may order more specific
tests such as viral serologic tests or autoimmune tests, that can determine the specific etiology of a
liver disease.
* How do you test for synthetic liver function?
* The tests of synthetic function in the liver include
prothrombin time (PT), platelet count and
albumin level. Abnormal results indicate disease that has caused loss of proteins or inability to
* Aspartate Aminotransferase
* Tissue Source :AST is widely distributed in human tissue. The highest concentrations are
found in cardiac tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle, with smaller amounts found in the
kidney, pancreas, and erythrocytes .
Diagnostic Significance
1- The clinical use of AST is limited mainly to the evaluation of hepatocellular disorders and
skeletal muscle involvement.
2- Skeletal muscle disorders, such as the muscular dystrophies, and inflammatory conditions
also cause increases in AST levels.
3- The intracellular concentration of AST may be 7,000 times higher than the extracellular
concentration. are frequently seen in pulmonary embolism.
4- In AMI, AST levels begin to rise within 6 to 8 hours, peak at 24 hours, and generally return
to normal within 5 days. However, because of the wide tissue distribution, AST levels are
not useful in the diagnosis of AMI..
5- AST levels also may be increased, probably reflecting liver involvement as a result of
inadequate blood supply to that organ. AST levels are highest in acute hepatocellular
disorders. In viral hepatitis, In cirrhosis
Reference Range :AST, 5 to 30 U/L (37°C).
* Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
* Tissue Source : ALT is distributed in many tissues, with comparatively high
concentrations in the liver. It is considered the more liver-specific enzyme of the

* Diagnostic Significance
1- Clinical applications of ALT assays are confined mainly to evaluation of hepatic
disorders. Higher elevations are found in hepatocellular disorders than in extra
hepatic or intrahepatic and obstructive disorders.
2- In acute inflammatory conditions of the liver, ALT elevations are frequently higher
than those of AST and tend to remain elevated longer as a result of the longer half-
life of ALT in serum (16 and 24 hours, respectfully).
3-Cardiac tissue contains a small amount of ALT activity, but the serum level usually
remains normal in AMI unless subsequent liver damage has occurred.
4- ALT levels have historically been compared with levels of AST to help determine
the source of an elevated AST level and to detect liver involvement concurrent with
myocardial injury.
Reference Range : ALT, 6–37 U/L (37°C).
* Alkaline phosphatase
The optimal pH for the reaction is 9.0 to 10.0, but optimal pH varies with the substrate
used. The enzyme requires Mg2+ as an activator.
Tissue Source
1- ALP activity is present on cell surfaces in most human tissue.
2- The highest concentrations are found in the intestine, liver, bone, spleen,
placenta, and kidney.
3- In the liver, the enzyme is located on both sinusoidal and bile canalicular
4- Activity in bone is confined to the osteoblasts, those cells involved in the
production of bone matrix.
Diagnostic Significance
1- Elevations of ALP are of most diagnostic significance in the evaluation of
hepato biliary and bone disorders.
2- In hepato biliary disorders, elevations are more predominant in obstructive
conditions than in hepatocellular disorders
3- Increases are primarily a result of increased synthesis of the enzyme induced by
4- In bone disorders, elevations are observed when there is involvement of
osteoblasts. The highest elevations of ALP activity occur in Paget’s disease (osteitis
5- Other bone disorders include osteomalacia, rickets, hyperparathyroidism,
osteogenic sarcoma, during healing bone fractures and during periods of physiologic
bone growth.
6- In normal pregnancy, increased ALP activity can be detected between weeks 16
and 20. ALP activity increases and persists until the onset of labor. Activity then
returns to normal within 3 to 6 days. Elevations also may be seen in complications of
pregnancy such as hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia, as well as in
threatened abortion..
Reference Range :ALP, 30 to 90 U/L (30°C)
*Acid phosphatase
Acid phosphatase (ACP) belongs to the same group of phosphatase
enzymes as ALP and is a hydrolase that catalyzes the same type of
The major difference between ACP and ALP is the pH of the reaction. ACP
functions at an optimal pH of approximately 5.0.
* Tissue Source
1- Acid phosphatase is present in lysosomes, which are organelles present
in all cells with the possible exception of erythrocytes.
2- Extra-lysosomal ACP activity are also present in many cells; in the
prostate, bone, liver, spleen, kidney, erythrocytes, and platelets.
* Diagnostic Significance
1- Historically, ACP measurement has been used as an aid in the
detection of prostatic carcinoma, particularly metastatic carcinoma
of the prostate..
2-Serum ACP activity may frequently be elevated in bone disease.
Activity has been shown to be associated with the osteoclasts.
3-Elevations of ACP have been noted in Paget’s disease, and in breast
cancer with bone metastases. Because of ACP activity in platelets,
elevations are observed when platelet damage occurs, as in the
thrombocytopenia resulting from excessive platelet destruction from
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Reference Range Prostatic ACP, 0 to 3.5 ng/mL .
* Amylase
Amylase (AMS) is an enzyme belonging to the class of hydrolases that catalyze the breakdown of
starch and glycogen.
1- Starch consists of both amylose and amylopectin.
2- Amylase is therefore an important enzyme in the physiologic digestion of starches.
3- AMS requires calcium and chloride ions for its activation .
Tissue Source
1- The acinar cells of the pancreas and the salivary glands are the major tissue sources of serum
2- Lesser concentrations are found in skeletal muscle and the small intestine and fallopian tubes.
3- AMS is the smallest enzyme, with a molecular weight of 50,000 to 55,000.
4- Because of its small size, it is readily filtered by the renal glomerulus and also appears in the
5-Digestion of starches begins in the mouth with the hydrolytic action of salivary AMS.
6- Salivary AMS activity, however, is of short duration because, on swallowing, it is inactivated by
the acidity of the gastric contents.
7- Pancreatic AMS then performs the major digestive action of starches once the polysaccharides
reach the intestine
* Diagnostic Significance :
The diagnostic significance of serum and urine AMS measurements is
in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.
1- Disorders of tissue other than the pancreas can also produce
elevations in AMS levels. However, the degree of elevation of AMS is
helpful, to some extent, in the differential diagnosis of acute
2- Other disorders causing an elevated serum AMS level include ,
Salivary gland lesions, such as mumps and par otitis,
3-Other intra-abdominal diseases, such as perforated peptic ulcer,
intestinal obstruction, cholecystitis , ruptured ectopic pregnancy,
mesenteric infarction, and acute appendicitis.
4-In addition, elevations have been reported in renal insufficiency and
diabetic ketoacidosis.
Reference Range AMS: serum, 25–130 U/L; urine, 1–15 U/h. ,
Tissue Source
LPS concentration is found primarily in the pancreas, although it is also present in the
stomach and small intestine.
Diagnostic Significance
1- Clinical assays of serum LPS measurements are confined almost exclusively to the
diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.
2- It is similar in this respect to AMS measurements but is considered more specific for
pancreatic disorders than AMS measurement.
3- Both AMS and LPS levels raise quickly, but LPS elevations persist for approximately 5
days in acute pancreatitis, whereas AMS elevations persist for only 2 to 3 days.
4- Elevations have been reported in cases of penetrating duodenal ulcers and perforated
peptic ulcers, intestinal obstruction, and acute cholecystitis.
5- In contrast to AMS levels, LPS levels are normal in conditions of salivary gland
6- Therefore, LPS levels are useful in differentiating serum AMS elevation as a result of
pancreatic versus salivary involvement.
Reference Range : LPS, 0–1.0 U/mL
Cardiac enzyme
1- All plasma enzyme activities (including that of CK-MB) may be
normal until at least four hours after the onset of chest pain due
to a myocardial infarction; blood should not be taken for enzyme
assay until this time has elapsed.
2-In most cases of suspected myocardial infarction measurement
of plasma total CK-MB and LD1 activities, together with the
clinical and ECG findings, are adequate to make a diagnosis.
3-Newer markers for myocardial infarctions: troponin T and
troponin I are regulatory proteins involved in myocardial
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