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Good Day sir, I am Marvin B. Gerona from Punong Matalom Leyte.

I am under the program of Bachelor

of Secondary Education Major in English and currently taking up this course Teaching Internship. Having
this course will somewhat serves as a steppingstone for me to move forward towards my career in
teaching profession.

Why do I need to undergo a teaching internship?

Well, for many professional courses, internships are required as a last step in the completion
process. A teacher education course includes this material as well. Students have hands-on experience
in a variety of teacher responsibilities, including classroom instruction and the development of topic
knowledge. It also gives a chance to incorporate theoretical knowledge about techniques and methods,
as well as instructional tools into practical experience in a real-world setting.

Undergoing this teaching internship somehow serves as a capstone for me towards my success of
becoming an effective and efficient educator. This training experience opens a big opportunity to further
enhance and improve my abilities and competences in the field of education. The knowledge and
abilities that I will be obtained or acquired in this will definitely give me an outweigh that will surely last
a lifetime. Furthermore, internship helps us to clearly understand the field that we will take on, to
realize our roles and our importance to the lives of the learners, and to prepare ourselves for the real-
world setting. More so, with the help of our cooperating teacher, we interns can hone our confidence to
become competent and skillful enough to take on the responsibilities and duties of a teacher.

Moreover, internships are an initial step on the journey of becoming an expert. As such, it will be
structured to allow for both observation and practice. As interns, we will get the privilege of seeing
experts in action and benefiting from their observations and suggestions. In essence, the internship
method has the potential to significantly improve the overall quality of teaching practice by recognizing
the complexity of teaching and promoting the learning of a diverse range of understandings and skills.
Internships foster a self-reflective, self-improvement mindset among us interns, which provides an ideal
atmosphere for us to cultivate high ethical standards and demonstrate our genuine concern and
affection for kids. This has given us an opportunity to reflect about our potential as educators in the

In sum, teaching internships enable us student interns to relate theory to reality and to build a broad
understanding of educational goals and the teaching profession. This was supported by Dr. Saleha
Parveen, who said that internships help one to fully understand the relationship between theory and
practice, which can improve one’s own knowledge and potential for achieving the set goals and

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