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Carlos Colina. Intermediate 3. Section 1.

Module 9, Workbook, Exercise 1:

Carlos probably won´t pass his English exam.

We may be late so don´t wait for us.

Chris isn’t likely to get the job.

I´ll almost certainly do here an English course

next year.

Teresa might decide to stay in New York.

We´ll probably go away this weekend.

There on the beach are likely to be lots of people.

Module 9, Exercise 2:

definitely won´t have time to do sightseeing.

is likely to rain before the end of the day

could be a famous actress one day.

almost certainly won´t agree to the raise.

will probably recognize my sister when you

see her.

are not likely to get back from the theater

before midnight.

will almost certainly give us a lot of

homework for the weekend.
Module 9, Student´s book,
Page 90:


Page 92:

 Louise is likely to live to at least 130.

 She will almost certainly work for a few decades and then devote her
time to music and painting.
 Louise isn´t likely to have a child.
 She definetely won´t a relationship of few year.

could well
may well
might well
may well
 I definitely won´t end my career this year.
 My cousin is likely to get a job next month.
 My best friend will probably last a long time with her boyfriend.
 Juan might pass Math next weekend.
 My teacher could well help me in some themes.
Page 98:

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