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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Countable and Uncountable nouns

>Taking into account the session about countable and uncountable nouns ( how much, how many,
quantifiers) answer the following task.

Choose the best option:

1. Countable nouns are always things that you can…

a. touch b. count c. see

2. The nouns hair, noise and time are

a. countable b. uncountable c. both

3. "There's too much noise in here." In this sentence, "noise" is

a. countable b. uncountable c. plural

4. "I've got _______ money." Which term does not fit?

a. some b. a little c. a

5. Which sentence is correct?

a. Can I have an information about concerts please?

b. Can I have some information about concerts please?

c. Can I have a few information about concerts please?

6. Which word goes in the space? >> Do you have ____ free time?

a. a b. many c. much

7. Which word CANNOT complete this sentence? >> I need a bit more ____.

a. space b. time c. days

 Choose a, an, some, any to complete the sentences below.

8. Help me please. I need an advice.

9. My dad often has some egg for breakfast.

10. Does your mother have a magazines in his office?

11. My best friend doesn't want any dog.

12. I need some information for my research.

13. In the image below circle with blue countable nouns and with red uncountable nouns.

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