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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________________________

Phrasal Verbs
1. Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and the prepositions
(away, down, for, in, off, on, out) and form meaningful sentences. At leas t 2 per each one.
2. Read the following Phrasal verbs (Follow the link:
verbs-1.html ) and in the chart below make coherent sentences (at least 1 per each phrasal verb) in the
different verbal tenses we have worked in class. Be clear and organized. Don’t forget to translate the

Sentences with Phrasal verbs Translation

1 No puedo seguir trabajando en esto.
I can't go on working like this
2 It's my turn to pick up snacks for the meeting. Es mi turno para recoger bocadillos para
la reunión.
3 Sarah, I have risked everything to come back here for you. Sarah, lo he arriesgado todo para volver
aquí por ti.
4 You still got to come up with a tag line. Tú todavía tienes que pensar en un
5 I want to go back home. Yo quiero volver a casa.

6 We need to first find out about all the pending cases. Nosotros necesitamos primero averiguar
sobre todos los casos pendientes.
7 The film has just come out in the Colombia. La película acaba de estrenarse en
8 I was not prepared to go out with someone. No estaba preparado para salir con
9 I would like to point out two major observations of the school in Me gustaría señalar dos
this context. observaciones importantes de la
escuela en este contexto.
10 She is really starting to grow up now. Ella realmente está empezando a
crecer ahora.
11 Let's set up a new system on the computer. Vamos a configurar un nuevo
sistema en el computador.
12 Syrup has to turn out very dense El jarabe debe resultar muy espeso. 

13 Get out of my way, please. Sal de mi camino, por favor.

14 I guess I could come in for a few minutes. Yo supongo que podría entrar unos
15 So I have decided to take on a position as a player for Colombia. Así que he decidido asumir una
posición como jugadora para

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