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Inglés | 16/12/2020| “Chronicle 2020” 02 |

Alejandro Feria Paredes | 5to de Secundaria

Semana 37 - II

Paso 01: Mis fortalezas y debilidades.

Strengths: Weaknesses:
-Ability to write texts to -Difficulty understanding new writing
elaborate descriptions in English. structures and adapting them.
-Compression of text structuring -Problems of recognition of logical
problems in English. information in English.
Paso 02: Compartimos – Nuestro aprendizaje.

Communication helps us to live in

constant agreement and with
respect for the opinions of other
people, which also allows the
presence of democracy and values.
Paso 03: Nos comprometemos con nuestro aprendizaje.

Compromiso con mi aprendizaje Commitment to my learning

Yo, Alejandro Feria Paredes, me I, Alejandro Feria Paredes,
comprometo a: commit to:
Cambiar mi manera de estudiar, Change my way of studying,
elaborando nuevas estrategias de
developing new strategies for
organización de estructuras de organizing information structures
información y buscaré comenzaré a and I will seek to begin to internalize
interiorizar mis aprendizajes como my learning as new ways of
nuevas maneras de percibir el mundo perceiving the world around me.
que me rodea.
Paso 04: Nos comprometemos con nuestra comunidad.

Compromiso con mi comunidad Commitment to my community

Yo, Alejandro Feria Paredes, me I, Alejandro Feria Paredes, commit to:
comprometo a: To change my behavior as an actor of change
Cambiar mi conducta como actor de in my community, I will seek to understand
cambio en mi comunidad, buscaré current problems and their contextual basis,
comprender las problemáticas actuales y su so that in the future and over time I will
fundamento contextual, para así en un progress to achieve common objectives that
futuro y con el tiempo progresar hasta allow changing mentalities and problems
conseguir objetivos comunes que permitan from perception.
cambiar mentalidades y problemas desde

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