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Day1 :

Launch Instance - Select Ubuntu version 20.0

- After luanching it ask for Key Pair(to login any instance we need a key Pair),
the key will save in PEM(Private Enhanced Mail) format.
- Later we need to convert into PPK(Putty Private Key) extension should be always
- Download Key Pair
- once the instance is launched copy the IP Adress.
- OPen the putty and give IP address near host or IP Adress and go to SSH-Auth-Open
File(select PPK File)

Download and Install Putty ( Check for bit Number - x64 or x32)
Download Putty Zen

Putty used for to connect Linux( Also we can login through gitbash or amazon direct
Putty Zen used for Key Generator

login as UBUNTU in putty login page, for other linux can login through EC2-USER

Change forn size in putty

Note : Do not required to generate a new key pair for every instance launching,
we can use exiting key pair for any type of instance such as Linux,ios and Windows
etc until we are changed to other region.

we can connect Linux instance through putty, Direct Connect , Git Bash
Login throuhg GitBash : ssh ubuntu@IPADRESS -i AWS-ECE.pep)

Linux Commads:

List, File Create and File Edit Commands:

sudo su - (To Switch to root)

touch yedu - to Create a file
ll - to list all files and hidden files
LS -
ls -a
ls -la
ls -lt
ls ltr - to list only created files
ls ltr - h (Human Readble format)
cat > yedu - To creae a file and write
cat yedu - to see the file content

To Create Dir:
MKDIR yedu - To Create directory
MKDIR SYAM1 SYSM2 SYAM3 - To Create multiple directories
CP file dir - file move to dir as well in retain
mv file dir - File will move to Directory and delete from source
rm file - to remove file
rm file1 file2 - to remove multiple files
cd dir - to move other dir
cd .. - to come back previous dir
cd /root/ - to come back root dir
cd /syam/yedu/root/ - to come back into root dir from multiple dir
rmdir syam
rmdir syam syam1 syam2 - to remove multiple dir
rm -rf syam2 - To forcefullu delete the file
mv syam syam1 - To change the dir name

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