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CTDim ‒ Current and

voltage transformer

At a glance aspects is becoming more and more

CTDim is a software program for cur- important.
rent and voltage transformer (CT, VT)
dimensioning. Both protection and Our solution
measuring cores can be considered. CTDim makes CT and VT dimensioning Figure 1: CT dimensioning report
The benefits of working with CTDim more efficient. It saves engineering
include: and production costs by optimizing the
CT data. CTDim features include:
• dynamic check and optimization of
CT requirements • easy dimensioning of CT electrical
• simulation of CT transient behavior
• database of specific CT require-
• automated report generation and
ments for protection devices (Sie-
project-oriented documentation
mens and other manufacturers)
• CT dimensioning and settings calcu-
• input of CT data according to the
lation for high impedance differen- Figure 2: Transient simulation of CT behavior
following standards: IEC 61869
tial protection
5P/10P, 5PR/10PR, PX, PXR, TPX, TPY,
TPZ and ANSI class C
The challenge
The development of the digital protec- • conversion between standards
tion technology and the introduction
• automatically customized documen-
of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) have
tation (the user can modify the re-
lead to a paradigm change in CT and
port with additional comments)
VT dimensioning. As a result, the accu-
racy limiting factor of the CT plays an • transient simulation of CT behavior
important role, rather than the nomi- during short circuit
nal burden of the CT. Unfortunately,
• export functions, e.g. transfer of the
sometimes specifications regarding CTs
simulated curve in COMTRADE file
have not been changed and are now in
contradiction with the limited space
reserved for CTs in GIS substations. • dimensioning of measuring CT
Therefore, the optimization of CTs re-
• dimensioning of VTs (accuracy bur-
garding both technical requirements of Figure 3: COMTRADE export (Microsoft®
den check) Windows®)
modern digital relays and economic
ers’ habits also play an important role
in the selection and sizing of current
transformers. Thus, the CT dimension-
ing process is a multi-level optimiza-
tion task, involving knowledge not on-
ly about the primary and secondary
equipment, but also about the sur-
rounding network in which the switch-
gear will be put into operation. Direct
Figure 4: Data input for measuring CT cooperation between the prima- Figure 5: Transient simulation window
ry/secondary engineering and the
Application examples manufacturer of the CTs is often indis- The resulting primary current (blue
In new substations, the process of CT pensable. In this relation, a lot of curve) and secondary current (red
dimensioning takes place at the begin- knowledge and personal experience is curve) are shown.
ning of the project planning for the necessary to manage this process.
switchgear. Since the CTs act as an in-
terface between primary and second- CTDim can help to handle this process,
ary system, a lot of clarification work since many scenarios can be quickly
has to be done at this stage of the pro- calculated and the data influencing the
ject planning. The function of CT, CT size can be optimized. The user can
which is specified according to the carry out the simulation of CT transient
secondary equipment it will be con- behavior using the transient simulation
nected to, has a straightforward influ- module of CTDim. Thereby not only CT
ence on its size and in consequence on parameters, but also fault current val-
the sizing of the whole switchgear. ues, primary system time constant and
fault inception angles can be defined. Figure 6: Transient simulation of a 3000 A /
Therefore, it is very important that at 1 A, 5PR30, 5 VA CT with RCT<10 
that time, the protection philosophy As a short example, the figure below
shows the transient simulation of a CT In Figure 6, the time to saturation of
and the characteristic data of the
class 5PR used for modern bus bar pro- this CT is approximately 10 ms, which
equipment are known. In practice,
tection (Siemens 7SS8). The perfor- is much more than the required time
however, it is often impossible to col-
mance of 3000 A / 1 A CT, 5PR30, 5 VA, by 7SS8 relay (3 ms).
lect all of the necessary data at this
early stage. On the other hand, the RCT <10 Ω is simulated for 40 kA short
primary equipment design should be circuit current with 100 ms primary
fixed in order to start production of the time constant and fault inception an-
switchgear. Moreover, not only speci- gle of 0°.
fied secondary functions, but custom

Published by
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
Humboldtstrasse 59
90459 Nuremberg, Germany
For the U.S. published by
Siemens Industry Inc.
100 Technology Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30005, United States
For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180 524 70 00
Fax: +49 180 524 24 71
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© Siemens 2019
Subject to changes and errors.
The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always
specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products.
The requested performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.

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