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Charles Rice
Brickdale, Eleanor (1872-1945),

Chris Davis, Charles Baize

Chris Davis

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

41-50 Lesser nobility bloodline

Introduction 51-60 Royal bloodline
As “sacred cows” go, alignment is one of the stickiest to 61-70 A person of extreme character or integrity
deal with. Many GMs prefer a game that more closely 71-80 A person of unquestionable honesty and piety
models shades of gray in behavior and make it harder A person renowned for their integrity and personal
for the PCs to classify NPCs they meet into “friend and convictions
foe” camps. The nobility system, first seen in Legends 91-100 A person of legendary strength of character
of Excalibur, combines a point based system based on
what the character’s deeds are (as opposed to the camp he
would like to be in) with the allegiances system first seen Effects of Nobility
in d20 Modern, allowing a character to be judged by a You gain a +1 bonus per 20 points of nobility to the
combination of his deeds and what is important to him. following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy and Gather Information.
Following the descriptions of nobility rules and Certain other classes gain additional benefits from nobility.
allegiances are several codes as well as how this system
would interact with the standard classes in the PHB. Gaining and Losing
Finally we wrap up with 5 classes designed with nobility in
mind, 2 new core classes (the Knight and the Noble) along Nobility
with a new prestige classes (the Paladin). Characters gain Nobility by performing virtuous acts and
Players and GMs interested in learning more about this lose it by committing transgressions as shown on the table
system are encouraged to pick up Legends of Excalibur: below. Some Allegiances will double certain Nobility
Knight’s Handbook and Legends of the Samurai: Bushido gains and losses (see the Allegiances section for more
Handbook (coming soon). information). In addition to affecting standard Nobility
gains and losses, some Allegiances will impose their own
Nobility restrictions on a character that can cause Nobility
Nobility gains or losses.
Transgression/Virtue Nobility
A character’s nobility shows the results Minor -1/+1
of his actions, not just on those around Moderate -2/+2
him, but on himself. It will go a long way Major -3/+3
toward determining how the character Severe/Grand -5/+5
is judged by others as well as how he feels
about himself. Transgressions
Base Nobility Dishonesty
Determine a character’s base nobility based on his A person’s word is supposed to be their bond. Breaking a
alignment. vow, even one taken under false pretenses can have serious
affects on a hero’s character and reputation.
Alignment Starting Nobility
Lawful Good 25 Lying under duress (Minor)
Neutral Good 20 Lying Willfully (Moderate)
Chaotic Good 15 Taking a vow under false pretenses (Major)
Lawful Neutral 20 Breaking a vow (Major)
Neutral 10 Renouncing an allegiance should only be done with
Chaotic Neutral 5 extreme caution and after a lot of forethought. A character
Lawful Evil 15 who constantly renounces allegiances is not someone who
Neutral Evil 5
can be trusted.
Chaotic Evil 0
Breaking a sacred vow (Severe)
Breaking a vow to a God or spouse. These vows are
Nobility Values imbued with holy energy and produce the deepest stains on
Below is a summary of Nobility from 1-100, along with a person’s character when violated, even unknowingly.
notes for each value.
Nobility Notes A conviction a hero is not willing to fight for is no
1-10 The lowest of the low conviction at all. How a character withstands danger will
11-20 A base or criminal bloodline
go a long way toward determining his character and how
21-30 Common bloodline
31-40 Middle class bloodline others view him.

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

Surrendering to save your life (Minor)

Refusing to fight a superior foe (Minor)
Attacking a foe at a disadvantage (Moderate)
This would include flanking a target.
Surrendering to an unworthy foe (Moderate)
This would include surrendering to anyone
with lower Nobility than your own.
Attacking an opponent from behind or
surprise (Major)
Attacking an opponent through subterfuge
This would include using poison or hiring
someone else to kill an enemy.

They say that avarice is the root of all evil and
many a good man has been lured to villainy
by following a path glittering with gold. While
wealth is a welcome reward for the adventurer
the true hero must make sure he is not questing
for wealth as its own reward or he will soon
find his lofty convictions can be bought and
sold like so many base commodities.

Hoarding wealth (Minor)

Refusing to give money to aid another
Refusing to tithe to a church or other
institution that aids the poor (Major)
Refusing to give to aid a friend (Severe)
This could include paying a ransom for a
friend or donating to help a friend in need.

Note: If a character is extremely wealthy

increase the severity by one step. Since this
Delivering a coup de grace to someone, even an enemy,
varies significantly from campaign to campaign the
killing someone in their sleep, or a foe with a CR less
GM must decide if a character’s wealth qualifies him as
than one-fourth the character’s should qualify for this
“extremely wealthy”. Almost all characters above 10th level
should be considered wealthy.

Violence Virtues
Like wealth, violence is an almost necessary companion
of the true hero; however, just as pursuing wealth as its Honesty
own end can cause a hero to become a villain, so can a true For the true hero his word is his bond and a vow is
enjoyment of the slaughter of combat. something he would rather die than renounce.

Refusing to accept a foe’s surrender (Minor) Telling the truth when it would disadvantage you
Refusing to accept the surrender of a worthy foe (Minor)
(Moderate) Upholding a vow at the cost of material possessions
A character should be considered worthy if his Nobility (Moderate)
score is 40 or higher. Upholding a vow at the risk of your life (Major)
Refusing to accept the surrender of a weaker foe (Major) Upholding a vow you believe will certainly cost your life
Anyone with a CR of less than one-half the character’s (Grand)
should qualify for this transgression.
Killing a helpless or much weaker foe.

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

change allegiances as he or she goes through life. Also, just

because the character fits into a certain category of people
Heroes are expected to face danger without faltering.
doesn’t mean the character has to have that category as an
Indeed much of the dignity of a hero comes from the way
he faces danger, unwavering in the face of insurmountable
If the character acts in a way that is detrimental to his or
her allegiance, the GM may choose to strip the character
of that allegiance (and all its benefits) and assign an
Refusing to surrender (Minor)
allegiance more suitable to those actions. Note that losing
Refusing to attack except on equal terms (Moderate)
an allegiance in this way will provoke an Honor penalty.
A character who dismounts to fight an opponent on foot
or allows a disarmed opponent to retrieve his weapon
would qualify for this award. Pledging Allegiance
Refusing to respond in kind when treated dishonorably A hero’s allegiance can take the form of loyalty to a
If an opponent behaves dishonorably even the worthiest person, to an organization, to a belief system, to a nation,
hero is forgiven for responding in kind in order to “even or to an ethical or moral philosophy. In general, a character
the odds.” Those who are unwilling to compromise their can discard an allegiance at any time, but may only gain a
virtue even under these grave circumstances are respected new allegiance after attaining a new level.
even by their enemies Having an allegiance implies having sufficient
intelligence and wisdom to make a moral or ethical choice.
Largesse As a result, a character must have Intelligence and Wisdom
While wealth is something all men desire the noble and scores of 3 or higher in order to select allegiances.
pious use that wealth for the benefit of those less fortunate.
Like power, wealth should be used the most to benefit the Allegiances and
least of society.
An allegiance can create an empathic bond with others of
Giving alms to the poor (Minor)
the same allegiance. In addition to the Honor bonuses and
Tithing up to 25% of an adventure’s treasure to the poor
penalties inherent in an allegiance, the character gains a +2
or the church (Moderate)
circumstance bonus on Charisma-based skill checks when
Ransoming a friend or ally (Moderate)
dealing with someone of the same allegiance—as long
Tithing 50% of an adventure’s treasure to the poor or the
as the character has had some interaction with the other
church (Major)
character to discover the connections and bring the bonus
Tithing 100% of an adventure’s treasure to the poor or
into play. A successful Reputation check could also allow
the church (Grand)
a character access to this bonus the first time he interacts
with a character.
Protecting the weak and accepting the surrender of a fallen
enemy are acts prized in the truly powerful.
Ascetic Code
You have sworn to live a strictly regimented life. A
character with this allegiance takes double nobility
Accepting the surrender of a worthy opponent (one with
penalties Greed and Violence transgressions but gains
a Nobility score above 40) with ransom (Minor)
double nobility bonuses from Largesse and Gentleness
Accepting the surrender of a worthy opponent without
ransom (Moderate)
Protecting the weak with a promise of reward (Major)
Protecting the weak with no promise of reward (Grand) Avarice
You love wealth above all things and suffer no nobility
losses for Greed transgressions. However you gain no
Allegiances nobility for Largesse virtues.

A character may have up to three Code of Bushido

allegiances, listed in order from most You have sworn to uphold the code of the oriental warrior.
important to least important. These A character with this allegiance takes double nobility
allegiances are indications of what the penalties from Dishonesty and Cowardice transgression but
character values in life, and may encompass gains double nobility bonuses from Honesty and Bravery
people, organizations, or ideals. A character may have no virtues.
allegiances (being either a free spirit or a lone wolf) or may

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

Code of Chivalry
You have sworn to uphold the code of the knight. A
character with this allegiance takes double nobility
penalties from Dishonesty and Cowardice transgressions
but gains double nobility bonuses from Honesty and
Bravery virtues.

Code of the Craftsman

You gain +1 point of nobility for each rank you take in a
craft skill. You gain +10 points of nobility for swearing an
oath of fealty to a Guild or to a noble for your services but
you lose 20 points of nobility if you break such an oath.
You take double Dishonesty penalties when relating to
your wares but gain double Honesty bonuses when relating
to your wares (such as telling a customer the best looking
sword in your shop isn’t really your best work).

Code of the Gentleman

You seek to protect all ladies you encounter, especially
ladies of high birth. You gain double nobility penalties
for all transgressions involving women but gain double
nobility bonuses for all virtues involving ladies. If you
swear an oath of fealty to a lady you gain a nobility bonus
equal to +1 per 5 points of her nobility score; however, if
you break this oath you lose twice this amount.

Code of the Paladin

You set yourself apart, requiring the highest level of moral
conduct in all aspects of your life. You take double nobility
penalties for all transgressions but gain double nobility
bonuses for all virtues.
Noblesse Oblige
You feel an obligation to aid those less fortunate than
Code of the Wild
you. A character with this allegiance takes double nobility
You are a protector of the wilderness and all of nature’s
penalties from all transgressions against those with a lower
beauty. You take double nobility penalties for all Violence
nobility score but gains double nobility bonuses from all
transgressions involving nature or the wilderness but gain
virtues involving those with a lower nobility score.
double nobility bonuses for all Gentleness virtues related to
nature or the wilderness.
Oath of Fealty
You have sworn your life and service to one person or
group. A character with this allegiance takes double
You revel in violence and suffer no nobility losses for
nobility penalties from all transgressions done in the
Violence transgressions. However you gain no nobility for
service of his lord or lady but gains double nobility
Gentleness virtues.
bonuses for all virtues done in the service of his lord
or lady. This oath is considered especially sacred and
Honor Among Thieves is a bond for life. Breaking an oath of fealty causes
You hold a peculiar code of honor that serves as the the character to immediately lose 10 points of nobility
unwritten law of the streets. You lose 10 points of nobility (characters with the Code of Bushido or Code of Chivalry
if you give back (or have stolen from you) anything you allegiances lose 20 nobility).
have stolen. You lose 10 points of nobility if you break
your word to another thief and 20 points of nobility if you
renounce an allegiance to a thieves’ guild.
Word Is Your Bond
You rarely give your word but when you do you never
break it. You lose 10 points of nobility each time you break
your word. You lose 20 points of nobility if you renounce
an allegiance.

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

Arthurian England is a tumultuous realm wracked with

Changes to civil war and barbarian incursions. The lack of cohesive
government, particularly of a king has also allowed
standard PHB monsters and dangerous animals to multiply unchecked.
classes Quests are the more fantastic adventures, involving the
pursuit of magical beasts, slaying giants, or the pursuit of
powerful items of power such as the legendary Holy Grail
Barbarian or the Lance of Longinus.
A barbarian is required to take the Bloodlust allegiance at Characteristics: The knight is the ultimate mounted
first level. However as he interacts with “civilized” men warrior. While the fighter is an excellent all around
and women he may renounce this allegiance at a later time combatant, the knight has special abilities that set him
and retains all Barbarian abilities except Rage which is lost apart from any other class in the saddle.
if this allegiance is ever renounced. Religion: Some knights are worldly, serving nothing
more celestial than the lord they have sworn fealty to.
Cleric However, many knights have a strong religious view, either
A cleric who selects the Ascetic Code allegiance gains an for the One God, or the Old Faith. Often, these religious
additional Domain (note that this does not allow the cleric institutions are the source of the knight’s quests, and many
to cast extra spells it simply gives him a third domain to knights are passionately devout, nearing the paladin in
choose his Domain spell from). religious zeal.
Background: Knights typically come from the lesser
Druid nobility, or the peerage, and are trained from a young age
A druid is required to take the Code of the Wild allegiance. to use their superior weaponry and skill at horsemanship
He loses all druid abilities if this allegiance is renounced or to be the backbone of the medieval army. For characters of
revoked. less noble birth, knighthood is often a goal all its own, and
many Arthurian tales revolve around the commoner taking
Monk a job in the kitchens of Camelot, watching the knights and
The monk is required to take the Ascetic Code allegiance. dreaming of the day he can join their ranks.
He loses all monk abilities if this allegiance is renounced Other Classes: Knights are most like crusaders, and the
or revoked. two professions are often seen side by side. In fact many
knights desire to be crusaders, but have never been able
to rise to quite so holy a calling. Priests and druids are
Paladin respected, and are often sought out both for healing, and
Under these alternate rules the Paladin is a prestige class to advise the knight on his more esoteric quests. Nobles
(see below). and knights have a symbiotic relationship, with the knight
protecting the noble’s lands, and the noble providing the
Ranger knight with direction and leadership. Knights do not care
A ranger is required to take the Code of the Wild for barbarians, since many of his battles have been against
allegiance. He loses all ranger abilities if this allegiance is them, and robber barons are particularly despised.
renounced or revoked. Role: Outdoors, the knight is the best combatant a party
could want, providing speed, mobility, and raw power.
New Core Indoors his role is much like that of a fighter, providing
protection for weaker party members and an extra frontline
Classes fighter.

Game Rule Information

Knight Knights have the following game statistics.
The knight is the tank of the medieval Abilities: Dexterity and Wisdom are important to the
battlefield, combining power with mobility. knight because his defining skills, Ride and Handle Animal
Although in the minds of many the knight was a symbol of are based on them. Strength and Constitution are important
national power, he was never the unquestioned king of the to the knight because of the amount of time he spends in
battlefield, often being felled by the bow and the polearm. combat.
In the literature of the time, the knight was also the symbol Nobility: A knight must have a minimum nobility of 41
of the heroic code of Chivalry. for entry into the knight class. Most characters will need to
Adventures: Knight adventures fall into two broad take the Lineage feat to qualify for this class at 1st level.
categories: military and questing. Many of a knight’s Once a knight qualifies for this class, he must be aware
adventuring opportunities will be military in nature. that his deeds reflect on the noble or knight who ordained

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

Changes to Spells and Special abilities

When using the nobility rules concepts of “good” and “evil” become relative. A character whose nobility is 10 points
higher than yours is affected by all spells and abilities that affect Good. A character whose nobility is 10 points lower
than yours is affected by all spells and abilities that affect Evil. A character whose nobility is within 10 points of your
own (above or below) is considered Neutral.

him (see below, and the noble class for more information). Armor Tolerance (Ex): From the time a squire turns 14,
If the knight becomes enough of an embarrassment to the and his true training begins, he is in heavy armor. Running,
person who dubbed him, or if his nobility ever falls below jumping, crossing muddy ditches, climbing fences, and, of
20, he will be stripped of his knighthood, and no longer course, riding, mounting and dismounting, and fighting are
able to gain levels in the knight class. all done in heavy armor. By the time the squire becomes
Hit Die: d12. a knight, the heaviest armor feels light and natural. The
knight adds this bonus to the armor penalty and maximum
Class Skills Dexterity modifier of any armor he wears. The maximum
The knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each armor penalty is 0, and the maximum Dexterity modifier is
skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), +8.
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nobility and Knight’s Warhorse (Ex): At 2nd level, the knight may
royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Swim select a mount to be his perfect companion through battle.
Knight Bonus Natural Bonus
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int. modifier) x4. Special
Level HD Armor Tricks
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int. modifier
1-2 +0 +0 1 Mounted Combat bonus
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Knight. 3-4 +2 +3 2 Improved Speed
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A knight is proficient 5-6 +4 +4 3 Devotion
in all simple and martial weapons and with all armor 7-8 +6 +5 4 Improved Speed
(heavy, medium, and light) and shields (except tower
shields). However, the code of chivalry will sometimes
Knight Level: The number of levels knight and mount
restrict a knight’s choice of weapon.
have been together.
Mounted Combat (Ex): A Knight gains this feat for
Mounted Combat bonus: This ability allows the
free at 1st level provided he meets the prerequisite. A knight
mount to gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to the knight’s
who has the mounted combat feat gains bonuses to attack
mounted combat bonus, as long as the knight is in the
rolls, ride checks, and handle animal (horse) checks, as
listed on the knight’s class table.
Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each
Aura of Knighthood (Ex): A knight gains a +1 bonus
gaining a constitution modifier.
for each 20 points of nobility to Intimidate skill checks,
Natural Armor adjustment: The number noted here
level checks to resist Intimidation, and Will saving throws
is an improvement to the mount’s existing natural armor
to resist fear.
Code of Chivalry (Ex): Although the laws of nobility
Bonus Tricks: A number of bonus tricks the animal
bind all characters, knights face special penalties if they
learns through experience, requiring no time or skill check
act in a cowardly or dishonest fashion. The ideal knight
by the knight to teach the mount these tricks. These tricks
is supposed to care little for his personal safety, charging
do not count against the normal limit to the maximum
into certain death for the honor of his liege lord. Knights
number of tricks the mount may know.
are also expected to be champions of truth, in their role
Mounted Combat bonus (Ex): The mount gains the
as wandering arbiters of justice. Knights must take an
mounted combat bonus of its rider, as listed on the knight
allegiance to the Code of Chivalry at first level, and may
table, to all attack roles it makes while its owner is in the
not gain levels in the knight class if they give up this
allegiance or have it revoked by the game master. Knights
Improved Speed (Ex): The mount’s speed increases by
also gain a special nobility award for swearing an oath
10 feet per round.
of fealty, gaining a nobility bonus of +1 per 10 points
Devotion (Ex): The mount’s devotion to its master is
of the nobility of the person they agree to serve. See the
so complete that it gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves
allegiances section for more information on the code of
against enchantment spells and effects.
chivalry and oaths of fealty.

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Legendary Tools: Nobility


Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save
Mounted Combat, Code Of Chivalry, +1 Mounted Combat, Aura Of
1st +1 +2 +0 +0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Armor Tolerance +1, Knight’s Warhorse
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Ride-by Attack
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Armor Tolerance +2, +2 Mounted Combat, Dispense Justice
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Spirited Charge
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Armor Tolerance +3
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Trample
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Armor Tolerance +4, +3 Mounted Combat
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Unhorse
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Armor Tolerance +5
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Take The Reins
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Armor Tolerance +6, +4 Mounted Combat
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Power Charge 1/day
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Armor Tolerance +7
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Power Charge 2/day
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Armor Tolerance +8, +5 Mounted Combat
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Power Charge 3/day
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Armor Tolerance +9
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Terrifying Charge
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Armor Tolerance +10, +6 Mounted Combat

Ride-by Attack: At 3rd level, the knight gains this feat as mounted combat bonus) or be flat-footed against the
a bonus feat. knight’s attack. Opponents on foot have the DC of this save
Dispense Justice (Ex): You are considered a legal increased by five. This ability only affects targets at least
representative by the medieval system, authorized to 4 levels lower than the knight, and anyone who succeeds
administer justice and arbitrate disputes. Your decisions are their saving throw is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
legally binding on those of the middle class, common, and
base bloodlines (priests and royals police themselves), but Ex-Knights
may be overturned by a knight up to four levels higher, or a A knight whose nobility falls below 20 can no longer gain
noble of equal or higher level. levels in the knight class, but retains all knight abilities he
Trample: At 7th level, the knight gains this feat as a currently possesses except for Aura of Knighthood. Ex-
bonus feat. Knights also lose the Code of Chivalry class ability (as
Unhorse (Ex): At 9th level, the knight is a master at a fallen knight no one expects the knight to behave like
unhorsing opponents, and any mounted opponent the one any longer). A knight who raises his nobility back to
knight successfully hits with a charge attack, while the 41 may seek a noble to reinstate him into the knighthood.
knight is also mounted, must make a successful Ride check This noble must be a minimum of 4 levels higher than the
(DC 15 plus the knight’s mounted combat bonus) or be petitioning character. The noble or knight who dubbed you
unhorsed. into the knighthood may also impose this restriction, if you
Take the Reins (Ex): As Unhorse, except at 11th level have become an embarrassment to them, regardless of your
the knight may attempt to unhorse a mounted opponent current nobility.
while he is on foot as an unarmed attack that inflicts no Knights who lose their allegiance to the code of chivalry
damage, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity. are also barred from gaining further levels in this class, as
This ability represents such tricks as grabbing the reins of are knights who swear an oath of fealty, and who have their
a moving horse, cutting one of the saddle straps, and so allegiance to their lord revoked, or allow him to be killed.
forth. See the allegiances section for more information.
Power Charge (Ex): Beginning at 13th level, the knight
may add twice his mounted combat bonus to the damage Multiclass Knights
inflicted on a charge attack once per day. At 15th level the Knights may multiclass, but face a special restriction
knight may use this ability twice per day, and at 17th level when doing so. If a knight gains levels in a class other
three times per day. than Cleric, Noble, or the Paladin prestige class, he cannot
Terrifying Charge (Ex): At 19th level the sight of the gain any further levels in the knight class. However, the
knight bearing down on his opponent will strike fear into character retains all knight abilities and all social privileges
all but the most implacable of foes. Anyone the knight is of knighthood.
charging must make a Will save (DC 15 plus the knight’s

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

Game Rule Information

Lineage (new feat) Nobles have the following game statistics.
You are from a privileged, perhaps even noble Abilities: Charisma is the most important ability for a
background. noble, followed by Intelligence. Since military service is
Effect: Your nobility score is increased by +10. an important way to gain fame and standing among your
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its peers, Strength and Constitution are also important.
effects stack. Nobility: To qualify for the noble class a character must
have a nobility of 51.Most characters will need to take the
Lineage feat to qualify for this class at 1st level.
Hit Die: d8
Nobles are at the top of the feudal system of interweaving
responsibilities and obligations. Skilled at diplomacy and Class Skills
leadership, they carry a small spark of the divine that binds The noble’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
them to the land and their subjects. Their power is thus are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
both temporal and divine. Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge
Most members of the nobility will not have levels in this (history, nobility and royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride
class, but rather will be members of the Aristocrat NPC (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis)
class. Consider Aristocrats as the warrior to this class’ Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int. modifier) x4.
fighter. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int.
Adventures: Noble adventures will tend to revolve modifier.
around politics, plotting, and dynastic rivalries. In Legends
of Excalibur, the nobles must choose between Arthur’s Class Features
divinely ordained rule, and the lesser nobles who oppose All of the following are class features of the noble.
him. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A noble is proficient
Characteristics: Nobles are an embodiment of the in all simple and martial weapons and with all armor
feudal system, representing the ideal mix of military might, (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower
wealth, and divine influence. As such they are supported by shields).
fellow members of that system, such as the knighthood, but Dispense Justice (Ex): You are considered a legal
are often made the target of those who dislike the current representative by the medieval system, authorized to
way things are handled, such as the lowborn. administer justice, arbitrate disputes, and also to perform
Religion: Although nobles rule in the name of a deity, legal functions such as ordaining knights. Your decisions
and indeed carry a spark of his power, they are the rivals are legally binding on those of all bloodlines, but not
of the clergy, with each group seeing themselves as members of the clergy (priests police themselves), but may
the designated representative of the One God on Earth. be overturned by a noble who is 4 or more levels higher
Although the clergy and nobility recognize their need for than your noble class level.
one another, frequent clashes erupt between them over Granting knighthood is a serious matter for any noble.
ultimate control. When they work together, they are an Any foul deeds committed by a knight will actually affect
irresistible force, but they must put aside their own petty the nobility of the noble who knighted him, and might even
rivalries to do so. be enough to inspire that noble to put a price on the head
Background: Most nobles were born into luxury, trained of the offending knight. Each 5 points of nobility lost to a
from birth to lead men and deal with backstabbers who knight you dub subtracts one from your nobility.
would steal the heritage of their family line. A rare few Aura of Nobility (Ex): A noble gains a +1 bonus for
earn their way into the nobility, having risen from common each 20 points of nobility to Intimidate skill checks, level
blood through great deeds for a king or other high-ranking checks to resist Intimidation, and Will saving throws to
noble. resist fear. A noble gains a +1 bonus to his Leadership
Other Classes: Nobles have a close relationship with score for each 10 points of nobility.
knights, ordaining them, giving them quests, and leading Noblesse Oblige (Ex): Although the laws of nobility
them into battle. Although divine magic is much sought and chivalry in Excalibur bind all characters, nobles face
after, and a priest is an ideal advisor for a noble, he is special penalties if they act in a greedy or violent fashion.
always wary of the adversarial nature of the institutions of The ideal noble is supposed to be generous with his wealth
the nobility and the clergy. and forgiving with his power. All nobles must take this
Role: The noble is a leader, both in times of peace and allegiance at first level. See the allegiances section for
times of war. In battle, he serves to inspire others, but is a more information. A noble who gives up this allegiance, or
highly capable combatant in his own right. has it revoked, loses all supernatural noble abilities (those
abilities marked Su rather than Ex in the class description).

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Legendary Tools: Nobility


Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save
+0 +0 +0 +2 Dispense Justice; Aura of Nobility; Noblesse Oblige
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Divine Grace
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Quest +1
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Aura of Courage
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Divine Wrath 1/day
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Quest +2
7th +5 +2 +2 +5
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 Divine Right (Aura of Majesty)
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Quest +3
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Divine Wrath 2/day
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Aura of Majesty (all saving throws); Quest +4
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Papal Intercession
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Aura of Majesty (attack rolls); Divine Intercession; Quest +5
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Divine Wrath 3/day
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Aura of Majesty (damage); Quest +6
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Land and the Lord are One

Divine Grace (Su): At 2nd level, the noble gains a bonus In the case of a very long quest (such as the Grail Quest),
equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) on all saving a character only receives the quest bonus when actively
throws. pursuing the quest. A character could undergo many
Quest (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the noble gains the missions unrelated to his current quest, receiving no quest
ability to assign quests. A quest is a long-term goal given to bonuses while doing so, then pick up the trail of the quest,
bolster the noble’s interests, or to give his servants valuable and gain his bonus as normal.
experience. Characters undertaking the quest gain the listed Aura of Courage (Su): Beginning at 4th level, a noble
bonus to skill checks and saving throws for the duration of is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within
the quest. 10 feet of her gains a morale bonus on saving throws
To qualify for a quest bonus, a character must have against fear effects of +1 per 20 points of nobility the
sworn fealty to the noble giving the quest, or to a lord the noble possesses. This ability functions while the noble is
noble has himself sworn fealty to at least one month prior conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
to the noble issuing the quest. In other words, if a character Divine Wrath (Su): Once per day, the noble can invoke
serves Sir Gawaine, he may receive a bonus for a quest his authorizing divinity and deliver a devastating attack
given by King Arthur. Even though the character has never upon an enemy. This attack gains a bonus to hit equal to
sworn direct fealty to the King, he has sworn fealty to Sir the noble’s Charisma modifier, and a damage bonus of +1
Gawaine, who has sworn fealty to Arthur. Characters that per 10 points of nobility the character possesses. The noble
do not qualify for the quest bonus can still undertake the may use this ability twice per day at 10th level, and three
quest; they just receive no special bonuses for doing so. times per day at 16th level.
To qualify as a quest, a mission’s final encounter must Divine Right (Su): The noble’s divine spark is evident
have a challenge rating equal to three times the quest to all who come into contact with him, who will show
bonus. A quest must also take a minimum of one week him extreme deference according to their relative stations
times the quest bonus to complete. A noble may assign (thus while a King would greatly honor a knight with this
lesser quests, but the bonus will be lower for those quests. ability, he would not immediately serve him, rather he
Thus a 20th level noble could offer a quest taking two would tend to heap honors, gifts and dangerous quests on
weeks to perform, and with a final encounter challenge the character).
rating of 6, but those undertaking the quest would gain a Nobles with this ability have their aura of courage
maximum bonus of +2 to skill checks and saving throws, replaced with an Aura of Majesty. This makes all within
even though the noble’s maximum bonus is +6. 10 feet of the character immune to fear, and all characters
Player characters may undertake quests from PC and working under him in battle gain a morale bonus on saving
NPC nobles, but may also assign them to their followers, throws against fear effects of +1 per 20 points of nobility
as a way of retrieving lost items, helping fellow nobles, the noble possesses while they can see the character, or
and as a way to gain their followers experience, making the character’s standard. This bonus applies even if the
them more powerful when the character needs them later. character cannot participate in battle himself (such as

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

when Uther was carried to a battle on a horse litter, even noble is bonded to the lands he rules and to his subjects.
though deathly ill, his mere presence inspired his soldiers If the noble pleases his god, his lands and his people will
to victory). prosper. If the noble’s god is displeased, his people will
This ability also grants the noble the power to dub pay the price. This allows the noble’s personal success to
anyone he deems worthy a knight, even those who do not translate into a kingdom of unparalleled grace and beauty,
meet the prerequisites for the knight class. However, the if his god is pleased with him.
penalties for the noble if such a knight behaves poorly are For nobles who rule small areas, this ability is not very
more severe. For every 2 nobility lost by the offending significant. However, once a character has risen to the
knight, the noble loses 1 nobility. level of a king or duke, this ability could cause happiness
At 12th level, a noble’s aura grants all those within 10 or misery for millions, and its effects will be felt many
feet of him a morale bonus on all saving throws of +1 per countries away. In general the GM should use nobility
20 points of nobility the character possesses. gains or losses of a noble with this ability to represent
At 15th level, a noble’s aura grants all those within 10 the health of all he rules, in terms of crop performance,
feet of him a morale bonus on attack rolls of +1 per 20 monster incursions, and so forth.
points of nobility, and all those serving the noble who can
see him, or his standard gain a +2 morale bonus on all
saving throws. New Prestige
At 18th level, a noble’s aura grants all those within 10
feet of him a morale bonus on damage rolls of +1 per 20 Classes
points of nobility the character possesses, and all those
serving the noble who can see him, or his standard gain a Paladin
+2 morale bonus to attack rolls. The paladin is the “noble knight” of legend,
At 20th level, all those serving the noble who can see exemplified by Lancelot, Galahad and the knights of
him, or his standard gain a +2 morale bonus to damage Charlemagne.
Papal Intercession (Ex): Nobles of 13th level and higher Requirements
can intervene with the dominant religion in an area they To qualify to become a paladin a character must meet the
rule to grant a special dispensation for an activity, or to following criteria.
give their blessing to a specific activity or a specific person. BAB: +4
This intercession could make something legal that usually Skills: Ride 4 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4
is not, or make the local populace much more compliant ranks
with a quest or mission undertaken within the sphere of the Feats: Mounted Combat
church’s influence. Nobility: 50+
The intercession grants a bonus on any skill check or Class abilities: Knight’s Warhorse
ability check to gain the cooperation of those faithful to Allegiances: Code of the Paladin
the religion granting the intercession of +1 per 20 points
of nobility possessed by the noble making the intercession. Class Information
It could also result in a reduction or reversal of an edict The following information pertains to the paladin prestige
handed down by an ecclesiastical court, or could allow a class.
character atonement for a sin. Hit Die: d10
The church doesn’t grant such an intercession for Class Skills: The paladin’s class skills (and the ability
nothing, however. The noble seeking the intercession for each skill) are: Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
will be required to either make a sizeable donation to the Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
church (at least 1,000 gold per level of the noble making (nobility and royalty, religion) (Int), Profession (Wis) and
the request), or more often, will require the noble and his Ride (Dex)
followers to undertake a quest of special significance to the Skill points at each level: 2+Int. modifier
church, such as the recovery of a holy relic.
Divine Intercession (Su): At 15th level, the noble may
go “over the head” of the clergy, seeking intervention Class Features
directly from the god he represents on Earth. This allows All of the following are features of the paladin prestige
the noble to grant absolution for sins and transgressions class.
himself, as if he were a member of the priest class four Paladin’s Warhorse: The paladin’s warhorse ability
levels lower than his noble level. functions as the knight’s warhorse ability (see above)
At 20th level this ability allows a noble to reverse except that the mount gains the benefit of the Divine Grace,
excommunication once per year. Divine Health and Perseverance class abilities when the
Land and the Lord are One (Su): At 20th level, the paladin reaches the appropriate levels.
Turn Undead: The paladin gains the ability to turn

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Legendary Tools: Nobility


Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save
+1 +2 +0 +2 Paladin’s Warhorse, Turn Undead
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Smite +1d6, Divine Grace
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Lay on Hands, Divine Health
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Aura of Courage, Smite +2d6
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Smite 2/day
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Remove Disease 1/week, Smite +3d6
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Perseverance
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Smite +4d6
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Remove Disease 2/week
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Smite 3/day, Smite +5d6

undead as a cleric of the same level.

Smite: One of the paladin’s most feared abilities is to
bring justice to the wicked. The paladin gains the listed
damage bonus when attacking someone with a lower
nobility score than his own. He may use this ability a
number of times each day as listed on the class table.
Divine Grace: At 2nd level the paladin gains a bonus to
all saving throws equal to his Charisma bonus (if any). The
paladin’s warhorse also gains this bonus to all its saving
throws as well.
Lay on Hands: The paladin can heal a number
of points of damage each day equal to his Charisma
modifier multiplied by his paladin level +3 (so at 1st
level a paladin with a +2 Charisma modifier could heal 8
points of damage). The paladin does not have to heal this
entire amount at once and can divide it between multiple
recipients throughout the day.
The paladin can also use this ability to inflict damage to
undead creatures (equal to the amount healed).
Divine Health: At 3rd level the paladin gains immunity
to all diseases including magical and supernatural diseases.
The paladin’s warhorse also gains this ability.
Aura of Courage: At 4th level the paladin is immune
to fear (magical and otherwise). His mount also gains this
ability. Any allies within 10 feet of the paladin gain a +1
bonus to all saving throws vs. fear for each 10 points of the
paladin’s nobility.
Remove Disease: The paladin can cure disease, as the
spell a number of times each week listed on the class table.
Perseverance: At 7th level the paladin gains the
Endurance and Die Hard feats as bonus feats. The paladin’s
warhorse also gains the benefits of these feats.

Should a character renounce (or have revoked) his Code of
the Paladin allegiance or allow his nobility to fall below 50
he loses all paladin special abilities (including the bonus
feats for the Perseverance ability) until such time as he
has redeemed himself by regaining his allegiance and/or
returning his nobility to the required level. The Atonement
spell or the blessing of a Noble 4 levels higher than the
paladin’s character level are also commonly required to
regain status in this class.

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Legendary Tools: Nobility

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