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Time Duration 52 hours Price: Rs 3500

Course Title: Hands on training on Application Development in JAVA

Day Date Topic

1 01-06-2022 Introduction about software requirement and
environment settings, basic constructs of java: keywords,
identifiers, variables
2 02-06-2022 Primitive data types, type conversion and control
3 03-06-2022 String classconstructors and methods
4 04-06-2022 Fundamentals about Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays
and Array of Objects
5 06-06-2022 Inheritance , Types of inheritance, super keyword
6 07-06-2022 Abstract Class and Interface
7 08-06-2022 Exception Handling: try, catch, throw, throws and finally
8 09-06-2022 Multithreading basics, Thread Class Runable Interface
9 10-06-2022 Hands on training to implement the concept of
multithreading on Clock Application.
10 11-06-2022 Assesment-1
11 13-06-2022 Basics of input and output in Java, read and write data
from the console
12 14-06-2022 Read and write data from the files, write and read objects
using serialization
13 15-06-2022 GUI programming: Different types of components,
container and helper classes
14 16-06-2022 Event delegation model, Event listener interfaces,
Registrations and handling events, Event class – mouse
events, key events etc, Event handling using Adapter
15 17-06-2022 Event delegation model, Event listener interfaces,
Registrations and handling events, Event class – mouse
events, key events etc, Event handling using Adapter
16 18-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Flappy Bird Game
17 20-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Quiz Application/ File
18 21-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Quiz Application/ File
19 22-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Quiz Application/ File
20 23-06-2022 JDBC connectivity with MySql database on local
machine, Database connectivity with online database
21 24-06-2022 Assesment-2
22 25-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Supermarket Billing
23 27-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Supermarket Billing
24 28-06-2022 Network Programming : Network basics, Client-Server
architecture, Networking classes and interfaces
25 29-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Chatting Application
26 30-06-2022 Hands on training to develop Chatting Application

Note: Main focus will be on the hands on training, so Computer/Laptop is


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