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Mekelle University

Mechanical Engineering Department

Scope of the project

The Desile powered grain miller mainly used in rural areas where there is no electric
power and can serve also in urban area..

It can be operated by unskilled adult man or woman.

 First the necessary design parameters are collected

 By using these data we made design analysis

 We will checking the result of the stresses on different parts of the miller

 Redesign the components if needed

 Modifying some mechanisms

 Suggesting alternative mechanisms


To know the design aspect of the grain miller in Temben woreda

Specification of the project

o The grain miller should have low cost

o The operation should not be complex

o The modification should avoid unnecessary aspects of the grain miller

o Redesigning of some components


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Getting the exact the material type for the component parts was difficult . .Though certain
references are available in certain web sites their technological background is not given
due to copy right.


1.1 Introduction
In Ethiopia, on-farm consumption accounts for as much as 80% of the total output of
grain. Quite a substantial proportion of rural households still hand-grind grains, using a
stone grinder, or pound the grain into flour, using a pound and pestle.

Engine driven grain millers has been extremely used in rural areas of Ethiopia where
electric power has not yet installed. The main difference between the electric motor
powered grain miller is additional cooling system working with liquid must be installed
to cool the engine. The efficiency of the whole machine should be higher in order to
decrease the amount of fuel needed

Four alternative types of technology are available in the food-processing industry: hand
grinding (or pounding), water mills, diesel-engine-powered mills, and electric-motor-
powered mills. Flour for the bakeries is produced largely by state-owned mills.

The relative advantages of the three types of mills are summarized in Table
2.Water mills rank first for all the desirable characteristics of an appropriate technology,
except for waiting time, product quality, and location flexibility. One major weakness of
a water mill is that it is location specific: its uses are restricted to places where water
power is available. Electric mills, admittedly, are restricted to places where electric
power is available, but diesel mills can be established anywhere there is sufficient
population density and reasonable transportation facilities. Of all the characteristics listed
in the table, the highest weight should be attached to reliance on local resources.

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Table 1. Ranking of milling technologies according to their relative advantages.

Dependence on local resources

1 3 2

Fit with local farming system 1 2 2

Capacity utilization 1 3 2

Location flexibility 1 2

Customer waiting time 2 1

1 3 2
Accessibility to the poor

1 2 2
Contribution to interregional equity

Product quality 2 1 1

1 3 2

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Working conditions

1 2 2
Contribution to environmental protection

1.2 Background and Justification

Women spent much time, and effort in grinding. This was often carried out on hand-mills
which consisted of a large fat stone of cellular lava, two feet long and one foot broad,
raised upon a rude pedestal of stones and mud, about one foot and half from the ground.
The rough surface of this stone sloped gradually forwards into a basin-like cavity, into
which the flour fell as it was ground. A second stone, which weighed about three pounds,
would be grasped in the hand of a grinding-woman who would move it up and down the
inclined stone, thereby crushing the grain and gradually converting it into coarse flour.

Women's rate of participation in the milling industry is lower than that of men. One
survey reported that women accounted for 20% of the total employment in the industry
(Ministry of Industry 1992). Also, it appears that women earn less than men. A survey of
large-scale mills indicated that women's wages were 82% of men's (CSA 1992).
Commercial milling is little practiced. Most of the flour required by households is
processed by women using the traditional stone grinder, which is backbreaking and time-
consuming, or by small-scale custom mills. A foreign traveller, observing the grinding of
grain in traditional Ethiopia, described it like this:

An important characteristic of the food-processing industry in Ethiopia is the scarcity of

commercial milling. Custom milling, which is done by private or cooperative mills in
exchange for payment of milling fees, is still the dominant form of food processing in the
country. An Ethiopian woman rarely buys flour from shops or mills.

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
The state gets the grain from imports or from the agricultural sector. In the past, state-
owned mills obtained grain through a parastatal, the Agricultural Marketing Corporation.
Many rural households are net purchasers of food. Urban dwellers occasionally buy bread
(made from wheat) from bakeries. Otherwise, they buy grain from the market and pay to
have it ground into flour. In recent years, the private sector and the market system have
played an increasing role in the distribution and processing of food grains

1.3Objectives of the project

 Detail design of machine elements of the grain miller

 To design Different mechanisms for the operation of the grain miller

 To analyze the vibration induced in the ground due to the machine movement

 To analyze the cooling system


2. Literature review

2.1The grain-milling industry in Ethiopia

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
In Ethiopia, industry plays a limited role in the economy. In 1993, the share of
manufacturing output in the gross domestic product was only 11%; that of small-scale
industry was 4% (Mulat 1994).

Commercial milling is limited to 17 state-owned, large-scale mills, which produce flour

for the urban bakeries. These mills produce mainly wheat flour. One survey reported that
88% of the grain used by state mills was wheat, and the rest was maize (CSA 1992).

Agricultural processing in Ethiopia, which has forward-production linkages, is done in

small-scale establishments for two reasons: (1) crops are bulky and heavy and are often
perishable, and transport costs can be greatly reduced if agricultural processing is done
close to the source of supply; and (2) the highly dispersed pattern of settlement requires
dispersed milling establishments. Grain milling is the most widespread power-driven
small-scale industry in Ethiopia, in both urban and rural areas. A survey of 11 towns in
the country reported that grain mills accounted for 55% of all small-scale industrial
enterprises (wood works accounted for 9%) (HSSIDA 1979). In a similar survey,
conducted later, this was found to be 64% (HSSIDA 1980). In predominantly rural areas
or remote places, grain mills may account for 100% of power-driven enterprises. On the
other hand, this proportion falls with the size of urban centers. For example, one survey
reported that in Addis Ababa, the largest city in Ethiopia, the proportion of grain mills in
the total number of establishments was only 34%, compared with 55% for all the towns
(HSSIDA 1979).

The number of people employed at grain mills is considerable, though the worker–mill
ratio is quite small. A survey of 963 small-scale industrial establishments in Ethiopia
reported that grain mills provided jobs for 1823 people; all the establishments, including
mills, employed 9695 people. In other words, employment in grain mills accounted for
19% of the total employment in industry (HSSIDA 1979). In another survey, grain mills
accounted for 51% of the total employment in privately owned small-scale industries
(HSSIDA 1985). But this proportion tends to fall with growth in urbanization. For
example, in Addis Ababa, where there are many other industries, grain mills accounted
for only 9% of the total employment in private industries (Ministry of Industry 1992).

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
A recent comprehensive survey of small-scale industries in Addis Ababa provided the
following information about private grain mills: the average worker–mill ratio was 2.9(1–
12 paid workers); the average capital per mill was 19826 birr; and the capital per worker
was 6771 birr (in 1995, 6.3 Ethiopian birr = 1 United States dollar [USD]).Cooperative
mills, however, were found to be quite large: the worker–mill ratio was 14;the average
capital per mill was 154518 birr; and the capital per worker was 11109 birr. But
cooperative mills, most of which are likely owned by urban dwellers and their
associations, accounted for only 2.4% of the total number of mills in Addis Ababa
(Region14 Administration 1994).

The number of workers per mill is quite small compared with that in other small-scale
industries, as evident from many surveys. In one survey, the average number of workers
per mill was 3.4, compared with 10 per establishment for all types of industries (HSSIDA
1979). Another survey suggested that employment in the milling industry averaged 3.3
persons, compared with 6.3 persons per establishment for all types of enterprises
(Ministry of Industry 1992). On the other hand, this ratio has been found to behigh for
commercial mills, which are largely state owned. A survey of enterprises employing
more than 10 workers reported that there were 222 people per establishment (CSA 1992).

Wages in the grain-milling industry are small. One survey reported that 86% of the
workers employed in the milling industry earned less than 100 birr per month, whereas in
the food industry, as a whole, 72% of the workers earned less than 100 birr per month
(HSSIDA 1985).

The contribution of grain mills to the gross value of output of the small-scale industries is
quite small, compared with their relative size within the small-scale industrial sector.
According to one survey, grain mills accounted for only 6% of the value of the total
output of small-scale industries but for 55% of the total number of establishments in the
industry (HSSIDA 1979). In another survey, the value of the services provided annually
by grain mills amounted to an average of 19665 birr per mill (Ministry of Industry
1992).The gross value added in the milling industry is also low, compared with that of
other small-scale industries. For example, one survey reported that the gross value added

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
in this industry was only 20% of that of coffee- and grain-clearing enterprises (HSSIDA

Operating surplus is the difference between value added in national account concept at
factor cost and total wages, salaries, and benefits (Ministry of Agriculture1992). The
operating surplus of the milling industry was estimated at 48% of that of the food and
beverage industry (Ministry of Industry 1992). In other words, profit per establishment is
very likely to be lower in the milling industry than in other types of small-scale industry.

Small grain mills are privately owned. Public ownership is restricted to large-scale
commercial mills. This is an area where the private sector played a very important role
during the socialization drive of the military regime. In a survey of 11 towns in the
country, it was estimated that 86% of the milling establishments were owned by
individuals; 10%, by partners; and 4%, by cooperatives (HSSIDA 1979). In another
survey, it was estimated that 82% of them were owned by individuals; 8%, by partners;
5%, by cooperatives; and5%, by training institutions, etc. (HSSIDA 1980). Among
cooperatives, peasant service cooperatives play a very important role. Funds for the
establishment of grain mills come mainly from the informal sector. Owners of mills make
little use of the banking system because banks are not available in rural areas, where 85%
of the population lives. In addition, the banks require borrowers to present their books of
account to get credit for expansion or new investment; however, 79% of the small-scale
industries in 1978/79 didn’t keep books of accounts. Most of the funds for the milling
industry come from the informal financial sector. One survey reported that 97% of the
total investment funds come from the owners of the mills (HSSIDA 1980).

Grain mills seem to need small investments. In one survey, grain mills, representing 64%
of small-scale establishments, accounted for only 21% of the value of fixed assets
(HSSIDA 1980). Working capital requirements are also small. According to one survey,
the ratio of working capital to fixed assets in the privately owned industries was 0.12 for
the milling industry and 0.35 for the food and beverage industry (Ministry of

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
The cost of running a mill is much lower than the cost of running other small-scale
industrial enterprises. According to one survey, "industrial" and "no industrial" costs of
running an average mill were 13 069 birr and 28 975 birr for the whole of the food
industry (HSSIDA 1985). Industrial costs, in particular, were found to be very small.
Industrial costs included cost of energy, water consumption, repair and maintenance, rent,
wages and salaries, benefits, and raw materials consumed. No industrial costs included
postage, telecommunications, and advertisements. The same survey reported that
industrial costs per establishment were only one third of that for the food industry as a
whole. In contrast, nonindustrial costs were higher for grain mills than for the food
industry, amounting to anaverage of 5014 birr for the grain industry and 4723 birr for the
food industry (HSSIDA1985). The high no industrial costs of running grain mills could
be largely attributed to government policy, which makes the mills pay high taxes. The
various types of taxes the mills paid in 1984/85 amounted to 84% of their total no
industrial costs (HSSIDA). (It is, however, possible that mill owners, like other
taxpayers, deliberately overstate the amount of tax they pay when they are interviewed.)
The major cost component in the grain mill industry is fuel. According to one survey,
about 49% of the total industrial costs of milling establishments is for electricity and
diesel fuels (HSSIDA 1985). In urban areas, electricity’s used as a major source of power
for grain mills. A survey of private industries in Addis Ababa indicated that expenditures
on electricity accounted for 71% of the total industrial costs of milling, with diesel fuels
accounting for 5% (Ministry of Industry 1992). In large urban centers, diesel fuel is little
used in grain milling. Electricity consumption also increases with the size of the
enterprise. One report indicated that 55% of the total expenditure of the large mills was
for electricity, 23% was for wood and charcoal, and22% was for other fuels (CSA 1992).

On the other hand, diesel fuel is an important source of power for mills operating in rural
areas where electricity is not available. However, the cost of fuel has been steadily rising
since the 1970s. Large mills try to overcome this problem by switching to electric power.
Nevertheless, the proportion of the total industrial cost of large mills given to energy
steadily increased from 5.6% in 1977 to 8.7% in 1981 (CSA 1992).

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
The milling industry encounters a lot of problems (Mulat 1994), with the result that
enterprises operate much below capacity. One survey indicated that grain mills operate at
about 40% below capacity (HSSIDA 1980). According to a detailed study of mills in
three areas in Ethiopia, actual capacity as a proportion of theoretical capacity was 46%
(Lirenso and Aredo 1988). The major problems encountered by the industry can be
classified as supply-side problems or demand-side problems. The socialist-oriented
military regime, which ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1991, discouraged the expansion of
small-scale industries. Private Mills encountered shortages of spare parts and
components. The demand for milling was constrained by shortages of grain and by
limitations in household incomes.

A closer picture of the milling industry can be captured by considering the distribution of
different types of mills in northern Shewa. In a survey of 122 "peasants’ associations," it
was found that the average size was about 185 households. A peasants’ association was
usually established in an area of 800 ha. A group of three to seven peasants' associations
formed a service cooperative, often with its own grain mill. However, many of these
mills were destroyed at the downfall of the military regime in1991. There were no
peasants' associations without at least one grain mill. The most common type of mill was
the diesel-engine mill (1.4 diesel mills per peasants' association), which accounted for
66% of the mills covered by the survey. But most of these mills were installed in small
towns and market places, areas accessible by vehicles. Next to diesel mills, water mills
were the dominant type of technology, accounting for 29% of the mills. The
corresponding proportion in southwestern Ethiopia was 25% (ONCCP 1980).However;
the distribution of water mills among woredas was uneven, depending on the availability
of water and accessibility. Most of the water mills were found in two relatively
inaccessible woredas, Hagere-Mariam and Mafound. Of the 23 water mills found
inMafound woredas, 15 belonged to a single peasants' association, Gedilgie. The average
distance from a water mill to the main town was estimated to be a 3 h walk. Electric
mills, which accounted for only 5% of the establishments, were limited to areas located


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
near highways. Further details of the milling technology in Ethiopia are given in Aredo
(1987), Lirenso and Aredo (1988, 1989), and Aredo and Abebe (1991).

Table 1 compares the production capacity, costs, income, and number of workers, import
dependence, profitability, capacity utilization, and working time of the three types of
flour mills (i.e., water mills, diesel mills, and electric mills). Water mills have the lowest
capacity; they produce about 9 quintals of flour in a day; diesel and electric mills
produce25 and 45 quintals, respectively. This is based on the assumption that the mills
operate at full capacity. Water mills operate relatively slowly. However, the waiting time
at a watermill is usually nil because customers tend to leave the grain with the mill
owners and collect the flour at a convenient time. Strong personal relations exist between
customers and mill owners. In the case of modern mills (diesel and electric), users often
come from distant places or from urban centers, where the density of population limits
personal relations with owners. The travel time saved by users of water mills is
considerable. In the study area, the average number of daily visitors to water mills was 9,
whereas that to diesel mills and electric mills was 60 and 210, respectively.

Table 1. Comparative performances of three types of mills.

Water Diesel
Variable Electric mills
mills mills

Throughput (quintals/day)a
9 25 45

1500 20 000 35 000

Book value of equipment (birr)b

Average number of clients 9 60 210


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


2 4 5
Service charge (birr/quintal)

20 120 178
Daily income (birr/working day)

2 3 3
Number of mill operators

6 10 12
Working hours (h/day)

Nil 60 60
Waiting time at mill site (min)

120 12 400 10 371

Running cost (birr/year)c

60 28 56
The degree of capital use (%)d

23 16 37
Rate of return (%)e

Ratio of net income to gross income 94 20 56


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Import component (%)f Nil 79 20

In one study a, owners of water mills charged about 2 birr per quintal for processing grain
into flour, whereas owners of diesel mills and electric mills charged about 4 and 5 birr
per quintal, respectively. Table 1 show that the book value of water mills is very low. In
one of the study villages, 300 birr was required to install water mill. On the other hand, to
install a diesel mill in the same area would require about 1100 birr. Another advantage of
water mills is their very long life span. The annual recurrent expenditure for water mills
averages120 birr, whereas that for diesel mills and electric mills averages 12 400 and
10 371 birr, respectively. Diesel mills, in particular, are very costly to maintain.

The rate of return to fixed capital for water mills was estimated at 23%, whereas it was
16% for diesel mills and 37% for electric mills. However, the net income from operating
a water mill is too small to attract urban-based investors.

Capacity underutilization is common for all types of mills. Diesel mills, in particular,
operate much below capacity, mainly as a result of frequent breakdowns and shortages of
fuel and spare parts. This study found that diesel mills operate, on average, at 28% of full

Modern mills are preferred for their high speed. About 42% of the sample households
reported that they had frequented electric mills for this reason. People often combine their
visits to modern mills with other tasks they are undertaking. About 21% of the women
visited mills on their way to the market.


3. Design of the grain miller

3.1Design Parameters
Power input (p1) =18kw

Rpm of the Engine (n) =1500


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Diameter of the input shaft (d1) =50mm

Diameter of the output shaft (d2) =50mm

Diameter of the Smaller pulley (d) =255mm

Diameter of the larger pulley (D) =280mm

Center to center distance (a) =2700mm

Diameter of the upper disc=670mm

3.2Design concept
Concept A:

The existing grain miller has a power screwed adjusting mechanism for the gap between
the grinding stones with (3_4) linkages on the system. The rotation of the screw will give
translational motion for the shaft and the lower stone

Concept B:

The second alternative concept is by using scissor jack for lifting the shaft together with
the lower stone. Here simply by small “pull” or “push” force on a rod ,a power screw will
rotate and this rotation will translational movement for a nut then this movement gives
the upward motion of the shaft and the lower stone

3.3Design matrix
This is a system of finding good alternatives among many model solutions for a particular
problem. There are different types of Design Matrices that are used to make systematic
decisions on choosing best alternatives of given two or more alternative designs. The
following method is selected so that to help reach at the best decision. This method has
been adopted to meet the case grain miller. Besides, the functional requirements or
weights are selected to suit to expectation to physical, mechanical and environmental
fitness of the miller. There are tow basic alternatives investigated so far concerning the
grain miller in general and the gap adjusting mechanism unit in particular.


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Each requirement is taken out of five. For example, the one with value higher for a given
requirement means it responds positive than other s for that specified requirement.

And a lower value represents drawbacks for that requirement.

 Ranks given for the tow designs

Matrix comparisons of alternative models for adjusting mechanisms of the gap b/n

No Function requirements Design concepts

1 Physical requirement Concept A Concept B

a Average size of the components 3 4

b Less number of components 4 3

c Complexity 3 4

d Weight 3 4

e Operability 3 4

2 Mechanical requirement

a Deflection, buckling and jerk avoidance 3 4

b Reliability 4 4

c Durability 4 4

d Stability 3 4

3 Material requirements


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

a Strength 4 4

b Availability 4 4

c Affordability or cost

d Manufacturability 5 5

e Maintainability 4 5

Total positive weight for each model

Percentage weight of each model

 . Decision and Conclusion

Comparing the above two design concepts, concepts of obtaining mechanism for the gap
adjustment based on mechanical properties and cost effectiveness; we select concept B,
mechanism with scissor jack is beneficial and viable decision. Some important features
of design are shown in the design analysis phase with considerations and through good
search of suitable alternatives.

3.4 Design analysis

Measured and collected input data

Power input (p1) =18kw

Rpm of the (n) =1500


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Diameter of the input shaft (d1) =50mm

Diameter of the output shaft (d2) =

Diameter of the Smaller pulley (d) =255mm

Diameter of the larger pulley (D) =280mm

Center to center distance (a) =2700mm

Diameter of the upper disc=670mm

Thickness of the disc=100mm

Belt width (b) =30mm

Thickness of the belt (t) =5mm

Belt material=cotton woven

Real time Data collected

Grain Thickness Gap between stones to grind






Design analysis of shaft

Known parameter

Diameter of shaft (d) =50mm
Revolution per minute of the shaft (n) =?
Speed ratio (u) =0.884


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Materials selected are carbon and alloy steel with ultimate tensile strength 560 to 760
Mpa and yield strength between 320 to 390 Mpa.

Working stress for power transmission shafts:-

According to ASME code for the design of power transmission shafts.

Maximum tensile stress:-84 Mpa for shafts with allowance for key ways.

The maximum shear stress: - 42Mpa with allowance for key ways.

The shaft is design on the basis of strength.

The following are the stresses the shaft is subjected to:-

o Twisting moment due to the key and wheel.

o Bending moment due to the belt on the wheel.

o Axial load due to the mill stone.

(Shaft drawing)

Power from the engine 18KW (p1)

Speed of the engine shaft 1500 r.p.m (n1)

Efficiency for flat belt is taken 0.95 from table.

Speed ratio from table = 1.5

Power transmitted by out put shaft in r.p.m (p2)

Speed of the out put shaft in r.p.m (n2)

p2/p1 = 0.95 => p2 = 17.1KW

n1/n2 = 1.5 => n2 = 1000 r.p.m


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Twisting moment (T)

T= 60p2/2Пn2

T=163.3 N-m

Bending moment (M)

(Drawing of forces on the shaft)

Tensions T1 + T2 = 2786.2N

Because the two reaction forces are symmetrical

R1 + R2 = 1393.1N

Maximum moment on the shaft is

1393.1 * 0.07 = 97.517N-m

Equivalent twisting moment on the shaft subjected to fluctuating load.

Te =

Km = Combined shock and fatigue for Bending

Kt = Combined shock and fatigue for Torsion

From table of recommended values for Km and Kt selecting suddenly applied load with
minor shock only.

Km = 2 Kt = 2

 Te = 380.40N-m

Now, diameter of the shaft (d)



By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

3.4.2Fatigue on the Shaft

The shaft is subjected to completely reversed bending stress

ksz = 1.189d-0.097 ksz = 0.83

kt – effect of temperature taken unity

kr – Reliability factor, from table kr = 0.5

3.4.3Bearing selection

Tapered roller bearings combines the advantages of ball and straight roller bearing ,since
they can take either radial or thrust loads and any combination of the tow, and in addition
they have high load carrying capacity of straight roller bearing .

The tapered roller bearing is designed so that all elements in the roller surface and the
race way intersect at a common point on the bearing axis

The four components of a tapered bearing assembly are the:


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
 Cone(inner ring )

 Cup(outer ring)

 Tapered rollers

 Cage(space retainer)


The contacting surfaces in rolling bearings have a relative motion that is both rolling and
sliding and sliding, and so it is difficult to understand exactly what happens.

The purpose of an anti friction bearing lubricant may be summarized as follows:

 To provide a film of lubricant between the sliding and rolling surfaces

 To help distribute and dissipates heat

 To prevent corrosion of the bearing surfaces

 To protect parts from the entrance of foreign matters

Either grease or oil may be employed for a lubricant

Grease oil

 The temperature is not over 200 Temperature are high

 The speed is low Speeds are high

 Simple bearing enclosure are desired Bearing type is not suitable for grease

Selected bearing

Ball bearing

Bearing no bore diameter nominal Width(mm)

(mm) diameter(mm)

208 40 80 18


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Tapered bearing

Bore Out side Width Load

diameter(mm) rating(kN)
Diameter(mm) (mm)

C10 Co

35 80 21 44.6 27.1

3.4.5Design of key


The same material as the Shaft is selected.

3.4.6 Design of the screw jack

The screw jack on the grain miller is used for moving the lower mill stone, the Shaft
and materials on the Shaft up and down.


Mass of the lower milling stone is 70k.g


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Mass of the shaft and other accessories 30k.g

Weight w = (70+30)9.8 = 980N

Materials selected:

For Screw Carbon and alloy Steel annealed AISI 1015

s=w / Ac pdc2 / 4 = w / s, s=sy / F.s = 113.76Mpa

dc = (4w /ps)0.5 dc = 3.3m.m

From square threads of fine series according to IS: 4694 – 1968(reaffirmed 1996)

For dc 8m.m is taken

Nominal or outside diameter of spindle (do) is 10m.m

Pitch of the screw(p) p = 2m.m


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

s = w / Ac s = 19.5Mpa

Shear stresses due to the torque

t = 16T1 / pdc3 t = 9.8Mpa

Maximum principal stress tensile

t max = 0.5[s + (s2 + 4t2)0.5]

t max = 23.6Mpa < 113.76Mpa

Maximum shear stress

Max = 0.5[(s2 + 4t2)0.5]

Max = 13.8Mpa

13.8Mpa < 56.88Mpa

Nut Design

Let n = number of threads in contact


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
h = height of the nut

Safe bearing pressure in N / m.m2 (Pb) = 17.5N / m.m2

Pb = 4w / p [(do) 2 - (dc) 2] n

Checking the stresses induced in the screw and nut


Now considering crushing of the nut

Do - outer diameter of the nut

w = p (Do2-do2) sc sc = 150 / 2 = 60

Do = (4w/psc + do2)0.5 Do = 11m.m 15m.m is taken

The torque required (T2) to overcome friction at the bottom of the nut.

Assuming uniform pressure


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Minimum size of weld (s)

Thickness of plate (t)

From table minimum size of weld is taken 5m.m

For fillet welds with bare electrodes 80Mpa is selected, F.S = 2

sall = 40Mpa

For circular fillet weld subjected to bending moment.

s = M/Z Z = section modulus

s = 4M/ptd2 but t = s sin 45 = 0.707s

s = 25.2MPa < 25.2Mpa

The weld is safe.

3.4.7Design of link



By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

3.4.8Design of link 2

Material is the same as the first link.



By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
3.4.9Design Rod welded to the screw spindle

3.4.10 Weld design and selection

Welding is extensively used in the fabrication of the inline seeder. Though there are
many other alternative joining methods welding is selected for the following fundamental

 Welded structures are usually lighter than other joining such as riveted structures.

 Welded joints provide maximum efficiency which is not possible by other cases

 Alteration and additions can be easily made in existing structure

 Has greeter strength, often welded joints has the strength of the parent material.

 Provides very rigid joint

 No difficulty of joining complicated parts

 The process takes less time

But the following draw backs are remarkable

 Distortion due to uneven heating and cooling during fabrication

 Require high skill and supervision

 Failure due to crack development]


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

 Inspection is more difficult

With the above difference the following two basic types of welding are selected to join
parts in the inline seeder.

Lap joint or fillet joint: -done by over lapping the plates and welding the edges of the
plates. The cross section of the fillet is approximately triangular.

Butt joint: -the butt is obtained by placing the plates edge to edge.

Some of the welded joints are discussed below by representing parts under similar weld.

Sheet metal welds

All sheet to sheet welds are single v-butt type which is represented by

All perpendicular joints

All joints in the compartment which are of between two perpendicular parts are
represented by a double sided fillet weld

Weld for joining Supporting bar to the Vertical frame

Fillet weld each side of Tee joint

Weld for joining the handle to the nut


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

3.4.11Design of pin

3.4.12Design of Bolts and Nuts

For supporting the upper stone, W = 686N

Material steel FE 310 Indian standard

Number of bolts = 3

3.4.13Design of steel Support structure


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Total weight W = 1666N

3.5 Design analysis of flat belt

Known parameters

Input power (p1) =18kw

Power of output shaft (p2) =17.1kw

Smaller wheel diameter (d) =25.5cm

Large wheel diameter (D) =28cm

Center to center distance (a) =270cm, =0.22, =1250kg/m2

3.5.1Condition of transmission of maximum power

Power transmitted p= (T1-T2) V……………… (1)

T1/T2=e ………………………………… (2)

Since angle of contact :



Now on calculating the tensions T1 and T2

T1/T2= e0.22*3.13=1.99…………….(3)

Assuming there is a slippage of the belt


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

U (Velocity ratio) = taking s=0.02_0.03


Since u=w1/w2=n1/n2


The peripheral velocity V




From equation (3)

Then substing in equation (4)

3.5.2Calculating centrifugal tension Tc=mv 2

Tc=mv2 Centrifugal stress


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


= 15.5N

3.5.3Calculating the initial Tension

Total initial tension in the tight side T1t;

Total tension in slack side T2t;

Calculating Stresses in the belt


Maximum stresses in the belt appears at the point where the belt runs on smaller wheel

3.5.4Bending stress

E [belt thickness/wheel diameter]

=45Mpa 0.005/0.25


Centrifugal stress

=Fc/A=15.5/0.005 0.1



By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


4. Redesigning of the flat belt


The belt is the part that transmits the power from the wheel to the shaft carrying the
metering discs. The belt is expected to transmit the power as possible as efficiently from
the wheel to the shaft because as the core elements are the metering discs a small
deviation in power that means deviation in rotation results in variation in placement
spaces with in a given row, that will cause either over populated or deficient plant seed
distribution. Both of the above problems are disadvantageous in one or another way and
contradict the target of design of inline seeder in particular and the system of
conservation agriculture in general. Therefore attention has given to the selection of
proper belt and design of suitable belt mechanism considering and comparing the
following criteria with respect to the two belt types; flat belts and v-belts:

 Mechanical strength

 Physical geometric fitness

 Size of belt and space required

 Atmospheric conditions

 Service life

 Availability, etc

Belt selection is a matter of finding standard belt that will closely mach the required
speed ratio between input and output shafts the required power transfer, and the required
center distance, which is the distance between the two center lines of the input and output
shaft. Both belt types are capable of providing wide rage of strength and load capacity
depending on the problem. V-belts give smooth and uniform power transmission than flat
belts because in flat belt power transmission there appears some irregularity and non
uniformity around mechanically connected part of the belt. Flat belts are subjected to

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
misalignment as they are exposed to side way axial movement. In addition generally flat
belts are not as efficient as v-belts in transmitting power over shorter length and
compacted space. Both belt types respond in a similar fashion to different atmospheric
situations, service and availability requirements.

Having these, v-belt is selected as a power transmission unit to the inline seeder. Hence
as the torque transmitted is not that much significant the selection of proper v-belt type
can be achieved in the following few analysis.

Known parameters



For flat belt transmission we can take velocity ratio in the range (1_4 (10))

Let us take U=1.5 .From table the corresponding efficiency is = (0.92-0.95), taking =0.95

Material selection

Woven cotton is selected for the belt with mechanical properties of:

= (30_40) Mpa

Steel is selected for wheel material





By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

4.1Determining the geometrical proportions of the drive

Smaller pulley diameter:

Larger pulley pulley diameter can be calculated from:

, where =0.01_0.03, u=1.5


Angle of contact

4.1.1Belt speed

Length of the belt

4.1.2Determining the belt thickness



By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


4.1.3Determining the initial stress

4.1.4Determining the initial effective stress:

From table, the initial stress =2.4Mpa, s=2.5, w=20


4.1.5Determining some constants

From table:

4.1.6Determining the belt width from:


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Substituting this value in the above equation


Then from Standard table belt width and thickness

4.1.7Initial tension

4.1.8Dimensioning the pulley

Pulley materials

Commonly used pulley materials are metals which includes cast iron, steel, aluminum

And to light duties non metallic pulleys are used such as plastic, paper and wood are the
commonest of the non metallic pulleys. Metallic pulleys are most of the times used for
high power rating and greater load capacity transmissions. They are most reliable and
durable pulleys against variable working environment.

Non metallic pulleys made of wood or plastic on the other side hand are used for less
power rating and minimum load operations. They are naturally susceptible to difficult
failures; however, with proper care and provision they are giving service for acceptable
life with accurate transmission. The seeder belt system is required to transmit very low
power and load but with high accuracy and efficiency, therefore, the wooden pulley can
be used properly with great advantages and can perform as good as enough to achieve
metering by the disc rotation. Wood is selected as a material for both small and large


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
pulleys and some theoretical and geometric analysis will be shown in the next part of the

Good pulley woods must have the following properties

 Less moisture absorbing character

 Good wear resistance

 Good resistance to deformation

 Easy to machine

 Should have enough friction coefficient to maintain the motion transmission


Generally the wood used for pulley should with stand change in environmental situations
further more need to be capable of performing good in the farm plots against rainy
seasons, muddy soil and rough and vamp motion lines.


-The pulley can be made of two split pieces and join by screws and metallic rings at the
two ends

-Most preferably the larger pulley should be made as integrated part to the bearing would
have internal diameter equal to that of the bearing.

-external diameter should be 108 mm as it is discussed in the belt selection part.


Its face width should be 25% grater than the belt width. It can be calculated as:

4.1.9Determining the number of arms (na):


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

The outside diameter of the hub

4.2Alternative Mechanism design

4.2.1Design of scissor jack for lifting the mill stone

Known parameters



Length of the links (l) =100mm

The height from the ground to the top of the shoe=150mm

The angle at the bottom position=

Coefficient of friction =0.2

Pitch of the screw thread P=4mm


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Material selection

Links screw and pins are made from mild steel with mechanical properties of:

Limiting pressure selected for steel=12.6N/mm2

Calculating center to center distance of nuts

When the jack is at bottom position


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

Calculating the angle when the jack is at the top position

Since the jack assumed to lift 20mm

4.2.2 Design of square threaded screw

Assume, the maximum load on the square threaded screw occurs when the jack is in the
bottom position

At lower position =

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Each nut carries half the total load on the jack and due to this the link CD is subjected to
tension while the square threaded screw is under pull. The magnitude of the pull on the
screw is given by:

Since a similar pull acts on the other nut, therefore total tensile pull on the square
threaded rod;

Let dc is the core diameter of the screw

1401= /4(dc) 2


dc =4.22mm

From table 17.1 of Gubta of fine series standard core diameter dc=8mm

Since the screw is also subjected to torsional shear stress, therefore to account for this, let
us adopt


Nominal or outer diameter of the screw

The mean diameter of the screw

Let’s cheak for the principal stresses, we know that


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

We know that the effort required to rotate the screw

=16T/ (d3c)


We know that direct tensile stress in the screw

=w/ /4(dc) 2


Since the maximum stresses are with in the safe limits, therefore the design of square
threaded screw is satisfactory.

4.2.3 Design of nut

Let n be the number of threads in contact with the screw (i.e. square threaded rod)


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Assuming that the load w1 is distributed uniformly over the cross-sectional area of the
nut, therefore bearing pressure between the threads (Pb)

12.6=w1/ /4[(do) 2-(dc) 2] n


In order to have good stability and also to prevent rocking of the screw in the nut, we
shall provide n=3 threads in the nut

The thickness of the nut


The width of the nut (b) is taken as 1.5do



To control the movement of the nut beyond the maximum distance between the center
lines of the nuts, rings of 5mm thickness are fitted on the screw with the help of set screw

Length of screwed portion of the screw

=124.8+t+2xthickness of the rings


The central length (about 10mm)of screwed rod is kept equal to the core diameter
dc=12mm,since the jack is operated by means of spanner ,therefore the ends of the rod
may be reduced to 10mmsquare and 15mm long

Total length of the screw




By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Assuming that a force of 100N is applied by the person at one end of the rod, therefore
the le3ngth of the spanner required


We shall take the length of the spanner as 200mm in order to facilitate the operation and
for a single person to operate

4.2.4Design of pins in the nuts

Let d1=diameter of pins in the nuts

Since the pins are in double shear, therefore load on the pins (F)

700.5=2x /4(d1)2x50

d1=2.98mm, say 6mm

The diameter of pin head is taken as 1.5d1=1.5x6=9mm and thickness 3mm.the pins in
the nuts are kept in position by separate rings of 5mm thick and 1.5mm split pins passing
through the rings and the pins

4.2.5 Design of Links

Due to the load the links may be buckle in tow planes at right angles to each other .For
buckling in the vertical plane (i.e. in the plane of the links), the links are considered as
hinged at both ends and for buckling in a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane, it is
considered as fixed at both ends, we know that load on the link



Assuming a factor of safety =5, the link must be designed for a buckling load of



Let t1=thickness of the links


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
b1= width of the links

Assuming that the width of the link is three times that of the thickness of the links, i.e.
b1=3t1, therefore the cross-sectional area of the link


And moment of inertia of the cross-section of the link

I=1/12xt1 (b1)3


We know that the radius of gyration



Since for buckling of the link in the vertical plane, the ends are considered as hinged,
therefore, equivalent length of the link L=l=100mm

And Rankin’s constant a=1/7500

According to Rankin’s formula,bukling load (Wcr)

1751.25 = xA/1+ (L/k)

t1=2.7mm, say t1=4mm


Now let us consider the buckling of the link in a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane

Moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the link

I=1/12xb1 (t1)3


And cross-sectional area of the link

A=t1 x3t1=3t12


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Radius of gyration



Since for buckling of the link in a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane, the ends are
considered as fixed, therefore equivalent length of the link


Again according to rankine formula buckling load,

Wcr= xA/1+ (L/k) 2

=4416.33N, by substituting t1=4mm

Since this buckling load is more than the calculated value (i.e. 1751.25N), therefore the
link is safe for bulking in a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane.


5. Cooling System

In the course of the work cycle the internal combustion engine, a lot of heat is created.
During the combustion phase of the engine operation, the temperature of the burning fuel
may reach 1900oc. With modern Engine design, a greater percentage of this heat
generated during combustion is converted into useful work at Engine’s flywheel. Out of
the total heat produced by the modern Engine, up to 43% is converted into usable power,
27% is lost out of the exhaust, 7% is lost in radiation and the remaining 23% is dissipated
out into atmosphere via the cooling system.

Three reasons for cooling Engines: Firstly to promote high volumetric efficiency,
secondly to ensure proper combustion and thirdly to ensure mechanical operation and


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
reliability. The cooler the surfaces of the combustion chamber the higher the mass of air
(and fuel) that can be trapped in the cylinder. In general, the higher the volumetric
efficiency the higher the out put of engine.

The cooling systems of many diesel engines are not only called up on to remove heat
generated by combustion, but to remove heat from a number of other components
associated with Engine operation. These components, which transfer heat to the engine
cooling system, are:

 Transmission and torque converter oil coolers;

 Hydraulic oil cooler;

 Retarder oil cooler;

 After cooler;

 Water cooled exhaust manifolds; and

 Marine gear oil cooler

The operation and service life of a diesel engine are directly affected by the cooling
system. If the cooling system is of an inadequate size, is poorly maintained or does not
function correctly, the result can be over heating or over cooling can cause excessive and
unnecessary internal engine wear; with a resultant decreased in Engine performance, it is
very important that the cause of any problem in the cooling system be rectified as soon as

5.1 Liquid coolant system

The out flow from the pump is divided into two flows which enter at opposite ends of
the cylinder block. The flow to the far end of the Engine first passes to the oil cooler.
Once the water enters the cylinder block it passes around the cylinders and rise up to the
cylinder head. The flow rate to different parts of the cylinder head is frequently
controlled by adjusting the size of the coolant holes in the cylinder head gasket. The
traditional coolant passage in the cylinder head is void, which has been defined by the


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
walls of the combustion chamber, the inlet and exhaust ports the top deck and other
features. Some control of the flow is achieved by regulating the flow around the cylinder
liner, and in selecting out flow from the cylinder head. This haphazard arrangement is
satisfactory in many cases because of over heating of the combustion chamber is
prevented by nucleate boiling. If boiling occurs, then the heat transfer coefficient is
increased by an order of magnitude, and the metal temperatures are then linked to te
saturation temperature of the coolant.

5.2 Cooling media performance

Water is a very effective cooling medium, with high enthalpy of vaporization; high
specific heat capacity and a high thermal conductivity. Its saturation temperature of
99.6oc at 1 bar is also very convenient; less convenient are it’s contribution towards
corrosion especially when there are different metals in the cooling system.

Characteristics and requirements of Engine coolant:

o High specific heat and good thermal conductivity

o Fluidity within the temperature range of use

o Law freezing point

o High boiling point

o Non corrosive to metals, minimum degradation to nonmetals

o Chemical stability over the temperature range

o Non foaming

o Low flammability

o Reasonable compatibility with other coolants or oil.

o Reasonable cost, available in large quantities


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


6. Material cost analysis

On Design of grain miller

Material needed to produce Grain miller

NO Mat Size quantity Component Length/Area Total

erial Name Unit price Cost

1 Steel 1m*2m 1 Hopper 2m2

sheet 190birr

2 Steel ….. 1 Gap adjusting 40cm

plate mechanism 180 birr

3 steel 60mm*600mm 1 Shaft 600mm 200birr


4 Alu 130mm*150mm 3 Bearing 150mm 150Birr 450Birr


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

mini housing

5 Alu 90mm*100mm 1 shoe 100mm 120Birr 120Birr


6 Cott 5mm*7000mm 1 Belt 7000mm 16birr/m 112birr


7 Abra 100mm*670mm 1pair Mill stones 1200birr 1200birr


8 Steel 4mm*680mm 1 Out put pulley 680mm 160birr 160birr


9 steel M17 31 Bolt 10mm*30mm 1.25birr 38.75birr

10 Shee ……… ……. ………. ………. ……. 100birr


TOTAL 2750.75Birr


6.1Assembly procedure

By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

1) The ball bearing is forced fit on the bearing housing and fitted on the shaft
until 1m.m step of the shaft diameter, push the snap ring for holding the upper
bearing to its groove, fit the upper ball bearing on the housing, and cover the
housing with the cover and sealing.

2) After putting the upper cover plate fit the tapered bearing with in its housing
from the lower end of the shaft, put the snap ring on its groove, force fit the
shoe in the bearing housing

3) Three steel structures are spaced 120o apart with diameter equal to the upper
mill stone connect them by three rods to the center, at the center there is a
rolled sheet metal with a diameter little larger than that of the bearing housing
both at upper and lower support, fix the structure on the ground by expansion

4) Attach the power screw mechanism on the structure by bolts, then put the
shaft on the horizontal link of the mechanism through the two holes.

5) Insert the sheet metal plate to collect the grained material with sealing around
the shaft.

6) Slide the key through the key way of the shaft; put the lower stone on the
tapered part of the shaft.

7) Fasten the upper stone to the structure, screw the cover plates with the
structure, put the grain guide on the upper stone

6.2 Manufacturing process


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Turning and facing of the shaft by lathe, tapered end of the shaft can be made by
offsetting the compound at an angle and hand feeding using the compound lead
screw, for grooves on the shaft for snap rings made by a thin blade in a special
holder, keyway bored by milled machines by side cutting mill

Threads on the power screw will be made by a single point tool on a lathe or by
using a hand die stock

Bearing housing will be made by turning, facing, drilling, and boring. For
stepping the thickness of the cover of the housing milling is used.

For shaping the sheet metal bending machine can be used and connect the sheets
by rivets.

6.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

In this design project report two alternative design concepts for lifting mechanism of the
lower stone are considered. The first uses power screw and other linking rods the second
is based on scissor jack mechanism. Since the power screw mechanism is less complex
and costs less it is chosen. Different real time data of the grain miller found at
‘Agereselam’ Temben woreda is taken the data is analyzed for safety and over design.
Different clearance gaps are also measured. Every detail design of the components of the
grain miller is carried out. The materials are easily found in the market. In the future there
should be different experiments and design projects on alternative methods of grain
miller, with different alterative of power input, improvement of the overall manufacturing
and running cost, and efficiency of the grain miller machine


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department

 J.E. Shigley, Mechanical engineering design, 1986, 1st edition, McGraw Hill,

 R.S. khurmi, J.k. Gupta, A textbook of machine Design, 2002, 13th edition, Ram
Nagar, New Delhi

 William Orthwein, Machine Component design, 2003 , 2nd edition, Jaico

publishing house, Mumbai

 Jovinal, R.C, and Marshal, K.M, Fundamentals of Machine

Component design, 3 edition, John Wilay, New York, 2000.

 Joseph.E, Shigley, Charles R. Mischke, standard book of Machine

Design, 2 edition, Mc Graw-Hill.


By Henok S.and Kidane A.

Mekelle University
Mechanical Engineering Department


By Henok S.and Kidane A.


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