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The Life of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun, probably one of the most famous and significant pharaohs to ever exist, and it was
all because of his tomb, lifestyle, and age he ruled Egypt. Many predictions have been made
about him and his lifestyle, and lots of stories and myths have adapted from that.

His Family and Early Life:

He was born in in 1341 BCE is birth name was Tutankhaten, which probably came from his
father’s, Akhenaten’s strong belief that Ancient Egypt’s polytheistic religion should focus on the
worship of the sun disc only, which was called The Aten.
His father was so confident in this belief that he demanded that the images and names of all the
other Egyptian deities were to be destroyed. His mother was Queen Nefertiti, but it is not known
if she is his biological mother or
not. At around 1350 BCE, his father died from unknown circumstances that
were never found out. At that time, he was only 9 years old and by royal law, he
was to be the new pharaoh, also the youngest to ever rule.

His Life as a King:

Due to his young age of rulership, he relied on his royal advisors to help with
big decisions. As he grew older, he started to believe that his father’s religious
decisions were incorrect, and he changed his name to Tutankhamun, removing
the word “Aten” from his name as it was referring to his father’s legacy. He
then wrote a stela about how his father’s revolution caused the deities to ignore
Egypt. "the temples and the cities of the gods and the goddesses, starting from
Elephantine [as far] as the Delta marshes … were fallen into decay and their shrines were fallen
into ruin, having become mere mounds overgrown with grass … The gods were ignoring this
land…" After this, he brought back the worshipping of the other gods. Many of the citizens of
ancient Egypt then respected him for that as they all believed in every single one of their gods
and depended on the

His Death:

As King Tutankhamun grew, he started to grow ill. Some archaeologists analysed his body and
soon found out that he suffered from a variety of illnesses, like malaria, and a rare bone disorder
in his foot called the Kohler disease. As he died at the age of 19 in 1323, yet nobody knows
exactly what killed him. Some say that he died from his bad leg caused by his bone disorder,
since amputation and proper medications were not invented yet, and some also say that he died
from a chariot accident, but the cause has not been fully discovered.
His Significance in Egyptian History:

King Tut is one of the most important figures in Egyptian history. He is also known as “the boy
king” for becoming pharaoh at a young age and dying at a
young age as pharaoh. In November 4thin 1922, a famous
explorer named Howard Carter and his team discovered an
entrance to King Tut’s tomb an about 22 days later, they
managed to get inside. "As one's eyes became accustomed
to the glimmer of light the interior of the chamber
gradually loomed before one, with its strange and
wonderful medley of extraordinary and beautiful objects
heaped upon one another," Carter wrote in his diary. "Our
sensations and astonishment are difficult to describe as the
better light revealed to us the marvellous collection of
treasures: two strange ebony-black effigies of a King, gold
sandalled, bearing staff and mace, loomed out from the
cloak of darkness; gilded couches in strange forms, lion-
headed, Hathor-headed, and beast infernal …" The
treasures they found inside were indescribable. Unlike the
treasures, the tomb wasn’t as great. It was quite small for a pharaoh’s burial as its floor-space
was only 110 square meters. This might be because the king’s death was unexpected and there
was not enough time to carve a greater tomb for him. The discovery of his tomb caused a myth to
spread about a cursed that awakened after opening the tomb, killing those who helped in finding


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