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FREE Cheat Sheet

Avoid these 
11 Rookie Mistakes

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Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 1 - #ClaimYourFREEDOM
Avoid these 11 Rookie Mistakes that CRUSH 99% of Newbie Entrepreneurs

Welcome aboard!

And congrats for getting a head start by learning about the most common
Rookie mistakes right from the get go, so you can avoid the boo-boos and
start your online ventures with a BANG!

Below is the Cheat Sheet as promised with a list of 11 Rookie Mistakes and a
few comments on each.

At the very end, I have an extra bonus tip that you will absolutely love…. :) - it’s
actually the most important of all…so stay tuned…

Now… let’s dive in and crush those rookie mistakes - one by one:

ROOKIE MISTAKE #1 - Getting lost in details

SUCH a biggie!

I have seen it many times, so let’s bust that one right away!


Someone is in the process of starting their first blog.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 2

They are super excited and good for them!

But then they spend days and weeks finding the perfect name, the perfect
topic, the perfect design - and they haven’t even started writing yet…

From my own experience I can tell you, that all of the above will probably
change over time. You don’t really know yet what you are doing. This is
elementary school and you are just dipping your feet in.

Just pick something that works, get a workable design going and then focus
ALL of your energies on promoting your platform or business and growing an
engaged following, which is the #1 most important ingredient for any
business, service or content platform => repeat buyers and followers who love
your brand and content and will choose you over everyone else!

THAT is the most crucial thing for anything else to succeed!

THAT is where your focus always needs to be - before anything else.

ROOKI E M ISTAKE #2 - Wa iti n g u nti l yo u “ k n ow

everything” + being worried about doing it “right”

Another big one!

This one’s rooted in fear.

Fear of failure. Fear of looking silly. Fear of pulling the trigger and going live.

Just be clear on that.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 3

Yes, it is VERY important to get good training. And yes, it’s good to first have a
good overview.

But then, the most important thing is:


And learn along the way.

With entrepreneurship - and even as a blogger or self-published author, you

are now an entrepreneur(!) - theoretical knowledge is useless, unless you put it
into action.

Right away.

Ready for a big secret?

Get this:

You will NEVER know everything!

Isn’t THAT a big load off your shoulders?

Quite the opposite:

Just when you think you “got this”, something else will come up and there will
be more to learn and explore.

That’s part of the fun.

So, yes, get some training and overview - and then START + IMPLEMENT!

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 4

ROOKIE MISTAKE #3 - Refusing to Spend even a Dime on

This one really puzzles me.

People are willing to give several years of their lives and tens of thousands of
dollars to learn a profession in college.

They sometimes even go BACK to school and do it all over again! - Just to get
another J-O-B and slave away for 40-60K/year for the rest of their lives.

Yet, when given the opportunity to reach the “Holy Grail” - financial freedom
with passive income streams, even into the 6 and 7 figures as is possible on the
internet - so many wannabe entrepreneurs will absolutely REFUSE to spend
any money on training.


Even just a few hundred bucks.

Somehow the internet attracts what I call a “Lottery Mentality” or “Get-Rich-

Quick Mindset”.

If you don’t make a full time income in just 3 months, this stuff “just doesn’t


You want to change that thinking right now, or you will just be dabbling and
wasting your time.

This is the big leagues with phenomenal opportunities.

But it’s not for the faint-hearted - and it’s DEFINITELY NOT for amateurs!

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 5

The good news:

Online training is SO much cheaper than any college education would ever be.
And SO much faster.

You can complete most courses in just a few weeks (sometimes days), and if
you apply what you learn and get your little booty into gear, you CAN start
making money very quickly.

No guarantees. It may not happen the first time - or even the second time.

But each time you complete a good online course and apply yourself, you will
have learned and grown SO much!

It all adds up and eventually you WILL be successful (unless you give up too

None of this time or money is ever wasted or in vain. Plus it’s usually a tax
deductible marketing expense (confirm with your tax consultant).

If you are not willing to invest in training and becoming an expert - especially
for the marketing aspects of whatever you do - it’s better you stop reading
right now, and go back to that job.

Sorry to be blunt, but what’s the point?

If you are broke and cannot afford a course, no worries:

1) I recently published this book with an abundance of resources to help

you earn cash quickly whenever you need it - with flexible hours, from the
comfort of your home. So money should never be a problem again:

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 6

2) Online courses are not that expensive, most have payment plans and for
starters you also have

The 2 FREE universities of Google & Youtube

All the information is already out there and it’s free. You just have to spend the
time and go through it all.

It will take a lot longer than a course, because you have to find your way
through the jungle and figure out what’s good information and what isn’t, but
it can definitely be done if you really want to.

Bottom line (and this part’s non negotiable):

GET GOOD TRAINING - one way or another - and IMMEDIATELY start applying
what you learned.

Keep learning and improving until you succeed - and even then, continue. You
will never be finished, but by that time it will be really fun!

ROOKIE MISTAKE #4 - Outsource Everything from the Start

I’m a big fan of outsourcing!

It’s what will give you freedom in the long run.

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However, in the beginning, you should know and understand the basics. Be
able to do them yourself - and then, once you have a good routine in place,

I don’t mean, becoming a pro web developer or ninja video editor. Not that

But you should know how to build a simple Wordpress site (Wordpress.ORG -
NOT .com) and how to update it and post your blog articles. This little book will
show you in less than an hour:

Similarly, know the basics of SEO (that’s how your website can show up in
Google and be found by potential customers and readers).

Once again, you don’t need to become an SEO ninja, you can hire people for
that once you make enough money, but you need to understand the
principles and how it works. It’s really crucial (and not just for Google).

Another 1-hour read and you can check that off your list as well (I wrote the
NO CLUE series for a reason - to save you time and get the basics down quickly and
in an easy-to-understand, fun way):

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 8

ROOKIE MISTAKE #5 - The Lottery Mentality

We already touched on this in #3.

If you want to become an entrepreneur and create a full-time income online,

you HAVE to become a PROfessional!

Training is one important part.

Mindset is another.

Understand that this will:

• Take time: give yourself at least 1-2 years until you are fully independent

• Take a LOT of work and consistent effort

• There will be a learning curve

• Be frustrating at times and there can be several months where nothing

seems to be working. Where everyone seems to succeed, except you. Where
“failure” is your constant companion.
Know that this is normal and these are not “failures”, but simply stepping
stones and learning experiences on the way to your ultimate success.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 9

Don’t get upset.

Don’t expect quick miracles.

Steady does it and this, too, shall pass.

It definitely will - IF - you keep it at it, keep learning, keep improving, keep
taking action and not let the small bumps destroy your spirit.

One baby step at a time - at your own pace.

Throughout it all - keep the carrot in front of you:

That freedom that everyone dreams of and few ever achieve.

You have that grand opportunity - the rarest - and no-one said it would be
quick or easy.

Even if takes you 2-3 years (and you will most likely get there much sooner) -
won’t that be absolutely AWEsome once you get there?

Think about what your life will be like? Really imagine it for a moment and feel
that awesome wind of freedom…

Feel it….?



In comparison: Where will you be in 2-3 years if you stay as you are and don’t
make any effort?

That’s right…

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 10

So - treat this like the new profession that it is. Remember that good things
take time and that you are in this for the ultimate price:

Lasting FREEDOM!!

Not a quick lottery win.

You’ll be so glad that you did, because that freedom is absolutely AWEsome!!

ROOKIE MISTAKE #6 - Lack of Focus / No clear Priorities

We already touched on this in #1.

Overwhelm, especially during the first few months is normal.

Especially if you are not tech savvy or experienced with the internet, there is a
lot of new stuff to learn and you might, once again, get lost in details.

To give you a clear road map, I created another 2-hour read, to help you stay
focused and understand what really matters. What you should focus on and
what not.

If you want to become an influencer, grow a following and help people, this
book lays out the 7 phases to do just that:

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 11

It is not luck. There are proven strategies that can get you from point A to point
B, and this book will show you step by step.

In the beginning it’s not always easy to know what really matters - and when.
This book will help you keep your sanity - and - speed up the process

Knowledge is Power!

ROOKIE MISTAKE #7 - Wearing Yourself Out, Trading Your

Precious Time for Money

This one’s two-part:

You need boundaries and not allow people - customers, readers, clients - to
take advantage of you and demand responses whenever they want. Your time
is your most precious commodity. Guard it carefully!

Help people, yes, but within reason and with very clear boundaries.

As an example:
I do not engage in free “email consulting”. If readers or students have a
question, they can come to the SassyZenGirl Facebook group. That way,
everyone benefits as most questions are relevant to the group as well.

I also refuse to read super long emails. 3-4 short paragraphs is my absolute
maximum. Again, your time is precious, guard it!

The other part you want to keep in the back of your mind is passive income.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 12

Obviously, you won’t start there. It has to be built over time, but keeping it in
mind as you build your platform and business, will protect you against wearing
yourself out and will keep you focused on building “income-producing assets”
as the fancy name goes.

Meaning, products that will bring in money over and over again - without your
effort once they are built.

In the online world, these could be digital products like books and courses. Get
a sales funnel in place to ensure continuous sales without much effort from
you, so that any freelancing from then on out becomes a choice, not
something you have to do to pay the bills.

It’s great if you love what you do! - If you enjoy being a coach or a speaker for
example or if you love engaging with your audience daily on social media.

That’s all great!

But there is big difference between choosing to do it and having to do it,

because you need to make money.

Make sense?

This book will show you 23 different ways to build passive income streams
that you can start incorporating into your current business model once you
feel ready:

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 13

My income is for the most part passive at this point, allowing me to take off
weeks at a time if I feel like it while money is still coming in.

This also gives me a much needed breather from time to time, to get my
creative juices flowing again. I certainly need those and it is usually out of those
quiet times that I get ideas for my next book, course or other ventures.

I admire people who can just go on like clockwork. Their entire next year is
already planned. They execute every step with surgical precision and never
miss a step. Amazing discipline!

I’m not like that!

I’m an artist, a creative, and I work in waves. Periods of intense work, which I
usually enjoy greatly, and then times again where I just travel, watch movies
and do other fun stuff.

I need that variety and that freedom, so passive income is crucial for me.

I hate a full schedule and my days planned up for months to come. That’s a
personal preference and typical for introverts like me, but the point is - I have a

I can be active and engaged when I want to be, but I can also retreat when I
need to.

That’s the choice I want YOU to have as well and it comes through:

1) Clear boundaries

2) Multiple Passive Income Streams

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 14

ROOKIE MISTAKE #8 - Trying to be a Jack of all Trades

The internet has become so overcrowded that you and all your awesomeness
will get lost, unless you find a specialized sub niche that you can dominate.

You can still write about - or sell - general things, but you need a sub niche
that’s specific to you, that people immediately associate with you when they
hear your name.

Or - on the reverse - where your name always comes up when people talk
about that sub niche.

That’s the fast track!

If you are not an expert yet - no problem: Become one!

Everything can be learned and usually with not too much time input.

In the beginning, when you are first getting started, don’t stress on this too
much. You are dipping your feet in the pond and you want to give yourself the
time to try out this or that.
Go for it!

But then…

Start researching what sub niches are under-served, but urgently needed,
where you could make a mark quite easily.

Then learn everything you can and connect with the influencers in your scene.

Write a bestselling book on the topic that establishes you as the absolute go-to
expert for that sub niche.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 15

This FREE BOOK will show you how - it has been the Top Selling Publishing
Guide Worldwide for the last 2 years:

ROOKIE MISTAKE #9 - Lack of Proper Networking Etiquette

Sounds stuffy, but is REALLY important!

And quite a big issue!!

SO many people try to get a following by spamming comment sections and

forums everywhere.
By spamming I mean, leave a generic comment and then shove your website
or social media in everyone’s face.

Not cool.

And REALLY annoying.

Or they pester influencers and ask them to check out their new blog and give

Seriously… why would they?

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 16

They are busy people and worked their booty off for years to get to that level.
And then someone they don’t know just writes to them and expects a free

You wouldn’t do that in real life, but once again, on the internet, people often
lose that sense of boundaries and respect for others’ time. Needless to say,
those people never get very far. They get banned wherever they go - or at the
very least ignored.

Don’t be one of them.

Instead, be helpful, leave a thoughtful comment that shows you actually read
the article/watched the video. Answer questions in the comments if you can or
give other good insights.

If you contact influencers - and yes, you need to build those relationships over
time - give something first. For example, if one of their articles was really
helpful, thank them and give a specific example, so they know you really mean
it. Something they can use as a testimonial.

Or maybe you shared one of their articles or mentioned a quote in your latest
blog post (tweeting at them is great for that). If your article is good, they might
even retweet it…
Give first, take an interest in people, offer something of value - and everything
else will follow naturally.

Learn the art of productive networking and people will WANT to check out
your stuff…

Isn’t that much cooler…?

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 17

ROOKIE MISTAKE #10 - Don’t be an Island

In that same line:

Don’t be an island.

Competition driven, egocentric, arrogant.

You will NEED a widespread network to succeed and you will get there a lot
faster together.

Be selfless and try to contribute and help. Give constructive feedback and
show an interest in others.

It isn’t always “what” you know, but “who” you know and connecting with
others will open the world to you - and a lot of goodwill when you most need it.

Rather than seeing competition, see opportunities for collaboration. There

usually is one and it creates win-win situations where both sides can grow.

Whenever you have an opportunity - incl. very much in Facebook groups -

make a quick connection. Introduce yourself, but also try to find out
something about the other person. Quickly check out their site or profile and
give some feedback. Only takes a few minutes, but people will remember you,
because genuine interest is so rare!

ROOKIE MISTAKE #11 - Too Lazy to Research

Yep. I said it.

I used the L-Word.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 18

And that’s because I see it all the time.

People WANT that magic pill, that button to press and get instant wealth.

It’s like Vegas…

The truth is:

You’ve GOT to research and test.

ALL the time.

That’s to a large part what marketing is: research and testing.

Doesn’t sound fun or cool - but there it is.

You can make it a fun exploration though, instead of a tedious shore - totally
up to you…

“R” starts with niche and products research.

What do people actually want to buy or read?


So you don’t have to convince them or badger them with sale’s pitches.

Are you starting your blog or business in a niche that has enough interest
(traffic/search volume)? Are there products that can be scaled into a full time

Are people willing - or even eager (think passion & hobbies) - to spend money?

If not - duh… :) - don’t go there. Not rocket science.

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 19

You can still do it as a hobby. But for business you need a willing and excited
customer base.

Miss the “R”-step and you are in for a world of pain and frustration.


As I promised in the beginning….


The fun one…:) - literally:


Yes, FUN.

Remember your passion?

Never lose that. And the joy and enthusiasm it arouses in you.

Yes, you have to become a professional and treat this seriously, I think I made
that point pretty clear…:)

But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun along the way and enjoy the journey.

Have a blast with this AWEsome adventure and the endless potential it offers

Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 20

SassyZenGirl is all about turning your PASSION into a thriving business.

Never lose sight of that - or become a sourpuss, a BooBoo or a cynic.

You have something awesome to share!

All you do now is add some marketing chops and business savvy to the mix, so
you can turn it into a financial success and spread your awesome creations to
as many people as possible.

But it’s still your passion and it always will be!


Go out, have FUN and…


Copyright 2019 Gundi Gabrielle 21

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