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25 Ways To

Vibration By Robert Zink

All rights reserved, Robert Zink & Law Of Attraction Solutions, ©2021.

25 Ways To Raise Your Vibration
By Robert Zink

Everything is energy; everything material and non-material is energy,

and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency. We all vibrate at a
higher or lower frequency, so does everything and everyone around
us. I have a frequency, but so does my couch that I am sitting on. Every
frequency carries information.

Your power as a manifester and as a co-creator depends on your

vibration. It will determine what exactly you will be able to attract to
your life.

You will attract your desire only when you become a vibrational match
to that which you want to manifest in your life. When you are aligned
and tuned into the frequency of your desire.

This is why it’s CRUCIAL to get your vibration raised to the level of
whatever you desire (money, love, health, success, etc).

The Law of Attraction is a sub law of the Law of Vibration. Your

vibration is determined by your beliefs, attitudes, perceptions,
thoughts, feelings and emotions. They can be conscious or

The better you feel, the higher your vibration. So you will attract (The
Law of Attraction) what you vibrate (The Law of Vibration). The
happier, the more joyful, more loving and expansive you feel, the
more wonderful things, people and situations you will vibrate into
your life.

On the other side, the gloomier you are, the more ‘in need’ you are;
the more negative people, things and situations you will attract into
your life.

You can change your life at any given moment by shifting and changing
your vibration. That is the only thing that truly works if you wish to
take your life to the next level.

Of course, changing your vibration to a place where you start

attracting wonderful things, people and situations is a lot easier said
than done. That’s why I created “The 3 Word Formula.”

The 3 Word Formula is a PASSIVE way to get your vibration up, and
keep it there. And once your vibration soars, the Universe literally
becomes your personal genie, opening yourself to massive, and
sometimes instant success…in all areas of life. You can download it

Download The 3 Word Formula

There are many ways to shift and raise your vibration. All of them
come either from inner or outer sources. Whichever method or
methods you opt for, always add lots love and strong intentions to
raise your vibration.

Keep in mind, not all of the following practices will be right for you;
simply choose the ones that work for YOU:

1. Practice Deep breathing

Breathing is one of the main and vital functions of the body. It is

regulated by our autonomous nervous system therefore most of the
time a lot of people are not even aware of their breath. Moreover
because of the habit, because of the constant stress and running on
autopilot during the day our inhales are short, rapid and superficial.
That is especially true when we get stressed.

The breath is the singular most valuable way to reset our nervous
system, to clear our minds and to get us back into a higher energy

state. Breath is a language of the body, so if you are stressed and take
time and make effort to slow down your breath and make it more
profound you are telling your body – it is ok, I am safe, you can relax.
It calms your nervous system down. When you are calm guess what
happens? Your vibration is going up.

Breathing has a vital role in connecting us to the Divine energy and the
Universe. When your breath is calm and flowing your energy is also
calm and flowing. It increases the amount of the energy flowing
through your energy field and puts you in a deeper state of

Start practicing deep breathing (e.g four fold breath); breathe in, hold
it, feel the energy, exhale repeat and watch and feel your vibration

2. Meditate

As soon as we open our eyes in the morning our minds and our egos
start running the show. Analyze, compare, diminish, make
inferior…you name it. It has been estimated that we generate sixty to
eighty thousand thoughts per day and as you might guess the bigger
majority of them is negative.

Every thought requires an expenditure of energy, therefore before

you know you feel drained and depleted. No wonder!

Meditation is definitely one of the most effective tools and ways to

shift your vibration and to keep negative emotions away. It is a proven
higher vibration inducing activity. It’s an activity that allows to slow
down your brainwaves and connect to the source of the divine and
infinite intelligence, to God, to the Universe.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Meditation does not have
to be sitting in silence (or not) only. It can be walking (in silence), laying
(in silence) or even doing something that requires you utter focus and
attention. It is being fully present, grounded and in touch with your
reality. Being here and now and creating that sacred space where we
can be fully ourselves.

For a lot of folks, meditating – not to mention meditating

REGULARLY is easier said than done. This is another reason I
created The 3 Word Formula.

The 3 Word Formula is a truly magical way to fill your consciousness

with love (without actually doing anything), so calm, peace, and even
assertiveness becomes second nature. Because whether you realize
it or not; when you are filled with love, negativity, and doubt does not

You can download the Formula here:

Download The 3 Word Formula

Here’s what The 3 Word Formula did for Dawn:

Download The 3 Word Formula here

3. Drink plenty of water every day.

It is shocking how many people are going around dehydrated. Not only
they do not drink enough, but also a big part of their liquid intake is
constituted by coffee, sodas and other high sugar level drinks.

Water is one of the key elements of life and without it life itself would
be impossible. All living organisms are composed mostly of water, so
is a human being and about 70% of our body mass is water. Moreover,
about 70% of the planet Earth is covered by oceans, seas, lakes, rivers,
glaciers and other forms of water. It is everywhere.

Water helps our body in getting rid of toxins. And this directly boosts
the vibrational levels to make it of higher frequency and starts positive
processes in the body.

Stay hydrated. Make it a habit to drink more water. It will keep at bay
many illnesses and will keep you in a good, sharp and high vibrational
mental state.

4. Practice fasting / intermittent fasting

We no longer question the benefits of fasting for the body –

rejuvenation, regeneration and restoring of cells. But what about our
minds and especially our vibration?

Everything that happens in our body requires expenditure of energy.

Your movements require energy, your thoughts require energy, all
autonomous functions in your body require energy, and last but not
least, your digestion requires enormous amounts of energy.
Therefore, you feel so sluggish, unproductive and low in energy after
you eat your lunch or any of your meals that is heavy. So, what
happens when there is no digestion going on?

Most of our energies are held in the 3 lower energy centers, and so
the biggest thing that they are used for are survival, digesting food;
they are used for dealing with daily stress. When you fast, your body
still needs energy in order to perform the basic functions, so it starts
breaking down what is already there – fat, but also old energies, old
traumas, doubts, fears and all of the stuck energies. When all of that
is removed, all of your energy channels start flowing well. Your energy
levels are naturally raising. All that energy that was used for digesting
is now being rechanneled and can be used for healing, restoring and

Please consult your family doctor before engaging in any fasting


5. Get enough sleep

Sleep is just as critical to our body as other basic functions like eating,
drinking, and breathing. It is needed for a number of reasons,
including energy conservation, restoration of our tissues and cognitive
function, emotional regulation, and immune health.

We all feel better when we are well rested, and we all feel sluggish
when we are not. So, make getting enough sleep one of your top
Everything requires energy. When you sleep, your energy expenditure
goes down because you are not actively thinking, talking, moving,
eating and digesting and etc. The energy levels naturally go up.

If you want to wake up in a beautiful state it is important that do not

think about all the things that upset you during the day or in general.
Instead, when going to sleep set an intention that you will wake up
with a clean state and a raised vibration.

6. Exercise.

Our bodies were designed to move but not lay on a couch and binge
watch Netflix. Move your body! Even if you feel bad – especially if you
feel bad and you feel that you are vibrating low.

Exercising is highly stimulating. It helps to first shift and then increase

your vibration. When you exercise not only you get the chance to tone
your body and loose extra weight, which in itself will boost your self-
confidence (therefore increases your vibration), but when you
exercise all these physical activities trigger the brain to release various
hormones and naturally occurring neurotransmitters including
dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins, which are associated
with different aspects of happiness and range from simple pleasure to
deep sense of calmness. Every time you feel calm, happy, peaceful and
joyful your energetic frequency is going up.

Physical activities also help you to release emotional blocks so energy

can flow through you easily. Very powerful are the practices of Yoga
and Pilates because they place a lot of importance on the body-mind
connection and on breathing. And last but not least exercising helps
you to do what we call “break the state”. If your thoughts start
spiraling down, you have to hit the break. You have to do something,
and exercising is one of the best things to do.

Exercising daily is important, choose what you like and enjoy – any
activity will do, just get those endorphins moving!

7. Dance freestyle

Have you ever heard the saying “dance like no one sees you?” It is a
brilliant way to invoke your inner freedom and to set yourself free. To
let go of a resistance, worries and pressure to fit certain expectations
of the society. It is an amazing way to connect to your inner child and
let it have fun, being silly and joyful for no reason. To enjoy life just
because it is and the way it is.

Dancing is similar in many ways to exercising because it also involves
movement which in it turn tones your body and dancing also makes
our brain release happiness hormones.

Energy is not stagnant. It moves, it flows, it contracts or expands.

Energy is a dance. And dancing awakes the dormant energy in you, it
starts flowing. Inspiration starts to flow in, joy starts to flow in,
creativity starts to flow in, freedom starts to flow in. Your heart opens
up, you start feeling uplifted and now you have not only your body,
but also your soul moving and grooving to the sounds of music.

8. Take Epsom salt baths and take mindful showers

Water is alive and water is life. It has the power to cleanse and purify.
Therefore, seemingly such a simple activity that we do on a regular
basis can indeed change your state of mind and increase your
vibrations, in addition to making your body feel fresh.

When you take a hot bath with Epsom salts, the minerals in a detox
bath help you to remove the toxins, it also contains magnesium that
induces a calming and relaxing effect; and last but not least salt can
absorb and dissolve negativity and therefore it is so widely used in
clearing negative energies in our homes.

When it comes to showers a certain purification on a deeper level

happens every time you take a shower especially if you take a mindful
shower. Every day we interact with people and their energies and we
are inevitably affected by it, so you can take short showers many times
a day with an intention to restore your energy and purify it.

9. Meditate

As soon as we open our eyes in the morning our minds and our egos
start running the show. Analyze, compare, diminish, make
inferior…you name it. It has been estimated that we generate sixty to

eighty thousand of thoughts per day and as you might guess the bigger
majority of them is negative. Thoughts that limit us and our potential.
Every thought requires and expenditure of energy, therefore before
you know you feel drained and depleted. No wonder.
Meditation is definitely one of the most effective tools and ways to
shift your vibration and to keep negative emotions away. It is a proven
higher vibration inducing activity. Activity that allows to slow down
your brainwaves and connect to the source of the divine and infinite
intelligence, to God, to the Universe.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Meditation does not have

to be sitting in silence (or not) only. It can be walking (in silence), laying
(in silence) or even doing something that requires you utter focus and
attention. It is being fully present, grounded and in touch with your
reality. Being here and now and creating that sacred space where we
can be fully ourselves.

10. Spend time in nature

Nature is always in the flow and it teaches us about cycles. There are
ups and there are downs, there is time to grow and bloom and there
is time to hibernate, save energy and retreat. We want to be on the
highest tide all the time, but that is simply not possible. Yet we can
learn to be more often in that “neutral zone” and be in the flow state
all the time no matter the circumstances.

When you are in nature you naturally and inevitably tend to open your
focus and look at the bigger picture. When you are stressed, sad,
distraught, upset, hurting you always tend to narrow your focus and
focus on the problem, focus on whatever is disturbing you. Our mind
if it is untrained will always focus on the loudest thought, on the most
uncomfortable thing happening in your life. However, when you are
glancing at a beautiful landscape, viewing a starry sky, standing on the
top the mountain looking out over the valley, or laying on a beautiful
sandy beach, you are moving your awareness from a narrow focus to

a more open focus (divergent focus as a contrast to divergent focus)
and your brain becomes more coherent.

On the subconscious level, you feel the flow of energies in nature, and
you get in tune, you synchronize with them when you spend time
outside. Your thoughts will automatically slow down and your
frequency will tune in to the higher vibration of everything around

11. Spend time near the ocean

Being near the ocean or actually any other natural source of water can
be very beneficial to us and our overall wellbeing. If you are wondering
why it has such a positive impact us and how it raises our vibration
here is a few whys:

Water gives our brain a rest and helps to tap into a calm state of being.
In our everyday lives our brain is constantly overstimulated with
sensory stimuli, whether it is our devices or other things, busy and
cluttered homes and offices and streets. Our brain needs some time
off, but it rarely gets it. The sound and view of the ocean gives our
brain a break just because there is so much less information coming in
(watching fire has the same effect by the way), gazing at it can actually
induce a meditative state.

Then there is the blue color as far as you can see and the vibration it
carries is peace, calmness, tranquility and healing. It brings clarity,
intuition and a peace of mind.

And last but not least the ocean is one of the best sources of negative
ions. Negative ions are invisible molecules that create biochemical
reactions to relieve stress and boost energy. So, head to the ocean and
let the negative ions do the work in raising your vibration.

12. Use sun and moonshine to increase your energy field and raise
your vibration

Sun is Life. Without sun there would be no plants, no animals, there

would be no life. Numerous studies have shown that people who do
not get enough exposure to the sun and direct sunlight are more
prone to depression and various physical conditions.

Light regulates many processes in our bodies like waking up and falling
asleep. Another important function of the sun is that it induces the
production of vitamin D in our bodies. It is hard to get vitamin D from
food sources alone and sun also provides a reliable source of vitamin
D, because when the sunrays touch the skin, our body starts making
vitamin D. This vitamin is notorious for keeping our mental health in a
good shape and boosting our immune system.
Sun is important, but the Moon and its energy is just as powerful. In
my eyes it is oftentimes underestimated. Many are not even aware
how strong we are/can be affected by the Moon cycles and its energy.
The good news is that you can harness that energy and use it to work
for you rather than against you (think about all the jokes about people
who go crazy when there is the full moon). Use lunar cycles to
empower your life. Start new projects with the start of the New Moon.
Release what no longer serves and set new intentions when the Full
Moon is on the horizon. It will magnetize your goals and your desires.
Take a walk under the full moon, take deep breaths and make your
vibration and your energy field even more magnetic and more

13. Earthing/Grounding

Yet another gift from Mother Earth. Earthing is the act of connecting
with nature, walking barefoot, feeling the grass or literally hugging a
tree (love this one!). One of the quickiest, easiest and proved ways to
lift your mood when you are feeling low vibrational is to go outside.

Get out and kick off your shoes. When you ground you electrically
reconnect to the Earth whether you are walking or standing barefoot
and what happens is that the electrons from the Earth can be
transferred to your body. Studies have shown that earthing reduces
the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. What it also does that in the
exchange of electrons you are also able to release the negative
vibrations that you have possibly absorbed from your environment.
One last tip: if the working environment permits it, you can also work
barefoot. The benefits will be almost as good as walking outside
barefooted. Especially if you need to deal directly with people and
their energies whatever your job is. By the way that is why so many
manual therapy workers work barefooted.

14. Declutter your home/environment

Your home is your safe haven and your sanctuary. You come back
home to rest, restore and replenish. But did you know that your home
is an extension of your energy field? That is why cleaning your home,
rearranging things and getting rid of the objects that no longer serve
you can have a profound impact on your mind, body and spirit.
Keeping your home clean and highly vibrational is very important.

If you want to increase your vibration and that of your home, you
might need to get rid of some of your possessions. Surface clutter is
one of the biggest factors making your home feel cluttered, messy,
stressful and chaotic. That is because (remember?) all objects, clothes
etc. carry/are energy. Why to keep things especially things from your
past that no longer serve you? Things from your past carry the
vibration and energies from your past that most probably no longer
resonate with you.

Clutter blocks the energy flow and things from your past send
messages to your subconscious mind. It can make you feel anxious
and/or stressed. Give or recycle the things you no longer like or need.

Make room for something better and more beautiful and allow your
environment to inspire you.

15. Smudge your space

As mentioned in the previous paragraph your home or even your

working space has a direct relation to your vibrational energy. Since a
lot of your time is spent there, it is important to make it more positive.

The ritual of burning dried leaves of sage is known as sage smudging.

Since many centuries, white sage has been considered a sacred,
cleansing, purifying and protective plant. Native American tribes were
known to use sage for multiple purposes such as healing and clearing;
they used the white sage to release lingering energies.

Smudging sage in your space is a good practice for balancing the

energy in that space. Light up a bundle of tied dried sage and allow the
smoke to spiral, waft and fill the space especially the corners. The
smoke attaches to negative energies and as the smoke begins to
dissipate it transforms those negative energies. Open the window and
voilà! You are now in a positive and highly vibrational environment
that will contribute to the vibration of your own.

16. Acquire high vibrational objects like crystals, rocks, statues…

Besides being beautiful and appealing to the eyes, crystals are

powerful tools to help to raise you your vibration. We are talking
about rocks, gems and stones that come from the planet. They behold
the energy of the earth and therefore have a strong vibrational
energy. This energy is grounding and can protect against negativity.

Interestingly, every type of crystal has its own unique vibration and is
not influenced by negativity. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to
sometimes cleanse your crystals under the running water or smudge
them and after leave in the light of the full moon to recharge them.

Crystals are a beautiful gift of nature each with its own unique healing
properties and powers. For raising your energy and the energy of your
environment cannot recommend enough these four crystals:

Black Quartz: it comes from a spiritual sacred ground from the

Himalayan mountains; its healing energies will cleanse and purify you
as well as the environment that you are in.

Citrine: it helps to absorb negative energy, while bringing positive

energy into your space. It can help to develop a more positive mind-

Rose quartz: this rock is about self-love, it brings in healing and

soothing energy to your heart chakra but it also vibrates the frequency
of unconditional love.
Selenite: it is well known for its energy clearing ability, and shielding a
person or space from negative influence, so it is really among the best
for raising vibration.

17. Listen to the music, employ high vibrational sounds.

Music is vibration, and vibration has the power to rearrange your

particles and therefore your vibrational frequency. Sound is vibration
as well. And it has the same power and potential as music: shift your
vibration, heal, clear, calm you down, promote energy flow in your
body, unblock stuck energies.

Having said that it is important to point out that not all the
music/sounds are positive and/or raise your vibration. As you can
imagine harsh sounds, heavy rock or metal music is destructive and
destroys coherence. These are the sounds and music that you want to
avoid. Also be careful about the lyrics of the songs that have nice

music. Make sure they are empowering as well, but not make you feel
sad or disappointed.

Last but not least certain sounds have the power to clear and dissolve
negative energies in us and our environment.

Finally a few examples of high vibrational music/sounds:

Hz music: this is a form of music that uses specific sound patterns to

stimulate the brain. These tones contain the frequency required to
balance your energy and heal you.
Chimes: they have the power to clear the negative energy from your
home and other spaces.
Tibetan singing bowls: it is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a
rich, deep tone when played. These bowls promote relaxation and
offer powerful healing properties. They have the power to tune into
chakra frequencies and bring it into balance and harmony.

18. Surround yourself with empowering and positive information

What you consume you become. And that is not applied to food only.
If you want to raise your vibration, everything that you consume in
their physical or nonphysical form has to be positive, uplifting and

So read inspiring books, watch empowering videos, YouTube videos,

documentaries, pictures, movies, listen to empowering podcasts,
audiobooks, radio programs.

I would like to quote Dr. Joe Dispenza who once said that “he does not
watch anything that he would not want to live in his own life.” How
powerful is that? And how many of you now are having AHA moments
thinking about all the Netflix series, movies, YouTube videos that you
binge-watch daily? Yes, all that stuff has impact on your vibration and

your frequency, and the only frequency you want to be striving is that
of the unconditional love.

You have to stay mindful all the time because media doesn’t help us
either: we are flooded daily with a considerable amount of negativity
amplified many times throughout the day. It is important to be
informed, BUT you do not have to overconsume it.

Positive messages and information raise your vibration so select

carefully to what you expose yourself to.

19. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and appreciate

Be selective about your environment and the people you surround

yourself with. Hang out with people who are emitting a high vibration,
because their vibration will inevitably affect yours. So what are the
people that you want to hang out with? People who have goals and
dreams and pursue them. People who carry in them passion for life
and everything that they do. People who focus on the good and bright
things. People who take action, people who are goal setters and go
getters. People who are motivated, people with high emotional
intelligence, compassion, people who are kind, giving, loving and
nurturing. People who are successful and people who add to your life
and to your vibration but not people who drain you and bring you
down. Be careful and demanding about your environment, because
you will eventually become just like the people that you hang out with.

20. Unleash your creativity

Creativity can enhance your life in so many ways. It can enhance every
area of your life and your wellbeing. Opening up to it and making time
for it is a game changer. There are countless ways to be creative
whether it is painting, writing, dancing, designing an object, cooking,
knitting, sewing etc.

When you create, you are fully present in activity that you enjoy, and
that helps to get you into the “flow” where time seems to fly and all
you seem to know is your work and your inspiration that is guiding you
through the process.
When we allow that “something greater than us” that could be
translated to our higher self, lead us we are fully tuned and tapped
into our intuition and its high vibrational frequency.

Creating process brings us joy, happiness and possibility to express

ourselves in the ways we didn’t even think we are capable of. And
when we tap into our creativity we tap into the vibration of beauty,
love and intuition.

21. Do things that you love and enjoy

Do more of the things that make you forget about the time, that allow
you to get lost in the moment and in the pleasure and playfulness of
whatever that it is that you are doing, that make you forget about your

When you engage in the activities that you love, you naturally raise
your vibration because you feel happy, joyful, open and expanded,
interested, creative. The energy is flowing in you. You are engaging in
activities that resonate with your natural abilities, with your soul and
with your higher self. So you are naturally tuning into all these higher

When you do things that you love, your activity becomes a kind of
meditation because you are fully and hundred percent present in the
present moment. We all know what happens when we meditate: our
brain is triggered to release the happiness hormones. And happiness
is definitely the higher frequency that everyone of us wants to be on.

22. Live your soul’s purpose

Your life has a meaning, it has a purpose. You are here on this Earth
for a reason. So what is the reason, what is your life about? When you
start living in your passions, when you start living in your soul, you
raise your value, you raise you’re your confidence, you raise your self-
esteem and therefore you raise your vibration to soaring heights
where the eagles fly.

Reflect and find what your life is about and tell the world with your
deeds and actions – this is who I am, this is what my life is about, here
is why my life has meaning. And the most amazing transformation that
will take place is that you will start living from your passion but no
longer from your fears, doubts or worries.

Living your soul’s purpose is always living for something greater than
yourself, it is about giving, it is about making other people’s lives
better, serving them, empowering them, it is leaving your legacy to
the world in whatever form it may take. That powerful energy will
permeate and infuse your own energy field and thus alter, infuse and
permeate all the areas of your life.

23. Live a life of gratitude

The vibration of love is the highest vibration that a human being can
and should strive to attain. Another vibration that is very high in
frequency is gratitude. It is a heartfelt appreciation for what a person
receives or has whether it is tangible or not.

Where your attention goes that is where your energy flows. So often
we are tempted to think about the lack and absence of what we desire
yet currently don’t have. Gratitude has the power to change it and
shift it. Gratitude places our attention on what we have and takes it of
what we don’t. This is very important when we are in the process of
manifesting things. The Universe does not speak English, it speaks

vibration, it speaks frequency. So, as you immerse your heart in
gratitude and you feel it and vibrate it with every cell of your body,
you transform your frequency, your vibration into one of the most
beautiful and powerful frequencies. And guess what happens? You
attract more of it – more of things, people, experiences, opportunities
and events to be grateful for.

24. Have a tech and social media detox regularly

We wake up and fall asleep with our cellphones in our hands. They
have almost become an extension to our bodies. We no longer know
how to live without our gadgets and social media. They consume so
much of our time AND energy.
First of all, all the gadgets, but also wifi emit an EMFs which is not the
healthiest thing to be around. Having put the physical factor aside
let’s think how social media impacts our state of mind. The studies
have shown that it makes us feel bad and that it can cause of a strong
anxiety in many off us.
The phones were invented to bring us closer and to give us a possibility
to communicate. In the beginning it did bring us closer, but as the time
goes by because we got so immersed in those gadgets and digital lives
created by the social media, it pulled us apart and impaired our
communication skills.
The most precious gift that you can give to another person is your
undivided attention. When you are fully present and aware with
another person you offer them a totally different experience and
vibration. Being here and now allows you to fully enjoy whatever is
that you are doing. If you want to raise your vibration fast, take a break
from social media and if possible, from all the technology. It will be
beyond refreshing for your mind I promise you.

25. Consume high vibrational nutrients – eat clean.

Food is a very important source of your bodily energy. You want to
make sure that you are resourcing your body with the best nutrients
available. The more organic and unprocessed food, the higher the
vibration. Processed foods are often artificial and contain no vital or
‘live’ nutrients. Microwaved, frozen, ready-made, genetically
modified foods are low in vibration.

Keep your intake of processed food/fast food/sugar at a minimum. Cut

down on alcohol. And also reduce the consumption of red meat as
much as you can. You don’t have to go vegetarian unless you want to.

Some examples of high vibrating nutrients are fresh fruits and

vegetables, berries, seeds, nuts, lean meat like chicken or turkey, fresh
fish, eggs.
And … to me it’s all about balance – it’s ok to have an occasional treat
but I can guarantee you that with time as your body will detox enough
you will be tempted less and less to reach out for it.

26. Focus inwards not outwards

Life is a river, ever flowing, ever changing river and the only constant
thing about it is change. We cannot control what is happening outside
of us, but we can control how we respond to it.

When manifesting if you want to keep our vibration high it is crucial

to remain centered, to remain grounded and to remain focused
inwards, because you will have all kind of unwanted circumstances
poking into your face – your ex-husband or partner dating someone
else, moving out to another place, city, country, your negative bank
statement and more bills coming in, your negative colleagues and the
job that you do not enjoy, the reflection of you in the mirror being far
from your ideal weight. When you focus too much on all the unwanted
things you start vibrating their frequency and that is why you attract
that which you do not desire.

If you live in your heart, you are living from your vision, from your
beautiful dreams, from your light and that is what you are vibrating to
the outside. And guess what happens? The macrocosm starts
reflecting your microcosm. As above so below. Always project your
vibration to the world, but not vice versa.

For those of you who need an instant way to clear negative energies,
get clear, get confident, and get vibrating high, but without the
preparation and hard work, I warmly recommend my The 3 Word

Thank you - I love you,

Robert Zink


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