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Questions 1 to 4 are based on the following passage.

Many people have the mistaken notion that, being natural, all herbs and foods are safe; this is not so. Very
often, herbs and food may interact with medications you normally take, result in serious reactions. Many medicinal
herbs and pharmaceutical drugs are therapeutic at one dose and toxic at another. Interactions between herbs and
drugs may increase or decrease the pharmacological or toxicological effects of either component. Synergistic
therapeutic effects may complicate the dosing of long-term medications e.g., herbs traditionally used to decrease
glucose concentrations in diabetes could theoretically precipitate hypoglycemia if taken in combination with
conventional drugs. Herbal medicines are ubiquitous: the dearth of reports of adverse events and interactions
probably reflects a combination of under-reporting and the benign nature of most herbs used.
Hawthorn should never be taken along with Lanoxin (digoxin), commonly prescribed for cardiac ailments.
The combination can lower heart rate, causing blood to pool, resulting in possible cardiac failure. Ginseng, garlic or
supplements containing ginger, when taken with the blood-thinning drug Coumadin, could cause bleeding episodes.
Garlic containing herbal capsules when combined with diabetes medication could cause dangerous decrease in blood
sugar level. Goldenseal raises blood pressure, which could interfere with treatment of those on antihypertensive
medication especially beta-blocker. This herb can also cause dangerous electrolyte imbalance in patients suffering
from diabetes or kidney disorders. Feverfew should never be taken with Imitrex or other migraine medication. It
could result in elevated blood pressures and heart-rate. Kava should not be taken with central nervous system
stimulants such as alcohol, barbiturates, antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs.
Not all traditional medicines and herbal medicines circulating in Indonesia meet health requirements and
are safe for consumption. Based on the inspection carried out by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), it
is known that the majority of traditional medicines and herbs carry no health and safety requirements. In addition to
protecting consumers, the regulation will later become a standard so that business products are in accordance with
quality standards and are able to be aligned with medicinal products at regional, national and even international
levels. Even so, the government hopes that products like traditional herbal medicine will not be lost amid the
onslaught of chemical drugs and the Asian free market.
Adapted from

1. In which paragraph does the author mention the 3. To whom is the passage intended?
effects of consuming herbs and drugs at the (A) Doctors. (D) Surgeons.
same time? (B) Nurses. (E) Pharmacists.
(A) Paragraph 1. (D) Paragraph 1 & 2. (C) Patients.
(B) Paragraph 2. (E) Paragraph 2 & 3.
(C) Paragraph 3. 4. What is the topic of the text?
(A) The benefits of consuming herbs and drugs.
2. The followings are about the effects of consuming (B) The effects of consuming herbs and drugs
herbs and drugs at the same time, except at the same time.
(A) It can make possible cardiac failure. (C) The effects of consuming certain herbs to
(B) It can cause bleeding episode. cure diseases.
(C) It can raise blood pressure. (D) The effectiveness of consuming herbs and
(D) It can increase blood sugar level. drugs at the same time.
(E) It can elevate heart beat. (E) The risks of consuming certain drugs for

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the following passage.

In the 20th century, geoscientists discovered an increase in the velocity of p-waves, another type of body
wave, at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles) below the surface. The increase in velocity corresponded to a change
from a liquid or molten medium to a solid. This proved the existence of a solid inner core.

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As the entire Earth slowly cools, the inner core grows by about a millimeter every year. The inner core grows
as bits of the liquid outer core solidify or crystallize. Another word for this is “freezing,” although it’s important to
remember that iron’s freezing point more than 1,000° Celsius (1,832° Fahrenheit). The growth of the inner core is
not uniform. It occurs in lumps and bunches, and is influenced by activity in the mantle. The liquid metal of the
outer core has very low viscosity, meaning it is easily deformed and malleable. It is the site of violent convection.
The churning metal of the outer core creates and sustains Earth’s magnetic field.
Inge Lehman, who called herself “the only Danish seismologist” working in the 1930s, was a pioneering
figure in the study of Earth’s interior. Lehman was the first to identify Earth’s solid inner core, and became a leading
expert in the structure of the upper mantle as well. She was the first woman to receive the prestigious William
Bowie Medal, the highest honor awarded by the American Geophysical Union. In 1997, the AGU created the Inge
Lehman Medal, recognizing a scientist’s “outstanding contributions to the understanding of the structure,
composition, and dynamics of the Earth's mantle and core.”

5. What does likely motivate the writer write the (C) The new findings about the correlation
text? between Earth and its core.
(A) To exemplify experts in the field of geology. (D) The significant finding about the liquid
(B) To describe the sustainability of Earth’s outer core solidifies or crystallize.
magnetic field. (E) The description about facts that Earth inner
(C) To prove that the Earth's inner core is solid. core is solid.
(D) To elaborate the growth of the inner core is
not united. 8. Geoscientists discovered an increase in the
(E) To inform activity in the mantle. velocity of p-waves, another type of body wave,
at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles) below
6. Lehman was the first to identify Earth’s solid the surface.
inner core, and became a leading expert in the
The clause can be restated as
structure of the upper mantle as well. (A) Experts believe that the raise of n the
What does the sentence mean? velocity of p-waves, another type of body
(A) Lehman was indicated that the part of the wave, at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles)
earth is solid. below the surface.
(B) Lehman initially found that the inner of the (B) Geoscientists showed that a decrease in the
earth is solid. velocity of p-waves, another type of body
(C) Lehman was on the way in investigating the wave, at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles)
deepest part of the earth. beneath the surface.
(D) Lehman had done several research about (C) Geoscientists revealed that the velocity of
the inner core before other researchers p-waves, another type of body wave,
conducted. elevate at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200
(E) Lehman was the first woman who made the miles) under the surface.
core of Earth is solid. (D) Experts have depended on this type of
research findings.
7. What is the main idea of the passage? (E) Experts have traced that an increase in the
(A) The development of theories related to velocity of p-waves, another type of body
activity in the mantle. wave, at about 5,150 kilometers (3,200
(B) The sustainability of Earth’s magnetic field. miles) the surface.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the following passage.

Does weather affect plant growth? It sure does! It’s easy to tell when a plant has been nipped by frost, but
high temperatures can be every bit as harmful. However, there is a considerable disparity when it comes to
temperature stress in plants. Some plants wilt when the mercury begins to climb, while others are at their best in
extremes that would leave weaker plants.
High temperatures affect plant growth in numerous ways. The most obvious are the effects of heat on
photosynthesis, in which plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, and respiration, an opposite process in which
plants use oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. Experts at Colorado State University Extension explain that both
processes increase when temperatures rise. However, when temperatures reach uncomfortably high limits (which
depends on the plant), the two processes become unbalanced. The effect of temperature on plants varies widely, and
is influenced by factors such as exposure to sunlight, moisture drainage, elevation, difference between day and night
temperatures, and proximity to surrounding rock structure (thermal heat mass).
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When high temperatures recur year after year, plants can develop a heat stress memory (thermo-priming),
that, when triggered, sets them up to minimize temperature damage (thermotolerance). They can also adapt their
leaves and other structures to better deal with heat. Some heat acclimation mechanisms include a changed leaf
orientation, rolled leaves or small hairs that shade the leaf surface; all of which reduce sun exposure and heat
absorption. Or, leaves might be covered with a thick waxy cuticle that keeps water in.
Adapted from

9. The topic of the passage is 11. They can also adapt their leaves and other
(A) Germination as the most important stage in structures to better deal with heat. The sentence
plants life. above can be restated as
(B) The effects of temperature to the plant’s (A) Plants might adapt with their environment
growth. by adjust their leaves and structures.
(C) Several factors contributing to the plants (B) Plants’ leaves and structures are the only
bloom. which can adapt with heat.
(D) The process of how plants grow. (C) In order to deal more with heat, plants are
(E) Several plants that resist to weather change. also able to adjust their leaves and other
10. What likely motivates the author in writing the (D) To deal with their leaves and structures,
passage? plants can adapt with heat.
(A) People awareness to several factors (E) To get better leaves and structures, plants
contributing to plants growth. tend to adapt with heat.
(B) There is adequate information about factors
contributing to plants growth. 12. The word proximity is similar in meaning to
(C) Not many people have information about (A) distinction. (D) saturation.
several plants which bloom in summer. (B) remoteness. (E) relation.
(D) There is a misconception about the effects (C) closeness.
of temperature to plants.
(E) Not many people know that temperature
has a significant role to plants growth.

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the following text.

Creating a marketing strategy is a major step for a company when developing a product or service. The
marketing strategy incorporates the marketing mix. This is a business tool that helps marketers position a product
and includes the 4Ps: product, price, promotion, and place. When developing your marketing strategy, a company
has to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Doing research helps determine what is working for the company
and any issues that may need to be fixed.
The company should first know who their target market is. The target market is the customers who will most
likely purchase your product. Researching who your consumers are and what they want out of your products is
helpful. By utilizing product testing, a company can learn more about their target market and how to make their
product better. Surveys are also a way to learn more about a product.
The next step is to determine ways to advertise and promote your product. You want to raise awareness for
your product and create a strong brand. Utilizing different methods of advertising helps get a brand's message
across. Using social media to help convey messages is one avenue a company should focus on pursuing. Some
social media websites are Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Another way to advertise is through
traditional media, such as television commercials or ads in magazines. To develop a well-rounded marketing
strategy, it is beneficial to utilize multiple marketing channels to help communicate with various consumers.
Adapted from:

13. The word “purchase’ in paragraph 2 could be (A) obligatory. (D) possibility
best replaced by (B) capability. (E) prediction.
(A) sell. (D) trade. (C) suggestion.
(B) bargain. (E) buy.
(C) retail. 15. To advertise the product, the company need to
… awareness for the product and create a strong
14. “…, a company can learn more about their brand.
target market and …” (Paragraph 2) (A) dwindle (D) extend
The word “can’ be used to express (B) restrain (E) facilitate
(C) diminish
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Questions 16 to 18 are based on the following passage.

Buried in the flood of data from the Kepler telescope is a planetary system unlike any seen before. Two of its
apparent planets share the same orbit around their star. If the discovery is confirmed, it would bolster a theory that
Earth once shared its orbit with a Mars-sized body that later crashed into it, resulting in the moon’s formation. The
two planets are part of a four-planet system dubbed KOI-730. They circle their sun-like parent star every 9.8 days at
exactly the same orbital distance.
Gravitational “sweet spots” make this possible. When one body such as a planet orbits a much more massive
body (a star), there are two Lagrange points along the planet’s orbit where a third body can orbit stably. These lie 60
degrees ahead of and 60 degrees behind the smaller object. For example, groups of asteroids called Trojans lie at
these points along Jupiter’s orbit.
In theory, matter in a disc of material around a newborn star could coalesce into so-called co-orbiting planets,
but no one had spotted evidence of this before. “Systems like this are not common, as this is the only one we have
seen,” says Jack Lissauer of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. Lissauer and colleagues
describe the KOI-730 system in a paper submitted to The Astrophysical Journal.
Richard Gott and Edward Belbruno at Princeton University say we may even have evidence of the
phenomenon in our own cosmic backyard. The moon is thought to have formed about 50 million years after the birth
of the solar system, from the debris of a collision between a Mars-sized body and Earth. Simulations suggest the
impactor, Theia, must have come in at a low speed. According to Gott and Belbruno, this could only have happened
if Theia had originated in a leading or trailing Lagrange point along Earth’s orbit. “The new finds show the kind of
thing we imagined can happen”, Gott says.
Adapted from

16. What does the passage mainly discuss? (C) Sentence 2 suggests the theory of moon
(A) A university research regarding planets formation while sentence 3 suggests the
sharing the same orbit. finding of the theory.
(B) A planetary system which has ever seen (D) Sentence 2 describe the facts about planets’
before. orbit while sentence 3 talks about the
(C) A new finding that suggests two planets orbital distance in solar system.
sharing same orbit. (E) Sentence 2 tells about the new findings of a
(D) The formation of new born planets new planet while sentence 3 proves the
happened prior to 50 million years ago. finding regarding new planet.
(E) Two Lagrange points along the planet’s
orbit where a third body can orbit stably. 18. What is the writer’s motive in writing the
17. According to the passage, how does the idea in (A) To present theory regarding how the planets
sentence 2 and sentence 3 in paragraph 4 relate? share same orbit in solar system.
(A) Sentence 2 describes how the moon was (B) To probe about the misconception of the
formed 50 million years ago, while formation of the moon.
sentence 3 suggests the simulation of the (C) To inform the new finding related to the
impact in certain speed. two planets sharing same orbit.
(B) Sentence 2 suggest the theory of the (D) To discuss about the formation of moon 50
newborn planet formation while sentence 3 million years ago.
describes the effect of collision among (E) To elaborate the theory of new finding
planets. related new celestial objects.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following passage.

Bacterial infections have a large impact on public health. Disease can occur at any body site and can be
caused by the organism itself or by the body's response to its presence. Bacteria are transmitted to humans through
air, water, food, or living vectors. The principal modes of transmission of bacterial infection are contact, airborne,
droplet, vectors, and vehicular. Preventive measures have a dramatic impact on morbidity and mortality. Such
measures include water treatment, immunization of animals and humans, and personal hygiene. Bacterial resistance
to antibiotics is a growing concern mandating their prudent use.
Bacteria are ubiquitous. They play an important role in maintaining the environment in which we live. Only a
small percentage of the world's bacteria cause infection and disease. These bacterial infections have a large impact
on public health. As a general rule, bacterial infections are easier to treat than viral infections, since the
armamentarium of antimicrobial agents with activity against bacteria is more extensive. More so than with
infectious diseases caused by viruses and parasites, however, bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is a rapidly
growing problem with potentially devastating consequences.
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Bacteria are unique among the prokaryotes in that so many of them are normal flora that colonize the host
without causing infection. Once a person is infected, clinically apparent disease may or may not be seen, and only in
a small subset of infections do we see clinically significant disease. Bacterial infections can be transmitted by a
variety of mechanisms. In order to be spread, a sufficient number of organisms must survive in the environment and
reach a susceptible host. Many bacteria have adapted to survive in water, soil, food, and elsewhere. Some infect
vectors such as animals or insects before being transmitted to another human.
Several factors lead to the development of bacterial infection and disease. First, the infectivity of an organism
determines the number of individuals that will be infected compared to the number who are susceptible and exposed.
Second, the pathogenicity is a measure of the potential for an infectious organism to cause disease. Pathogenic
bacteria possess characteristics that allow them to evade the body's protective mechanisms and use its resources,
causing disease. Finally, virulence describes the organism's propensity to cause disease, through properties such as
invasiveness and the production of toxins.
Host factors are critical in determining whether disease will develop following transmission of a bacterial
agent. These factors include genetic makeup, nutritional status, age, duration of exposure to the organism, and
coexisting illnesses. The environment also plays a role in host susceptibility. Air pollution as well as chemicals and
contaminants in the environment weaken the body's defenses against bacterial infection.

19. According to the passage, in which paragraph 21. What is the writer’s attitude toward the
does the author mention about the medium in passage?
which bacteria can be transferred into human? (A) Placid. (D) Pessimistic.
(A) Paragraph 1. (D) Paragraph 1 & 4. (B) Optimistic. (E) Concerned.
(B) Paragraph 1 & 2. (E) Paragraph 1 & 5. (C) Scientific.
(C) Paragraph 1 & 3.
22. According to the passage, it can be summarized
20. The sentence “Bacteria are unique among the that
prokaryotes in that so many of them are normal (A) Bacteria is one of the prokaryotes which
flora that colonize the host without causing have big impact to our environment.
infection” could best be restated as (B) Many bacteria have adapted to survive in
(A) Bacteria are different from other water, soil, food, and elsewhere before
prokaryotes in that so many of them are being transmitted to another human.
general in appearance flora that seize the (C) Bacterial infections can be transmitted by a
host that can cause infection. variety of mechanisms.
(B) Among the other prokaryotes, bacteria are (D) Bacteria can be beneficial to human health;
uncommon because many of them are therefore, it is considered unique among
normal flora which conquer the host another prokaryotes.
without causing disease. (E) Bacteria play an important role in
(C) Bacteria which exclude to other maintaining our environment for it has both
prokaryotes are thought to be unique positive and negative impact.
because they have normal flora which can
stay in the house without causing disease.
(D) Among the unique another bacterium,
prokaryotes are normal because many of
them are normal flora which overcome the
host without causing infection.
(E) Infection can’t be colonized by normal flora
to the host because many of them are
considered a unique bacterium among
another prokaryotes.

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